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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. I did yes and I am sorry to hear about you misfortune anyways! :( I hope though you feel better and if you need someone to talk to... you know what to do lol! I have spoken very little Russian and these things take time to master xxx

  2. Yeah I thought it was a leak or something but yeah the wait is killing me!!! BHAR came out wayback in 2006, I was 16 then and got the album in the first week of UK release!

  3. Ah i wish! Na I worked the whole day then went home and tried to write some more songs! I wasn't that bothered as I don't believe on the whole flowers n chocs thing...Poetry for the win!!! xxx

  4. Heeeeelloo!!! I haven't spoken to you on a while!!! Whats up?? x

  5. Hey I saw this supposed new muse song on youtube... turns out it was a song called black hope shot down by Zornik! :( xx

  6. Mmm not much, had a little jamming session with friends (played TIRO) erm coursework... lots of coursework. I went out for a 'few' drinks with friends last night! Hey I was wondering if you have any pictures of yourself?? xx

  7. Haha wow I can see it's been a long time since I posted on here! I have been ok thanks, mostly rushed under with coursework but I have found some time to see the occasional gig and hang out with friends ooo check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiZDsaPzTN8 might be from the new album! xxx

  8. Hello again!!! How are things in Ukraine?? Have you seen the news about the new Muse album?? xx

  9. Hey Alicia hows things again?? I finally managed to enjoy the RAH DVD... FINALLY!!! xx

  10. Hey havent spoken to you in a while!!! Have been busy dwnloading the Muse DVD :p xxx

  11. I just sat reading my muse tab books... so basicaly self taught. I can play songs like KoC all the way through but i remember when I first started out! Just play a muse song for a couple hours a day and you can nail it. This site is awesome for tabs http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/muse_tabs.htm

    hope this helps?? xx

  12. Hey its been ages!!! Have you been up to much in 2009?? Did you do anything this valentines day too?? xx

  13. Ha thanks. I know a lot of muse songs... probably nearly all the songs I can play are muse songs lol! Yeah I have been playing guitar for about 2 years now but each day you can learn something new!!!! xx

  14. hey did you have an awesome valentines day?? Hope you got some nice things! xxx

  15. Erm I don't think they will be on sale again fir a while, like proper sale. Presale was ages ago and my friend was lucky enough to get 2 tickets!!! x

  16. the whole of the demo?? some of the segments on youtube are only 50 secs long? What was the link again?? x

  17. Hey again I hope you are enjoying 2009!!! I heard tha the new Muse album will be out i sept!!! can't wait xx

  18. Hey do you like the new Franz Ferdinand song Ulysses?? xx

  19. Hello again!!! Hows things in your life?? :p xx

  20. Hey, How are you again?? I haven't spoken to you in a long time! I start filming my documentary soon!!!! Hows things?? xx

  21. They are pretty good yes... but the lead singer has really bad haircut lol! Kinda liking them more now! xx

  22. Seriously.... I wish!!! Na I think last I heard there are only about 3 in existence! One of Muse have one, some guy got one at an auction (prob cost alot) and I think Dom's ex girlfriend has the other! I know that there are versions on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcvuRTiVHnw&feature=related


    and theres more just take a look ;) hope that helps!!!! xx

  23. Good thanks just a bit rushed with all the sudden work lol! Need a nice long break really! Have you heard much about the new Muse album and the supposed release?? I'll do some more digging and get back to you :p xx

  24. Hey again! I hope you are looking forward to the supposed release date of the new Muse album?? I heard sept but I hope they will be playing a few UK festivals this year!!!

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