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At the moment, I'm currently in a lot of rehearsals for a 4th year Director's play at Uni. Recently, I've been getting a bit fed up with it for various reasons, and last night it showed in my dream. In the dream I went mental, screaming at the other actors, hysterically running around stage and crying (for the record, when I say I'm fed up - I'm not THAT fed up, but that's dream for you :p) Anywho, I'm doing this for a while getting out of control when the director finally comes up to me, grabs hold at me and goes "CLAIRE! CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! GO AND SEE MATT BELLAMY!!! NOW!!!!!" So I storm off in a sulk, next the scene changes and I'm outside walking cautiously round a garden shed until I find him, stood there staring into space, with some sort of Buddha like air about him. I calmly talk to him, tell him what's bothering me, he turns silently, blesses my forehead and disappears, leaving me to go back to rehearsals totally calm and apologising for my behaviour. Spirit Matt is awesome :LOL:


Buddha Matt! :LOL::awesome:



..haven't dreamt anything muse lately i don't think. just horrid nightmares :stunned: hope they don't show up in one of them because I'd hate it if they died in one of my dreams or something.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had a dream last night that I went to a muse gig and the whole thing was just Matt and Dom having a dance off :LOL:

People were walking out in disgust :chuckle:

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I had a dream last night that I went to a muse gig and the whole thing was just Matt and Dom having a dance off :LOL:

People were walking out in disgust :chuckle:


:LOL: I'd pay to see that.

yah I dreamt a similar one once, went to a gig, and for some reason there was a van on stage, and Chris and Dom were doing the can-can dance on the roof of it :wtf::LOL: Matt was like "get the fuck off mah van! *cry*:'("


oh and btw, your av is :awesome: DARKPLACEE. /offtopic

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Had a great one last night!


I was visiting my sister and her husband in China (they really live in CA). After dropping them off at their house, my parents, aunt, and I went to a department store for I don't know what. As I walked down some aisle, I ran into a girl I knew (only in the dream). We started talking about random things and finally decided that it was time to take a peak at the Muse gig that was going on in the building. We didn't have tickets but somehow got into the venue, which looked like a circus ring. We got super close to the main stage and sat down. I think the show was done but Muse turned into acrobats. They started dancing, jumping, flipping, and doing handstands.


To my excitement, Bellamy jumped off the stage and started visiting people in the audience. Thing is, he was speaking Italian and nothing but Italian. He spoke to a few people in front of me and made his way to my friend and I. There was a seat in between so he sat down and put his arms around us, squeezing us in. He said something in Italian and proceeded to play with my foot. :LOL: Then he took my hand and started caressing it. Someone on the crew was trying to get him to visit other people but we wouldn't let go of each others' hand.


I love Matt speaking Italian to everyone :LOL:. You think it would sound awkward, but it was probably sexy.


This one was a couple of days ago.


A bunch of Musers and I landed tickets to a TV show where Muse was going to be the musical guests. We weren't in the stands in front of them but to the left. Matt was paying a lot of attention to us and mimicked what we were doing. I even stood up to do some hand gestures and he copied. The end.


:awesome::LOL: Does he only do the dance move on TV, or does he actually do it at gigs? I will see on Saturday.

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Guest QueenOfNerds
:LOL: I'd pay to see that.

yah I dreamt a similar one once, went to a gig, and for some reason there was a van on stage, and Chris and Dom were doing the can-can dance on the roof of it :wtf::LOL: Matt was like "get the fuck off mah van! *cry*:'("


oh and btw, your av is :awesome: DARKPLACEE. /offtopic


I loves dark place :happy:


We both had dreams about them dancing maybe it's an omen :eek:

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I loves dark place :happy:


We both had dreams about them dancing maybe it's an omen :eek:

:yesey: me too. :awesome: and :eek: OMEN! .. I think I had some sort of Muse board dream last night. i stole my brothers laptop or something so that I could get onto it. then the dream changed into this whole thing about chicken tikka sandwhiches :LOL:

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Dreamt I was at my sisters house, and we were sitting on her bed. I had earphones in and Dead Star was playing, then she started randomly singing along so I was like :eek: YOU KNOW THIS SONG?! :awesome: so she was like 'hell yeah!' and we sang along to it. then i was showing her funny muse interviews etc. on her laptop, and the interview we were watching suddenly turned into an msn conversation with Matt :LOL: he was typing really random things like "I like potatoes. big ones!" and me and my sister laughed our asses off at him. even though we didn't have a webcam on or anything, somehow he knew we were laughing at him hysterically and he got pissed off and block me. noooooooooo:LOL:

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My first Muse dream! It didn't actually involve meeting any band members. Basically, while at school (or at least it was in the school grounds) I discovered that there was a new Muse b-side, and then somehow I had it and was listening to it with a friend near this particular building, then it was somehow 3 new b-sides, and a pool appeared next to the building and lots of people were swimming. :p


Anyway, one of the b-sides was a forest. I was listening to it and it was a fairly dark, creepy but beautiful rainforest. I can't remember what it actually sounded like, but it's pretty trippy. Another b-side, I'm sure it involved Chris singing, and it was really harsh/metal, with death metal growls. And the other one was something synthy.



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Had an odd dream where it was my birthday, and Muse was performing. Dom had wrote a song and wanted Matt to sing it while they were there. Matt raised an eyebrow and then started singing. It was a song about Dom's love of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I woke up laughing. :LOL:

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Had an odd dream where it was my birthday, and Muse was performing. Dom had wrote a song and wanted Matt to sing it while they were there. Matt raised an eyebrow and then started singing. It was a song about Dom's love of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I woke up laughing. :LOL:





In the last stage of my dream last night, I went to a Muse concert and I was right at the front. They started playing, then Matt asked if we would rather hear B&H or Ruled by Secrecy. Then after I begged for Ruled By Secrecy they started playing a Good Charlotte song so I was like wtf. Then I looked on stage and there was a huge guy with a frizzy red beard at the drums instead of Dom, only he wasn't actually the one playing. He had a baby on his lap that was playing the drums! After that weirdness, the stage changed so it looked like the inside of a space ship and Matt came out dressed in red robes and huge platform shoes. Then the lights went out and they said the rest of the concert was canceled. Matt got a phone call (you know how you just know stuff in dreams) that made him too sad to continue :(

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^ :eyebrows::chuckle:


I had such a weird dream last night. started with something about a swimming pool, then it changed to Muse singing on stage randomly on a platform in the middle of the pool. then after they performed Dead Star (that song ALWAYS pops up in my dreams) it turned into this random singing competition thing and it was between Dom and Mika (WTF:wtf:) and Dom was singing and playing guitar and stuff. I haven't a clue who won because then the dream changed to a café where my brother threw a mug at my face and broke my tooth. :erm:

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I dreamt I was at the Muse gig I'm going to in March, and I was jumping around screaming and stuff. They were playing KOC. Then there was a random hottub...

anyway. so then Muse stopped playing and Matt went off stage to do an interview. I could only see and hear it through my camera though... :wtf: and so he was talking and stuff, then he almost started crying :eek: I was like SHIT NO!!!!! Then the Silversun Pickups started playing their cover of Overdue. Then I woke up.

Weird dream...

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My god, my dreams are :wtf:

dreamt that me and 2 friends where in some big place with white corridors trying to hide from some evil germ monster. we get caught and some random witch takes us to the top of a balcony.. then out of the middle of nowhere Dom shows up, and he has the ability to fly :LOL: and he flew up to the balcony. by doing so he somehow managed to kill the germ monster and save us. everyone was like 'WOAW:eek:' and he walked away looking all smug :LOL:

..trippy. :stunned:

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Another one, yay! I was able to watch Muse's sound check at an outside venue. Kirk and Morgan were there, too, walking around. As they're playing, my friend goes up to Matt and feeds him a square of honey dew melon. Then he goes up to Dom and does the same. He tried with Morgan but he got mad.


When Muse took a break, I somehow ended up on stage and was debating whether or not to sit at Dom's drumset. As I left the stage, Matt and Dom passed me. I tried to pat Matt's shoulder but he ended up taking my hand instead. Dom did the same but he wouldn't let go. I remember telling someone how soft their skin was. lol Later on, Matt and Dom are looking at me and whoever was with me (few friends?) and said, "So can we get these hot girls (something something something)?" They leave and Morgan approaches us. He then gives me some password I need to get into an after party. I know there was more but I can't remember.


This is the third dream dealing with hands and Muse.

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last night, i dreamt that it was christmas night.. and i heard footsteps, so i went downstairs, and i saw someone dressed up as santa in my living room.. and it was chris. he stood there eating mince pies, waved at me, then climbed out the window..

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I had my first Muse dream :LOL:

I was on the SNL studio and the guys were playing, when the sound died. So while the techs worked on it, Chris gets a mic and starts to sing something (not a Muse song but a song I know and can't remember now), and Matt sits on the piano and plays along.

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My god, my dreams are :wtf:

dreamt that me and 2 friends where in some big place with white corridors trying to hide from some evil germ monster. we get caught and some random witch takes us to the top of a balcony.. then out of the middle of nowhere Dom shows up, and he has the ability to fly :LOL: and he flew up to the balcony. by doing so he somehow managed to kill the germ monster and save us. everyone was like 'WOAW:eek:' and he walked away looking all smug :LOL:

..trippy. :stunned:


:LOL::LOL::LOL: couldn't stop laughing. thats great!

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Weird dream last night.

Muse was playing in a theatre. I was in the crowd, but later I was in a office, outside the theatre. Matt was there too. A fire started, so we had to save people who were inside the theatre yet... we put them in things like this: (sorry, bad english)




They were so small!, we take them in our hands... a lot of people in my hand.




I always see Matt wearing the red shirt in my dreams :shifty:

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i had a dream a while ago where i was at a party my cousins house. and then there were all these different bands at the party. the only other ones i remember was green day and the killers. my third and second favorite in that order.. (no where close to muse though). then i tried to get a signature or picture from Muse and they got all annoyed cuz they didnt want to be bothered by their fans :'( which was kinda hurtful but couldnt blame them anyway lol. and meanwhile green day kept trying to get me to want their signatures and stuff and kept trying to get me to fan over everything. i just kept trying to talk to muse and ignoring green day lol :musesign: . the killers just sat in a corner. then suddenly everything was like 3d which got me confused cuz i hadnt noticed it was lacking a dimension before that :wtf: ... then my cousin (who doesnt like muse) came up and started insulting muse. and i was too stunned to speak at first like (:eek: ur insulting a music god!!!!) and then they left :'( so then the next day when i was awake i was super angry at my cousin

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