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no one can make a manson guitar like that except for mansons


But they won't make it anyway as that's a custom for matt. the closest one you can get is an MB-1.


as for a copy, there's not really anyone around here who can build you one at this point. i would recommend zooropa for the lols, but i don't think i'm going to go that low.

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The tronical system tunes for you, that just seems to give you an indication for if your in tune or not.


Yeah. Thinking about it, the M1D1 seemed to have some tuning issues.


as for that n-tune thing, on paper it's not a bad idea, but seeing a tiny knob on a dark stage?


Not good....it never is....



_space_dementia, do you mean you have to buy them in bulk or something?

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james, well i have contacted tronical themselves a few times about the kits as you used to be able to buy them in kits(either 6 in line for fender or 3-aside for gibson) but since gibson started the darkfire project they have a deal where they just manufacture them for gibson guitars and dont sell the kits anymore which is a bit annoying!! i guess matt/hugh had the the kit for the new chrome kaoss guitar laying around a while as its been a year or more since they stopped the kits.

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no guitar's neck has the same fluid feel like one from an air guitar. period.


Plus the inbuilt tuning system on air guitars ensure you never play a bum note. It automatically detects them and just corrects 'em for you.

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Plus the inbuilt tuning system on air guitars ensure you never play a bum note. It automatically detects them and just corrects 'em for you.


Nobody shreds as fast and precise like I do..





..on an air guitar.

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how much would it be to have a guitar that sounds like matts like i know you wont get his custum silver one but another type of manson how much would we be looking at cause im thinking of buying another guitar soon and these guitars seem sweet


Det a guitar with high output passive humbuckers, or if you have the money, swap the pickups for like a MBK-2 set.

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2000 yikes im not in that kinda price range at the moment im lookin around 700 , what would be a good sustitute guitar for a one that would sound well for there kinda music , im using a PRS soapbar at the moment i think thats a little more of a metal guitar then rock but it still sounds decent enough im just missin a whammy bar which would add to a few of muse's songs

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2000 yikes im not in that kinda price range at the moment im lookin around 700 , what would be a good sustitute guitar for a one that would sound well for there kinda music , im using a PRS soapbar at the moment i think thats a little more of a metal guitar then rock but it still sounds decent enough im just missin a whammy bar which would add to a few of muse's songs


a soapbar is a metal guitar? O_o

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