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Hiya! Can I please keep the last verse of Sing for Absolution - 'Our wrongs remain unrectified, and our souls won't be exhumed'. I searched for it every way I could think of and couldn't find anything, so hope its okay. Thanks!

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Could I keep the San siro gig? and Bliss @ Rock Am Ring?


i didnt see this but mught of overlooked it, if its not taken can u be the keeper of the bliss video


I think that it was taken, but it's not in the list. so, if I will find the real keeper, you have to give it back.

i know that they haven't played this one yet but i would like to own the rio rancho gig oct. 1 2010 please...


I want to keep:


guard over Matt's sheep


RedStar, does anyone own Matt's libido in any other wording?


I'm not sure I want it, just curious.

I don't think it's taken.

Can I lastly claim:

- "You'll feel broken inside, you'll feel" - fwom Spiral Static

- and Showbiz's album artwork.

:D Thankyouuuu!


This is probably a stupid question, but is anyone keeping the Glitterati? If for some insane reason nobody's thought to claim it yet, can I keep it? :awesome:

the glitterati is taken

Hiya! Can I please keep the last verse of Sing for Absolution - 'Our wrongs remain unrectified, and our souls won't be exhumed'. I searched for it every way I could think of and couldn't find anything, so hope its okay. Thanks!


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Just to let you all know, when I say "will be added" what I mean is that it's free and that RedStar will add the keep, so unless he has told you that your keep has been added, please don't add it to your signatures or whatever until he has told you, I am just letting you know whether your keep is free or not. :)

Sorry for any inconvienience <-- and bad spelling. Thanks.


Wa... I can't find my other keeps... So I'll just assume they were refused lol


Are you just keeper of the drum set from HAARP? Cause I found that on the second page...or are you keeper of anything else?


can I have the next album, whatever it may be?


Will be added

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Just to let you all know, when I say "will be added" what I mean is that it's free and that RedStar will add the keep, so unless he has told you that your keep has been added, please don't add it to your signatures or whatever until he has told you, I am just letting you know whether your keep is free or not. :)

Sorry for any inconvienience <-- and bad spelling. Thanks.




Are you just keeper of the drum set from HAARP? Cause I found that on the second page...or are you keeper of anything else?




Will be added


I had posted a few times in this thread asking for keeps, but I keep losing the posts because this thread advances so fast, so I have no way of knowing if they were refused or not. And yes, I was approved for the transparent drumset.

And so far, I do not know if I am the keeper of anything else considering the pace of this thread, lol .

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I had posted a few times in this thread asking for keeps, but I keep losing the posts because this thread advances so fast, so I have no way of knowing if they were refused or not. And yes, I was approved for the transparent drumset.

And so far, I do not know if I am the keeper of anything else considering the pace of this thread, lol .


Would you mind asking for your other desired keeps again? Then I can check for you. :)

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Could I pleeeeeease have "There's no justice in the world and there never was" ? I couldn't find it on the list :eek: I love that line and it always gives me the chills. Please, please, please? :supersad: And because Back To The Future is my favourite film, could I have "the fact that Dom Howard wants a BTTF DeLorean" ? Yeeeeah... sorry for asking alot :supersad:

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Would you mind asking for your other desired keeps again? Then I can check for you. :)



I browsed every page and searched, but I found nothing.

EDIT: Found my posts here:



What is the difference between these two threads, now I am confused... :O

I guess my posts were wiped or something.

Hope no one claimed them cause that would be unfair considering I had claimed them a long time ago... /le sigh

I'll try to remember what they were, here are some at the moment, just on the top of my head:




Bells' black and white (striped) belt with the white suspenders.




Dom's underwear from the Undisclosed Desires video.




Half jean half leather pants.

Black coat with red stripes and black buttons.

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can I have the next album, whatever it may be?


Could I pleeeeeease have "There's no justice in the world and there never was" ? I couldn't find it on the list :eek: I love that line and it always gives me the chills. Please, please, please? :supersad: And because Back To The Future is my favourite film, could I have "the fact that Dom Howard wants a BTTF DeLorean" ? Yeeeeah... sorry for asking alot :supersad:


I browsed every page and searched, but I found nothing.

EDIT: Found my posts here:



What is the difference between these two threads, now I am confused... :O

I guess my posts were wiped or something.

Hope no one claimed them cause that would be unfair considering I had claimed them a long time ago... /le sigh

I'll try to remember what they were, here are some at the moment, just on the top of my head:




Bells' black and white (striped) belt with the white suspenders.




Dom's underwear from the Undisclosed Desires video.




Half jean half leather pants.

Black coat with red stripes and black buttons.


your old keeps are updated

this is the new keeper thread. the other one where you posted were the old one, and now it's closed.

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Thanks for the keeps.


btw, I will keep Kriistaque, I have her permission. And she will keep me, she has my permission. ^^


and i wanna keep Matt's smile in Wembley 2007, when he announces that the next song will be B&H. can I?? :))

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Can I give up...

the B in Bellamy

Space Dementia Intro

Matt's strangely bird like nose


Thanks :)


Sure, we'll sort that for you


oooh ill take the space dementia intro!


Will be added


Can I keep MK Ultra and Starlight at the Stade de France ( 11th June 2010 ) please :D ?


They're both free, but you can only have one cause you already keep 4 things from the general "band category (that includes songs, performancs, etc...) and you can only have 5 from each category, so just let us know which one you want. :)


Can I keep the user Korni? :happy:


Thanks for the keeps.


btw, I will keep Kriistaque, I have her permission. And she will keep me, she has my permission. ^^


and i wanna keep Matt's smile in Wembley 2007, when he announces that the next song will be B&H. can I?? :))


Will be added

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