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Time for some tags appreciation: sex with dom, sex with matt, sex with sex, what about chris? - they make me laugh, the order is funny too.


In somewhat related news: My sis had an epic dream last month. Long dream short: She dreamt she won the lottery and she & I went to the USA. I did a webdesign internship and she took part in a study where they measured men's brain waves as an reaction to idk what. People they tested: MuteMath, someone else and Muse. After the test she could choose who to travel with on the tourbus, MuteMath or Muse. Muse had a concert that night, MuteMath on the next night. She went with Muse. She called me at my internship and reminded me that the concert is later that day and told me that we got a meet & greet now. She asked me if I wanted to talk to Matt and gave him the phone. So I talked with Matt and then he tells my sis that I just spilled my coffee over the intership's computer & keyboard (:LOL: rl habit). And my sis told Matt "That happens a lot. Tell her not to worry, I'll pay for it."

Then there was a time jump to later that day: Sis & I rocking out at the concert... in the VIP area.

Time jump to after the concert: I was flirting with Matt and then we were totally making out. My sis was sitting at the table with Chris and Dom, and Dom played with the drumsticks. Chris pulled the table away, so Dom accidently hit my sister's leg with the drumsticks - it was broken... the leg. The three went to the hospital. Chris was silent, Dom had a guilty conscience and looked after my sis. Later she was with crutches at a concert.

At least some weeks later: Matt & I were a couple, Dom & sis were a couple. Sis and I accompanied Muse on their American tour. At a concert Matt shouted that he loves me. Which promted Dom to shout that he loves my sis. To outdo Dom Matt shouted that he loves me more. :LOL:

And at a later concert Matt asked me to marry him.

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Time for some tags appreciation: sex with dom, sex with matt, sex with sex, what about chris? - they make me laugh, the order is funny too.


In somewhat related news: My sis had an epic dream last month. Long dream short: She dreamt she won the lottery and she & I went to the USA. I did a webdesign internship and she took part in a study where they measured men's brain waves as an reaction to idk what. People they tested: MuteMath, someone else and Muse. After the test she could choose who to travel with on the tourbus, MuteMath or Muse. Muse had a concert that night, MuteMath on the next night. She went with Muse. She called me at my internship and reminded me that the concert is later that day and told me that we got a meet & greet now. She asked me if I wanted to talk to Matt and gave him the phone. So I talked with Matt and then he tells my sis that I just spilled my coffee over the intership's computer & keyboard (:LOL: rl habit). And my sis told Matt "That happens a lot. Tell her not to worry, I'll pay for it."

Then there was a time jump to later that day: Sis & I rocking out at the concert... in the VIP area.

Time jump to after the concert: I was flirting with Matt and then we were totally making out. My sis was sitting at the table with Chris and Dom, and Dom played with the drumsticks. Chris pulled the table away, so Dom accidently hit my sister's leg with the drumsticks - it was broken... the leg. The three went to the hospital. Chris was silent, Dom had a guilty conscience and looked after my sis. Later she was with crutches at a concert.

At least some weeks later: Matt & I were a couple, Dom & sis were a couple. Sis and I accompanied Muse on their American tour. At a concert Matt shouted that he loves me. Which promted Dom to shout that he loves my sis. To outdo Dom Matt shouted that he loves me more. :LOL:

And at a later concert Matt asked me to marry him.


Dreams are the most fun ever!!! :D

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No doubt due to the fact that my mate and I were talking about Chris owning a large collection of stuffed toys, I had a dream of Chris buying stuffed toys. It was great, we were both in Tescos and he had this stuffed pink unicorn in his hand. I walked up to him and was like 'aww, is that for your daughter, I'm going to buy one for my neice.' He turned to face me and was like 'No! my daughter won't appreciate the beauty of this toy. It's for me. I'm going to call her *random name, don't remember what he said it was called* and I'll cherish her forever'. At this point my dream was interrrupted with my phone going off. *Matt saying 'floccinaucinihilipilification, it's a long word' :$*


One of my weirder dreams anyway...

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No doubt due to the fact that my mate and I were talking about Chris owning a large collection of stuffed toys, I had a dream of Chris buying stuffed toys. It was great, we were both in Tescos and he had this stuffed pink unicorn in his hand. I walked up to him and was like 'aww, is that for your daughter, I'm going to buy one for my neice.' He turned to face me and was like 'No! my daughter won't appreciate the beauty of this toy. It's for me. I'm going to call her *random name, don't remember what he said it was called* and I'll cherish her forever'. At this point my dream was interrrupted with my phone going off. *Matt saying 'floccinaucinihilipilification, it's a long word' :$*


One of my weirder dreams anyway...



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ROFLMAO!! I'm quoting you in red below :


"(i don't know why but Dom it's always in my dreams a women or it's dressed like one!)"

- I know why, cuz he's always dressed in girls clothes in real life!! He's half a fag....


"I and Matt meet Cinderella, Cinderella was Dom :LOL:, and "she" ask to Matt that if he can be the prince tonight..."

hahah!! The loving couple we all know and love!



"Matt say yes and he was super-hyper-mega hot whit that prince outfit.If my mum's got today photoshop i will make a photo like Matt was.so..."



'"Yo Dom i'm happy for you and i'mma let you finish but the little mermaid is one of the best disney princess of all the time!, of all th time!".'

I'm almost peeing in my pants!! so funnyyyy:LOL::LOL:

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I had another Muse dream!!


Okay so i was walking in a desert in long blades were swinging above me (MC!!) but it was Chris moving them like he was really big and sitting in the clouds or summat. Then Matt appeared and said 'come with me' and then we got into a hot air ballon shaped like a black elephant and Dom and Hilary Duff was there, but Hilary Duff was like all gothish with black eyeliner and black lipstick and hair like Tonks from Harry Potter. And then they started to point out as the balloon drifted. And Dom said, "Oh look thats the supermarket where I like to shop" and Hilary said, "Oh yeah they have really good pineapples" and then Matt climbed off the edge of the balloon which was like 100m off the ground and began floating down like he was made of paper :D and Dom said, "Oh good job Matt he's always wanted to try this," and then Dom and I also climed over and drifted down. And we landed in the middle of a highway and idk where Hilary went but then the dream ended :D

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I had another Muse dream!!


Okay so i was walking in a desert in long blades were swinging above me (MC!!) but it was Chris moving them like he was really big and sitting in the clouds or summat. Then Matt appeared and said 'come with me' and then we got into a hot air ballon shaped like a black elephant and Dom and Hilary Duff was there, but Hilary Duff was like all gothish with black eyeliner and black lipstick and hair like Tonks from Harry Potter. And then they started to point out as the balloon drifted. And Dom said, "Oh look thats the supermarket where I like to shop" and Hilary said, "Oh yeah they have really good pineapples" and then Matt climbed off the edge of the balloon which was like 100m off the ground and began floating down like he was made of paper :D and Dom said, "Oh good job Matt he's always wanted to try this," and then Dom and I also climed over and drifted down. And we landed in the middle of a highway and idk where Hilary went but then the dream ended :D


Wow...there's that recurring balloon theme....

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No doubt due to the fact that my mate and I were talking about Chris owning a large collection of stuffed toys, I had a dream of Chris buying stuffed toys. It was great, we were both in Tescos and he had this stuffed pink unicorn in his hand. I walked up to him and was like 'aww, is that for your daughter, I'm going to buy one for my neice.' He turned to face me and was like 'No! my daughter won't appreciate the beauty of this toy. It's for me. I'm going to call her *random name, don't remember what he said it was called* and I'll cherish her forever'. At this point my dream was interrrupted with my phone going off. *Matt saying 'floccinaucinihilipilification, it's a long word' :$*


One of my weirder dreams anyway...


cherish her forever

Edited by eyduh
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HAHAHAAHAHAH that's the most colorful-amazing relate of a dream that i ever read :happy:.

Well the prince photo have to wait, my mum didn't come whit photoshop and i have a huge

feeling that tomorrow she's not going to come whit the cd too :indiff:

and a I'mma let you finish-Cinderella it's going to be photoshoped too :awesome:, and the prince HAS TO BE DONE, he was so :pope:, what else can i say?:rolleyes:


I can't wait to see them!!

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Even though this is a dream I had a while back, I'm still going to post it. I was lazy back then :LOL:


So me and a lot of the kids in my school and the high school were in the high school football field where Muse was having a concert. I was like OMG MUSE! and I got front row. What I didn't like was that there weren't that much people...but the band didn't seem to mind. So they preformed Uprising (I think this dream happened during the first week Uprising came out) and everyone went crazy. They loved it like crazy. They loved it so much that they demanded for Muse to play it again. So they do so, but twice. Then Matt comes up on the bleachers and gives a whole speech about his life and how he even started his career. Everyone but me could care less because all the other people wanted was for them to play Uprising, again and again. As for me, I was soooooo interested in the speech that Matt gave up on the other people and decided to sit next to me and we had an interesting conversation about our lives. Apparently Matt loved me so much that he decided to let me play the guitar in the next song they were going to play which was not Uprising but Knights of Cydonia. Then I was like: But Matt, I don't know how to play the guitar. I only know violin. Then Matt gave me a quick 5 minute lesson and I knew how to play it. Perfectly. Then I play Knights of Cydonia with them and once again everyone liked it. Matt loved the preformance so much too that he claimed I was his new besist friend in the whole wide world and he decided to adopt me so I could be his daughter. Of course I said yes. Then he led me to the car saying that where going to go to the airport to fly to Italy, but I said: Matt I don't have my bags packed or anything. But then magically they all appeared along with my iPod and phone and such. Then the dream ended. I wonder how it would be to live with Matt :LOL:

Edited by Mariaq27
I suck at spelling...
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This may not be funny, but it was an odd dream.


I was at this concert. I have no idea where it was, but Muse was playing...sort of. Matt, Chris, and some random drummer were up on stage playing and Dom and I were off to the side talking a bit. Both Dom and I were wearing green skinnies. I'm not really sure what happened next because this dream was a long time ago, but then the concert was over. The theater cleared out and my mum and I went out to the lobby. Then I see Matt. I look down blushing and my mum's like, "don't you want to go talk to him?" and I'm like :yesey: so then I go over to him and (once again I don't really remember what I said) asked for an autograph and a couple pictures. I was nearly in hysterics. One of the pictures I had with him was casual, and then another one Matt grabbed me and started hugging me super tight :D For some scary, odd, how-did-i-even reason, I could smell him (yes super weird I know) but he smelled sooooo gooooood. :LOL: It was like, amazing. Anyway, I followed him back into the theater where Chris and Dom were and I made small talk with them not really knowing what to say then I stupidly left and yeah... weirdness... :unsure:

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Even though this is a dream I had a while back, I'm still going to post it. I was lazy back then :LOL:


So me and a lot of the kids in my school and the high school were in the high school football field where Muse was having a concert. I was like OMG MUSE! and I got front row. What I didn't like was that there weren't that much people...but the band didn't seem to mind. So they preformed Uprising (I think this dream happened during the first week Uprising came out) and everyone went crazy. They loved it like crazy. They loved it so much that they demanded for Muse to play it again. So they do so, but twice. Then Matt comes up on the bleachers and gives a whole speech about his life and how he even started his career. Everyone but me could care less because all the other people wanted was for them to play Uprising, again and again. As for me, I was soooooo interested in the speech that Matt gave up on the other people and decided to sit next to me and we had an interesting conversation about our lives. Apparently Matt loved me so much that he decided to let me play the guitar in the next song they were going to play which was not Uprising by Knights of Cydonia. Then I was like: But Matt, I don't know how to play the guitar. I only know violin. Then Matt gave me a quick 5 minute lesson and I knew how to play it. Perfectly. Then I play Knights of Cydonia with them and once again everyone liked it. Matt loved the preformance so much too that he claimed I was his new besist friend in the whole wide world and he decided to adopt me so I could be his daughter. Of course I said yes. Then he led me to the car saying that where going to go to the airport to fly to Italy, but I said: Matt I don't have my bags packed or anything. But then magically they all appeared along with my iPod and phone and such. Then the dream ended. I wonder how it would be to live with Matt :LOL:


:LOL: that's great

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Last night I had a dream that Dom died in my loungeroom :'(

A friend and I found him lying on the floor, shirtless (oh hush) and with a tourniquet on his arm, but below a cut. So I retied the tourniquet above the wound, and then I did CPR, but nothing happened :(

So then I freaked out, and I didn't know what to do with the body so I left it there, and waiting for someone to find it made me really anxious for the rest of the dream :(


At least my first aid training seems to be kicking in :erm:



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Last night I had a dream that Dom died in my loungeroom :'(

A friend and I found him lying on the floor, shirtless (oh hush) and with a tourniquet on his arm, but below a cut. So I retied the tourniquet above the wound, and then I did CPR, but nothing happened :(

So then I freaked out, and I didn't know what to do with the body so I left it there, and waiting for someone to find it made me really anxious for the rest of the dream :(


At least my first aid training seems to be kicking in :erm:






nothing else to say

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I had a dream last night, and Muse was in it, but they weren't like the main part like the other dreams. I thought I'd share it anyway, cause it was so weird and funny.


Basically, part of the dream, I was in a bar and Muse was playing. But instead, they were called Radiohead. And everyone was cheering and Matt went, "Hello, our band is called Radiohead!" and he started singing Just (You Do It To Yourself), and everyone went crazy, and whenever he sang "You do it to your sssseeeellllfff[/i", you know that part, he kinda sang it weirdly like that note in the pre-chorus of Undisclosed Desires, you know, "Toooouch me," that bit ^^


it was so funny and although it was only like 2 minutes of the entire dream (which isn't worth recounting), that was my favourite part and the only bit i remember properly haha

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I feel like I've already been at the Helsinki concert... because the dream felt too realistic, although quite freaky.


The concert was at a huge and majestic theatre, so everyone was sitting (on very luxurious seats, I might add) and there were only usual white lights, no flashy show. There were no decoarations on the stage, just the band. Everyone was dressed quite fancily, I had my favourite black dress on and was sitting next to my friend, who was somehow organizing the concert and used his walkie-talkie all the time.


As not all the seats were taken, I could ditch my place and sit in the first row. Muse came on the stage and they played some songs. The audience just sat and clapped. After a few songs, Matt said they were taking a break and some unknown band took the stage and did some acrobatic tricks as well. Everyone thought it was normal that Muse just took off for a while.


Then Matt came back, but Dom and Chris were still backstage and apparently refused to come out, because the show "wasn't rock enough". So Matt was left alone and did some songs, accompanying himself on the piano. Then he just stood there, looking a bit confused, and said he couldn't think of anything else to sing.


He hopped off the stage, taking his extendable microphone with him, and looked around. As I had sung along to the previous song (being the only one, everyone else just clapped), he pulled the microphone to me and asked me to recommend a song for a "Muse-karaoke".


Suddenly I was standing on the stage, feeling very shy and awkward and holding the microphone. I looked at Matt, got an encouraging nod and opened my mouth. "I know all the "serious Muse fans" will hate me now, but I'd really like to sing Starlight." Weirdly enough, it hadn't been played yet at that concert ;) So Matt jumped back on the stage, played the piano and sang, encouraging everyone to join him. We did some songs karaoke-style, clapping along, and then Matt took a bow, thanked everyone and left.


I sure hope the real Helsinki concert will be nothing like this :LOL:

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I feel like I've already been at the Helsinki concert... because the dream felt too realistic, although quite freaky.


The concert was at a huge and majestic theatre, so everyone was sitting (on very luxurious seats, I might add) and there were only usual white lights, no flashy show. There were no decoarations on the stage, just the band. Everyone was dressed quite fancily, I had my favourite black dress on and was sitting next to my friend, who was somehow organizing the concert and used his walkie-talkie all the time.


As not all the seats were taken, I could ditch my place and sit in the first row. Muse came on the stage and they played some songs. The audience just sat and clapped. After a few songs, Matt said they were taking a break and some unknown band took the stage and did some acrobatic tricks as well. Everyone thought it was normal that Muse just took off for a while.


Then Matt came back, but Dom and Chris were still backstage and apparently refused to come out, because the show "wasn't rock enough". So Matt was left alone and did some songs, accompanying himself on the piano. Then he just stood there, looking a bit confused, and said he couldn't think of anything else to sing.


He hopped off the stage, taking his extendable microphone with him, and looked around. As I had sung along to the previous song (being the only one, everyone else just clapped), he pulled the microphone to me and asked me to recommend a song for a "Muse-karaoke".


Suddenly I was standing on the stage, feeling very shy and awkward and holding the microphone. I looked at Matt, got an encouraging nod and opened my mouth. "I know all the "serious Muse fans" will hate me now, but I'd really like to sing Starlight." Weirdly enough, it hadn't been played yet at that concert ;) So Matt jumped back on the stage, played the piano and sang, encouraging everyone to join him. We did some songs karaoke-style, clapping along, and then Matt took a bow, thanked everyone and left.


I sure hope the real Helsinki concert will be nothing like this :LOL:



This is a great dream! :LOL:

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I had a dream that Raining_Muses (Taylor) lived near me and we were planning to meet up to go to the mall and talk about Muse really loudly so other people were jealous but then she moved away before we had the chance to. :(


Then I dreamt that Citizen Erased (Helen) came through the drive-thru where I work.


I spend way too much time on this board.

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