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This is more like deja-vu but, to me Muse's music seems like something I longed for in the distant past. Listening to "Resistance" from the Teignmouth gigs and I realize that the song is almost familiar, as if i dreamed about the song years ago, and that has finally come to reality. I find it with every song they write. Every new Muse song i hear is completely new to me...yet vaguely familiar. :unsure:

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This is more like deja-vu but, to me Muse's music seems like something I longed for in the distant past. Listening to "Resistance" from the Teignmouth gigs and I realize that the song is almost familiar, as if i dreamed about the song years ago, and that has finally come to reality. I find it with every song they write. Every new Muse song i hear is completely new to me...yet vaguely familiar. :unsure:



That is :awesome::yesey:. That was the same with me and Muscle Museum:happy:

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I was smoking marihuana with Matt. Or to be exact we were eating it.


that's all I'm going to tell you :LOL: it got so weird after that.

:LOL: Funny.


I had a dream I was walking home on a hot day, Matt drove past and "heard" me listening to Muse on my iPod. Turns out his car as some system that track down people listening to Muse. Anyhoo, he gave me lift because he wanted to be a gentleman. Of course I said yes!

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:LOL: Funny.


I had a dream I was walking home on a hot day, Matt drove past and "heard" me listening to Muse on my iPod. Turns out his car as some system that track down people listening to Muse. Anyhoo, he gave me lift because he wanted to be a gentleman. Of course I said yes!



Was it the Surveilance van? :chuckle: Now we now what the satelite dish is for :p

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I fell asleep to my HAARP DVD the other night which caused me to have this amazing dream. I was good friends with the band and we were backstage at a gig. I guess I was dating Matt because he had his arm around me the whole dream and told me he loved me. It was great but I fell asleep right before they went onstage. Urgh!


That was still a pretty cool dream, though. I had a dream I was friends with Matt, he's very friendly and nice in the dream-world, isn't he? :LOL:

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*agreed* :LOL:

I have very very straaaaaaaaange dreams of them :$:eek:

some a bit innapropriate... :$:LOL::rolleyes::$


Like the dream I had yesterday morning. I dreamt that Chris was in a round little jacuzzi at night naked. And then he stood up, and you could see everything.


I'm slightly embarrassed about this. :$

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Like the dream I had yesterday morning. I dreamt that Chris was in a round little jacuzzi at night naked. And then he stood up, and you could see everything.


I'm slightly embarrassed about this. :$





well, after seeing this in the other day, I had a dream about Chris, and it was something strange and.. embarrassing like that :eek: :eek: :$






Oh my.. :$ Chris looks so godly in here, and… ahh he really is feeling the music…. Every time I see this gif my hearts starts beating faster, I squee and have a fangirl attack….. :facepalm::$:$:$

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had one last night where I was making a video for their new song and they had asked me to go out into this really cold dark place. When I got there I was filming stuff and waiting for them but they never turned up :(

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I wasn't at the Teignmouth gigs, but last night I was! We were waiting for them to come on stage. At some point a door to the side of us opened, but instead of Matt, Dom and Chris, Michael Jackson was there... in threefold(!). They walked over some grass to the very small stage. The Michael Jacksons were moving exactly the same with a delay between them. I think they had some trouble with their legs though, their walking was odd. The rest is less interesting, it involved people who were supposed to be my neighbours and they had redone a cupboard for Michael Jackson and had put lots of colourful art on it. They didn't want any publicity for it, so my dad ended up explaining to everyone about the cupboard... what?? Well, that's all I can remember.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had another one, I seem to dream about them all the time.


I was on a bus and Matt was there, I went over to sit next to him and realised he had fangs :LOL:

I said to him I wanted him to bite me and make me like him :eyebrows: He said he would and he started to bite me on my neck and I was waiting for the pain but there was none.

Then I woke up :'( It was such a nice dream aswell.

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I had another one, I seem to dream about them all the time.


I was on a bus and Matt was there, I went over to sit next to him and realised he had fangs :LOL:

I said to him I wanted him to bite me and make me like him :eyebrows: He said he would and he started to bite me on my neck and I was waiting for the pain but there was none.

Then I woke up :'( It was such a nice dream aswell.


:eek: i like how you were like 'he had fangs...LOL' :chuckle:

sounds like lalalive's dream from a while back were Matt bit her and implanted a tracking chip in her neck :stunned:


Still pretty cool dream!:happy: I wish i'd have some...

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yay muse dream.. though there was a whole second half with the band actually involved that ive totally forgotten:(


Muse were going to play a show in Indonesia and they were being introduced to all the archbishops of Jakarta (:wtf:) who then were given a box of donuts and went to investigate the new stage design... It was an ice-skating rink :chuckle: with a huge golden tent (like the one from teignmouth) on the ice

Muse were going to play their concert on ice-skates :p

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Guest Octazooka

I dreamt that Matt was racing with my uncle and me in a dark alleyway on motorbikes, and somehow Matt's 150 cc motorbike won my uncle's 400 cc bike :facepalm:

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i had a dream it was the 15th and i had the Resistance in my hands!:eek::happy::happy:

but apparently i had to wait so my dad could burn 2 copies of it because i guess i wasnt allowed to ever listen to the original


but i had it in my hands! i was holding it! here, the term "so close, yet so far away" is echoing in my head


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