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Haha I have almost 1500 posts on the Lollaboards? I'm target #1. Some of them have even come over and trolled here because of me. The shit I take from them. :p


But yeah, seriously, if you're a super Pitchfork whore, I wouldn't recommend that Lollaboards... Llama has managed to do pretty well over there though. But yeah, threads like that one are just there to antagonize me, seriously. :LOL:

A lot of the people over there are dicks


But for some reason I find it fun and keep coming back

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ahhh yes this is so great.


BTW, most of the people on the lolla board and apparently lolla veterans haaatteee

Muse. idk why, but they just really aren't fans. in fact, a new thread was posted today entitled, " The Race to 10K Posts: The Muse Depreciation Thread ". so yeah just a heads up. I'm not too well liked on there ;)


Yeah, I noticed. I made like one or two posts and quickly said that place wasn't for me. It makes the assholes over here look like pussy cats :LOL:


Well this could work to our advantage.. non of those people will be waiting around for them and musers will get better spots for the show :LOL:


My thoughts exactly.



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So I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyways. I have very limited time to be online during the day as I'm at work and I would really like to get a golden ticket (the $60 ones). They sell out in minutes and the odds are that I won't be aware when they go on sale. I only need one for myself so if someone has the opportunity to buy one, can you please please please buy one for me too? I will pay you back and I will buy you a drink or lunch or something. :D

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ahhh yes this is so great.


BTW, most of the people on the lolla board and apparently lolla veterans haaatteee

Muse. idk why, but they just really aren't fans. in fact, a new thread was posted today entitled, " The Race to 10K Posts: The Muse Depreciation Thread ". so yeah just a heads up. I'm not too well liked on there ;)


:LOL::LOL::LOL: I'm so amused with people like that. That's why I despise forums because I just get addicted (like others have said) and keep fighting them. Then I get myself pissed off and feel utterly irrational because it's just the internet. Still, it's things like this which make me lose more faith in humanity. I can't afford to lose more faith in humanity...especially over stupid things like that. But alas...

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Well, this has likely been posted, but you know, just piling evidence I guess...



I'm really looking forward to Muse (duh) and the Fooies! Both of them at one festival... just too good to be true.


Where's that "Haters Gonna Hate" pic of Matt with the award and the duck face? :LOL: Seriously, why all this hate for Muse? If you don't like them, go somewhere else and we'll take over whatever stage they'll be at. :musesign:


On a happier note...do you guys consider this enough evidence to book flights yet? I'm getting a little trigger-happy, but I haven't gone crazy yet. :chuckle:

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On a happier note...do you guys consider this enough evidence to book flights yet? I'm getting a little trigger-happy, but I haven't gone crazy yet. :chuckle:


Way to steal my question, Flor :p


My parents and I are gonna talk about it this weekend. We're debating becauses prices are def gonna go up closer to August, but I don't wanna end up wasting money on a flight only to find out they aren't doing Lolla after all!

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Chicago would never be the same after.


Im driving down from Upper Michigan. So, if there is anyone in Upper Michigan or Eastern Wisconsin that wants a ride, let me know. If I stay with my friend it will be about 45 mins south of the city. Im reserving my right to get a room, and to have the best looking female muser to stay with me. :LOL::D


*gasp* You're from Upper Michigan? Me too! I live in Marquette. What part of the UP do you live in and do you wanna meet up?

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So I have an idea and I feel like I'll either get shot down for it, or revered as a genius.

As you may or may not know, people in the past (including myself) have thrown socks at Matt during a break in the gig when Matt is speaking, etc. Well I think it would be funny if everyone who's going to be on barrier got a pair of socks and then at a certain cue everyone throws them up :D I personally think it would be hilarious.


Genius or lunatic?

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So I have an idea and I feel like I'll either get shot down for it, or revered as a genius.

As you may or may not know, people in the past (including myself) have thrown socks at Matt during a break in the gig when Matt is speaking, etc. Well I think it would be funny if everyone who's going to be on barrier got a pair of socks and then at a certain cue everyone throws them up :D I personally think it would be hilarious.


Genius or lunatic?


We did this at Nassau. It was mildly successful but really not as exciting as I'd hoped it be when I thought of it. Throwing the Superman underwear signed by everyone in line was MUCH more satisfying. :D

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This has probably been asked and answered before but when will tickets go on sale?

I'm thinking about maybe flying in from Germany as I have the chance to get a cheap flight (crazy Musers are crazy, I know ;)). There's no camping at Lolla, right? Does anyone have any experiences with couch-surfing during Lolla-time?

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Hey guys, Wikipedia says Muse, the Foos, and Eminem are headlining Lolla '11, so it must be true. :LOL:


I'm thinking about maybe flying in from Germany as I have the chance to get a cheap flight (crazy Musers are crazy, I know ;)). There's no camping at Lolla, right? Does anyone have any experiences with couch-surfing during Lolla-time?


There's no camping, but a group of us will be staying at a nearby hostel. You can book for less than $7, and if you go, it'll cost about $35 a night. Others will be sharing rooms at the Travelodge. :)

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yea -- for me , 2nd post in quite a while...relatively speaking.


nevertheless, given the "rumored headliners", what night are we projecting muse to (possibly) make their mark? saturday?


lolla has historically done some odd things -- putting "rappers" last (i.e. sunday). radiohead on a friday back in 2k8...[insert muse/RH comparisons]...and that was the festival where black racket also appeared on a sunday (Kanye). OTOH, Eminem is apparently being charged/anointed/being demanded to perform some sort of 'historic, re-energizing performance.' meh.


best case scenario...for me anyway:


muse headlines on, perhaps, saturday...and then they play an, ahem, undisclosed-ish gig on one of the three nights..and muse creates a contest / gives an opportunity for peeps on their website to possibly (win/attend) a small gig -- whether it be a pre-show gig (day-wise), an after-show gig {yet they'll get tired after a 1.5 hr set at Lolla, right...?], or a "we're still here in Chi-town post-main-show...can we lure you away from the masses and get you to come to "X" show at "bizarre-ass" "Y" location on (Saturday or Sunday)?


IDEA: kate hudson, matt, and even Chris could play...'HIDE THE BABY': PLUG (SOMETHING) INTO (SOMETHING) BABY-ISH AND WIN TIX.' that would be one heck of a marketing tactic. thinking spontaneously, i think i might develop this shebang and get a ball rolling...



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yea -- for me , 2nd post in quite a while...relatively speaking.


nevertheless, given the "rumored headliners", what night are we projecting muse to (possibly) make their mark? saturday?


lolla has historically done some odd things -- putting "rappers" last (i.e. sunday). radiohead on a friday back in 2k8...[insert muse/RH comparisons]...and that was the festival where black racket also appeared on a sunday (Kanye). OTOH, Eminem is apparently being charged/anointed/being demanded to perform some sort of 'historic, re-energizing performance.' meh.


best case scenario...for me anyway:


muse headlines on, perhaps, saturday...and then they play an, ahem, undisclosed-ish gig on one of the three nights..and muse creates a contest / gives an opportunity for peeps on their website to possibly (win/attend) a small gig -- whether it be a pre-show gig (day-wise), an after-show gig {yet they'll get tired after a 1.5 hr set at Lolla, right...?], or a "we're still here in Chi-town post-main-show...can we lure you away from the masses and get you to come to "X" show at "bizarre-ass" "Y" location on (Saturday or Sunday)?


IDEA: kate hudson, matt, and even Chris could play...'HIDE THE BABY': PLUG (SOMETHING) INTO (SOMETHING) BABY-ISH AND WIN TIX.' that would be one heck of a marketing tactic. thinking spontaneously, i think i might develop this shebang and get a ball rolling...





That was quite....well I don't even know the word for it

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yea -- for me , 2nd post in quite a while...relatively speaking.


nevertheless, given the "rumored headliners", what night are we projecting muse to (possibly) make their mark? saturday?


lolla has historically done some odd things -- putting "rappers" last (i.e. sunday). radiohead on a friday back in 2k8...[insert muse/RH comparisons]...and that was the festival where black racket also appeared on a sunday (Kanye). OTOH, Eminem is apparently being charged/anointed/being demanded to perform some sort of 'historic, re-energizing performance.' meh.


best case scenario...for me anyway:


muse headlines on, perhaps, saturday...and then they play an, ahem, undisclosed-ish gig on one of the three nights..and muse creates a contest / gives an opportunity for peeps on their website to possibly (win/attend) a small gig -- whether it be a pre-show gig (day-wise), an after-show gig {yet they'll get tired after a 1.5 hr set at Lolla, right...?], or a "we're still here in Chi-town post-main-show...can we lure you away from the masses and get you to come to "X" show at "bizarre-ass" "Y" location on (Saturday or Sunday)?


IDEA: kate hudson, matt, and even Chris could play...'HIDE THE BABY': PLUG (SOMETHING) INTO (SOMETHING) BABY-ISH AND WIN TIX.' that would be one heck of a marketing tactic. thinking spontaneously, i think i might develop this shebang and get a ball rolling...




I love the optimism. That is the sort of speculations I try to come up with as well. You never know, it does sound realistic except for the last bottom idea, lol.

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