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1. I would never look at anything like that. My heart would shatter into trillions of pieces.

2. I love you far too much to have you look at something like that :kiss:

3. Is that anywhere near pervy enough for me?

4. Of course he looked amazing :stunned:


Thank you Love :kiss:


The unfortunate thing is, I think I was at a signing for some other band that I love, and I was holding an amazing picture of Matt in my hand, but I couldn't stop staring at Gaia and her beautifulness :'(

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Thank you Love :kiss:


The unfortunate thing is, I think I was at a signing for some other band that I love, and I was holding an amazing picture of Matt in my hand, but I couldn't stop staring at Gaia and her beautifulness :'(


How sad! :( I have never seen a picture of her. I fear that if I did, she too would invade my dreams.

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Guest QueenOfNerds
I blame Sing_For_Absolution for this dream. LOVE HER TO DEATH (especially cause she spams my love boat with many-a-Matt picture) but. Oh god.


I dreamt I was a DJ on a radio station and I was taking requests for the hour. I got a call from someone who wouldn't give me their name but clapped TITS in Morse Code, hoping to inform me that they wanted to hear "Starlight." I understood that they were clapping TITS but I went in the opposie direction. Instead, I played "Tits On the Radio" by the Scissor Sisters :facepalm: So I'm listening to the song and my phone rings again and it's Dom SUPER pissed off that instead of playing Starlight I played the Scissor Sisters. Apparently the band were huge fans of the show and had been listening the whole time. He informed me that Matt was so pissed off he was verging on belligerence and driving over to the radio station to have it out with me. I hung up the phone and started freaking out. About 4 seconds later, Matt was knocking at the window of the room I was in looking incredibly fierce and I started shaking. He started knocking so hard it broke and climbed in from the window. I stopped shaking and asked why he didn't use the door. He said this way was faster and he didn't want to have to deal with security. I asked if he was going to kill me because he was leaning toward me quite menacingly. He looked flustered and said no, he was a big fan of the Scissor Sisters and wanted to hug me in appreciation. I stood there quite confused for a moment and didn't do anything. He then looked like he wanted to cry and said "you don't...want...a hug?" I burst into laughter, which made him even more insecure, and he started looking around like he was in pain. I finally hugged him and he got incredibly happy and started giggling. It was absolutely fucking adorable.


Then I woke up.



That is a brilliant dream :LOL:


All of my Muse dreams lately have been miserable:(

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The treasure hunt invaded my dreams!:LOL:


I had a dream I was in France, and I was in a room with a handful of other people, waiting for the agent guy to give us the USB key. All he kept doing was showing us a map of Eurasia and asking "Do you know the way out of here?" I kept thinking, "Uhm... airplane, train, car, boat...? Heh?" Then all these guards showed up, looking all mean and serious. I tried to walk over to the agent guy, but a guard held me back. My dream self then realized, "Wait, I know the answer... you asked how we get out of here, right...? There isn't a way out, is there?" The agent just smiled and said, "Good job.":eek: Wooh for kidnapping. That's when I woke up though.:(

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Guest QueenOfNerds
Thank you Love :kiss:


The unfortunate thing is, I think I was at a signing for some other band that I love, and I was holding an amazing picture of Matt in my hand, but I couldn't stop staring at Gaia and her beautifulness :'(


Awwww :(

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Oooh! I had one this morning! :D


I vaguely remember it being about Matt and Dom lying in bed together (don't worry! It wasn't one of *those* dreams :LOL:) and they were being filmed for a shower gel and orange juice advert :confused:

Dom was reading a list of words off a large piece of card to do with the shower gel (ie "zesty, invigorating", etc), then Matt interrupted him and said "Yes, yes... indeed! You too can be gunboat-clean!" ... :confused::wtf::LOL:


Then I started dreaming about something else...

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all my dreams with mue make me wake up angry...


i just remember two of them....


the first one it vas like Charlie and the chocolate factory... me and some people won golden tickets for a muse concert...in Peru!!!

and i was talking with a man who was behing me.. 'yeaaah, finally! i was very angry when the came to southamerica because they totally surrounded us!! they went to colombia, argentina, brazil, chile...and we?????? we were in the fucking middle and they didn't play here!! they fucking ignored us!!'

but then people started to scream...there was Dom, just a few ms from me... but then he dissappear -.-" so i'm still in the line for the concert and when i'm going to enter to the stadium...i've lost my golden ticket!!!!


and the last one was about the proyect eurasia...


dom, chris and me were in a bar and they were telling me the answers which i don't remember anymore -.-

i told chris: dude! i'm not suppose to be here....i can't be here anymore since u didn't call my aunt after yout date!!

dom told chris: don't behave like an ass, chris

then i was in a small dark room, and there was Matt and i didn't know why i was angry with him....coz i told him: 'u think coz u're handsome, awesome playing the guitar and all the crap u can do anything u want we me? (usually that wouldn't be a question, it would be a request xDDDDD ) and he said 'of course i can'

and it finished there...

it was the first time i dream speaking english :D

dunno why coz my english is awful

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Probably magic mushrooms and pasta on banana bread, with a complimentary beer :LOL:


I dreamt that my friend (yes, lala, this means you) sent me a picture of Matt and Gaia holding hands (they both looked amazing). I looked at her and said "Why would you do this to me?!" :'(


I spend WAY too much time on the picture threads :LOL:

Haha. Actually it was a salad sub, apparently very healthy and tasty. I don't know why I didn't eat, maybe I wasn't in the mood for sandwiches.

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what happend last night!!!:


i was some how friends with michael jackson and he knew i was a huge fan of muse


and we were in museum it looked like talking about how awesome muse was and that i would love to sit and have a conversation with matt about music


so i go home and so does MJ and i get a text message via twitter from MJ saying heres matts number hes expecting your call


then i woke up

but i remember the first 3 digits of the number they were "310"


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I've often dreamt before a gig that i forgot my ticket ! I was behind the barriers and i couldn't go to the concert ! Just horrible ^^


I also dreamt that

- I was playing cards with Mat

- Muse was playing for me at home !

- Muse invited me to play guitar with us.

- Matt would like to marry me =D

- I was a very good friend of us !


But when I woke up it was always a disapointment to see that it was just a dream accept for the times I lost my ticket obviously ! =)

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I had a very racy dream last night that I was in my house with Matt and we were drinking wine. He was on our make shift balcony/patio and he was looking at the sky. I went out to him and we were talking. Out of nowhere, Kings of Leon "Crawl" came on. Matt turned me and said "I like this song." I laughed and said I liked it too. And then...things got heated. :facepalm: UGH I HATE REALITY.

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I had a very racy dream last night that I was in my house with Matt and we were drinking wine. He was on our make shift balcony/patio and he was looking at the sky. I went out to him and we were talking. Out of nowhere, Kings of Leon "Crawl" came on. Matt turned me and said "I like this song." I laughed and said I liked it too. And then...things got heated. :facepalm: UGH I HATE REALITY.




I don't even remember what I dreamt last night... I think it had something to do with flying pumpkins... :wtf: Why do YOU get all the good stuff? :LOL:






what happend last night!!!:


i was some how friends with michael jackson and he knew i was a huge fan of muse


and we were in museum it looked like talking about how awesome muse was and that i would love to sit and have a conversation with matt about music


so i go home and so does MJ and i get a text message via twitter from MJ saying heres matts number hes expecting your call


then i woke up

but i remember the first 3 digits of the number they were "310"



*scribbles down on a piece of paper* Do you remember any more? :LOL:

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I don't even remember what I dreamt last night... I think it had something to do with flying pumpkins... :wtf: Why do YOU get all the good stuff? :LOL:


I DON'T MEAN TO! To be honest, that was my first racy Matt dream. When he was biting me in the other I wasn't feeling pleasure, I was horrified. And then the other one before that he was breaking into my DJ booth. And I had a different dream where he lived in a tree and was baking cookies. I finally had one. And I think it's because of my wank aid :LOL:

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I had a quick but odd Muse related dream last night....in a nutshell it involved Muse's new single - which actually happened to be "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim, I loved it! In my dream I was listening and totally rocking out to this new and interesting sound of Muse's and somehow I woke up....and found myself lying on my back (I nearly always sleep on my front and wake up that way) - and I must've really been rocking out in my dream because I noticed that the part of me that hadn't properly woken up yet... was air guitaring!! Now I don't know about you, but to wake up actually playing air guitar = a pretty awesome start to one's day :LOL:

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Oh my, I've been meaning to post this :happy:


I was at a Muse concert, and it was part of the Resistance Tour. I was fairly close to the stage, but the arena was more like a large theater than a venue. The stage had velvet red curtains behind it, and the whole band was all squished up together, as opposed to being spread out... They played a bunch of old songs that, for some reason, were (in dream-world) completely new & from the new album. Can't tell you which they were though.

At one point Dom stood up and said something, and I screamed and yelled and was all 'Yeeeeahhh Dom!!' After which I looked behind me to find my mom amused and surprised saying 'Well, oh wow.' about my outburst.

Some time in Muse paused the show and Matt said something, and a big chunk of the crowd got up and went out, like a bathroom break :LOL:

The gem of the dream I remembered as soon as I woke up and haven't forgotten since :D As they were beginning to start a song, I distinctly remember getting very excited and declaring (word for word): 'If this is Hyper Chondriac Music, I'm gonna pee.'

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I had a very racy dream last night that I was in my house with Matt and we were drinking wine. He was on our make shift balcony/patio and he was looking at the sky. I went out to him and we were talking. Out of nowhere, Kings of Leon "Crawl" came on. Matt turned me and said "I like this song." I laughed and said I liked it too. And then...things got heated. :facepalm: UGH I HATE REALITY.


I've often dreamt before a gig that i forgot my ticket ! I was behind the barriers and i couldn't go to the concert ! Just horrible ^^


I also dreamt that

- I was playing cards with Mat

- Muse was playing for me at home !

- Muse invited me to play guitar with us.

- Matt would like to marry me =D

- I was a very good friend of us !


But when I woke up it was always a disapointment to see that it was just a dream accept for the times I lost my ticket obviously ! =)


Dreams can be cruel.

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Oh my, I've been meaning to post this :happy:


I was at a Muse concert, and it was part of the Resistance Tour. I was fairly close to the stage, but the arena was more like a large theater than a venue. The stage had velvet red curtains behind it, and the whole band was all squished up together, as opposed to being spread out... They played a bunch of old songs that, for some reason, were (in dream-world) completely new & from the new album. Can't tell you which they were though.

At one point Dom stood up and said something, and I screamed and yelled and was all 'Yeeeeahhh Dom!!' After which I looked behind me to find my mom amused and surprised saying 'Well, oh wow.' about my outburst.

Some time in Muse paused the show and Matt said something, and a big chunk of the crowd got up and went out, like a bathroom break :LOL:

The gem of the dream I remembered as soon as I woke up and haven't forgotten since :D As they were beginning to start a song, I distinctly remember getting very excited and declaring (word for word): 'If this is Hyper Chondriac Music, I'm gonna pee.'


+1 :LOL:


Last night I dreamt that young, skinny blue Matt was sitting in a window looking out at the trees and writing poetry, and I wanted to talk to him, but he disappeared and the dream kept changing to terrible situations (watching people die, being naked in public, etc.). That said, I didn't wake up very happy this morning :indiff:

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+1 :LOL:


Last night I dreamt that young, skinny blue Matt was sitting in a window looking out at the trees and writing poetry, and I wanted to talk to him, but he disappeared and the dream kept changing to terrible situations (watching people die, being naked in public, etc.). That said, I didn't wake up very happy this morning :indiff:


:supersad: How tragic! I haven't had a nightmare in ages.


I hat a brief Muse dream that Dom came up to me at the gig in London and asked me what I thought of Narcissa Malfoy. I told him I had no idea and how dare he ask me such a thing. It then changed to me on a bar dancing to SMBH. And then a bunch of other random things.

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I got my first Muse dream! At last! I'm so happy!!!


Here it is: It was the first day of school and I my first course of the day was some kind of litterature course I had in real life once. I was there in the class and guess who showed up as the teacher??? Matthew Bellamy himself! I was so shocked I think I screamed a bit :happy: but nobody else in the classroom didn't seem to know who he was. So the class went on, and I didn't listen at all because I was so amazed that Matt was my teacher. But then I realised that I didn't have my schedule, that I forgot to take it from the internet, so I wasn't supposed to be in this class at all. :mad: After the course, I went to him and asked if I could spend lunch time with him, and he accepted.


We went outside, and we started to chat casually, but I didn't stop mumbling and I was so embarrassed. He on the other side, was standing so close to me (you know like those people who take all your personal space) that I was very uncomfortable. But I didn'T want to step back, I mean, it was Matt!!


Then I proceeded in telling what I want to say to the band since I know them (to thank them for changing my life) and I gave him a drawing I made earlier (the drawing was a man) he thanked me and then we had to go.


So after school I went on this forum and wrote down that I met Matt today at school. I thought that it was too bad he wouldn't read what I just wrote, but then he responded with a post:


"Hi Jo


Don't worry, I do come in the forums, I just don't post. I'm glad we met today.


I would like to meet you again, too, and I would like another drawing, you could send it to me, and we could sign it. I would like a woman this time RAWR lol


See you"


And then I woke up very sad that this wasn't real... but very happy to have finally made a Moose dream :awesome:

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I had a dream last night that I was in the backseat of a mofia looking car with Dom and we were quoting Monty Python and The Princess Bride. Then we drove into a cemetery and I asked what we were doing there and he goes "icecream." And pulls out cones. I woke up immediately after that, and where the hell he expected to get icecream in a cemetery is beyond me :LOL:

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