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Everything posted by BrandyLand

  1. Merry Christmas to you too! :D

  2. The treasure hunt invaded my dreams! I had a dream I was in France, and I was in a room with a handful of other people, waiting for the agent guy to give us the USB key. All he kept doing was showing us a map of Eurasia and asking "Do you know the way out of here?" I kept thinking, "Uhm... airplane, train, car, boat...? Heh?" Then all these guards showed up, looking all mean and serious. I tried to walk over to the agent guy, but a guard held me back. My dream self then realized, "Wait, I know the answer... you asked how we get out of here, right...? There isn't a way out, is there?" The agent just smiled and said, "Good job.":eek: Wooh for kidnapping. That's when I woke up though.
  3. <--Well, I'm glad you likey the Gir. :D

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