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The more I think about it, the more I want to crack up with laughter! :LOL:


Oh are you somewhere that you can't? Just erupt into laughter; I would. Then you can head on over to the "You Know You're Addicted to Muse When..." thread and say "When you burst into laughter about Dom and Aero Bars." I'm feeding your addiction aren't I? :$ I'm such a bad influence :facepalm:

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Oh are you somewhere that you can't? Just erupt into laughter; I would. Then you can head on over to the "You Know You're Addicted to Muse When..." thread and say "When you burst into laughter about Dom and Aero Bars." I'm feeding your addiction aren't I? :$ I'm such a bad influence :facepalm:


Nah I could keep laughing all night! :LOL: You're not a bad influence at all, I like you! :happy: I happen to laugh at the slightest thing, but if I see something like sit the f*** down, I'm dead! :LOL: Gotta love Dom! :D

Edited by the_invincible_dude
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I've just had a Muse dream for the first time in ages!


It was quite brief, but what I remember is that Matt had his top off, and for some reason I can't understand, I was absolutely disgusted and embarressed by this... I kept apologising to the people we were with and saying "He's not normally like this, honest!"


It was so odd...

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I've just had a Muse dream for the first time in ages!


It was quite brief, but what I remember is that Matt had his top off, and for some reason I can't understand, I was absolutely disgusted and embarressed by this... I kept apologising to the people we were with and saying "He's not normally like this, honest!"


It was so odd...


Mmm... that sounded like a damn good dream...:happy:

Mmm... Matteh! :D

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Nah I could keep laughing all night! :LOL: You're not a bad influence at all, I like you! :happy: I happen to laugh at the slightest thing, but if I see something like sit the f*** down, I'm dead! :LOL: Gotta love Dom! :D

:LOL: Sit the fuck down always makes me laugh uncontrollably. I could watch it everyday and still laugh just as hard! xD


I've just had a Muse dream for the first time in ages!


It was quite brief, but what I remember is that Matt had his top off, and for some reason I can't understand, I was absolutely disgusted and embarressed by this... I kept apologising to the people we were with and saying "He's not normally like this, honest!"


It was so odd...


that is odd. Odd that you were disgusted! :eek:


we forgive you :yesey:

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My mum caught me watching it - I thought she'd be pretty angry, but in the end she ended up laughing her head off too...:LOL:


:LOL: Then maybe pone day I'll show mine. I'm sure she may find it funny, after all we watched d**k in a box and Mother lover! :awesome: that was hilarious. If you've never seen it look it up. SNL- Mother Lover, and SNL D**k in a box. hilarious stuff. :yesey:

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:LOL: Then maybe pone day I'll show mine. I'm sure she may find it funny, after all we watched d**k in a box and Mother lover! :awesome: that was hilarious. If you've never seen it look it up. SNL- Mother Lover, and SNL D**k in a box. hilarious stuff. :yesey:


I saw that not so long ago, it rocked! :D I died with laughter too... I'm one of those people that crack up at the slightest thing...:LOL:

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I had a Muse dream! omg it was really weird. i dreamt that i was at a the hove festival watching the killers, but it was set in my old and very small gym hall... after a really weird show without them performing anything but strange modern art stuff, Matt, Chris and Dom crash it and they start playing Hysteria..:awesome: after the show matt and I had a cup of coffee (:D)and he was taller than me. I'm 1.73 . and i said ''wow you're actually taller than me. cool'' and i took a picture with him and on the picture we were both bald so we looked like aliens. And then we laughed and then i woke up and thougt: shit, must never ever use this forum before i go to sleep again. :LOL:

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I had a dream that I was at V festival watching the boys play, and all of a sudden they're in the pit with me and I knock Chris over and he grunts and says 'hey pipsqueak! help me up' and he had one of those high-pitched chipmunk voices, but I didn't care cause that was the first time I had ever heard Chris speak and so the four of us somehow fought to the front of the crowd to watch themselves play. Temporal paradox mayhaps?


Funny how the shocking part was not that Chris had a chipmunk voice, but that he spoke :D This gave me the lol'z :LOL:

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I saw this thread a while ago, and always wanted to be able to participate. And now I can finally say I had a Muse dream.


I was in an extremely old and sort of abandoned movie theatre, most likely from the 1930's. There was a piano on a lowered platform, which clued me in to the fact that this theatre was used for silent movies with live accompaniment. it smelled of dust, and mothballs I think, and there was a hole in the ceiling and Matt was playing the piano. So I walked down to the piano and sat on the bench next to him and asked what he was doing there. And he said that he was waiting for his flight from Albuquerque to take him to Milan. He told me to take his pocket watch to a jeweler and, while he was handing it to me, Dom came from an emergency exit and was excited about finding an old box of Aero Bars. So I left them to discuss the chocolate with a pocket watch to go to an unknown jeweler.


wow that sounds so like.. cinematic..(don't REALLY know what that means :stunned:).. but the whole pocket watch.. and he needs to catch a plane.. casablanca comes to mind- thing is i've never even watched it :stunned:

just extremely bored ( until i came on here :) ) and felt the need to pass random judgement.

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Things are starting to get weird now:

I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!"

The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, :ohmy: without a guitar and doing high kicks! :eek:

Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar.

Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you!

Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up" :$

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Things are starting to get weird now:

I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!"

The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, :ohmy: without a guitar and doing high kicks! :eek:

Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar.

Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you!

Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up" :$



I think we've all thought that at one point in our lives:rolleyes:... haha your dream was hilarious!

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Things are starting to get weird now:

I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!"

The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, :ohmy: without a guitar and doing high kicks! :eek:

Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar.

Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you!

Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up" :$


Is it shameful that I would probably cheer louder if that happened?

Your dream is hilarious though!! :chuckle:

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Things are starting to get weird now:

I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!"

The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, :ohmy: without a guitar and doing high kicks! :eek:

Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar.

Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you!

Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up" :$


*is jealous that you got to see Matt naked :indiff:*


Congratulations. Muse has officially f*cked with your mind :LOL:

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*is jealous that you got to see Matt naked :indiff:*


Congratulations. Muse has officially f*cked with your mind :LOL:


I wouldn't get too jealous if I were you... there was something horribly wrong with it! :$

And yes, I think Muse has seriously affected me...:LOL:

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.


my response to you is:

Congratulations. Muse has officially f*cked with your mind :LOL:
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