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I had a nice little dream that I was shopping with Dom :chuckle: can't remember much now though.. then there was something about me and Muse at a BBQ, which I can't remember apart from the kitchen (yes there was a kitchen outside :erm:) going on fire and us running into the tourbus. .. but then Muse dropped me off at school. :eek::noey:

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last night i'm sure i was having a muse dream right before i woke up but now i can only just remember the very last bit. matt was boycotting something and as part of the boycott he was wearing a shirt that was just a big piece of cardboard with "shirt" written on it. i woke up and had Easily stuck in my head.

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i dreamed that i was at school waiting my mom to pick me up, and then matt appeared there with a vampire cape, nobody seemed to notice him, but i was like wtf, matt with a cape, at my school?, then my friend comes to me and said, hey there is matthew bellamy, and i said, yeah,, my friend just looked at me weird and yelled , why don't you talk to him?!,, so i walk toward him and he was talking to a woman in spanish, :confused:, adn when i said hello, he just said, i dont have time, i dont have time, and i asked him, for what?, then chris and dom appeared to pick up matt,, when he got to the car i followed them , but then they saw me and dom , who was driving, started to drive faster, adn they dissapear. ...


:erm:i have such strange, non-sense dreams

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I've had loads of Muse dreams(I'm glad that so many other people do too :p)

Once I had a dream that I was at a Muse concert and the whole crowd were seated so I kept on moving to get a good view. Somehow I ended up in my kitchen with Dom and I was telling him that I named my iPod after him because it's colourful like his jeans and he just kept ignoring me :(


I had another one where Chris was my uncle...

And one where I met Matt outside Subway (and he had his blue hair!)

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The guys always randomly show up in my dreams :LOL: can't remember too much from last night apart from being punched in the face, then a very serious looking Matt was asking me questions in this huge interrigation room as to who punched me, but I couldn't remember, all this other stuff happened and I remember doms hair for some reason. damn, i am making it my mission to remember these dreams better. :chuckle:

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I've been daydreaming recently about Muse.


I dreamt that on my year 12 camp I started singing Unintended for some reason infront of everyone (Which is something I would never do!). Everyone thought I was really good and sounded exactly like Matt Bellamy himself. Then when we got back to school, I had school bands ask me to sing with them (We have school performances every Thursday) and I told them that I can't sing at all. Then they persuaded me that the band would do a Muse song, so I was in:p.


I sang Knights Of Cydonia and everyone was so amazed that I could sing. I started meeting Muse fans at my school who came up to me that I never knew liked Muse. Couple weeks after I needed glasses because my eye sight was getting worse so i got contact lenses. They were really weird but awesome because they turned my eyes light blue.


Anyway I became really famous in the school that the teachers and everything were asking me to perform in the school production/musical which I turned down without a thought:rolleyes:.


Then for the last assembly of the year when they send off the year 12's I was asked to perform and I jsut decided yeah what the hell it's my last chance. On the day I sang a duet with another guy singing don't stop believing by Journey for some reason and then i went solo and sung Starlight and Uprising. I got a huge cheer after I finished and someone held up a sign that said: I <3 Matt (bellamy crossed out) (My last name).


Sorry about the long post, I just thought it was a really awesome dream:awesome:

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I had a dream last night the I bumped into the band in the street and started to have a chat with them, we became quite matey and having a laugh and the talk got to the setlist, I mentioned that they should be playing Citizen Erased to which Matt laughed and said No, Him and Dom don't like it any more and Chris was undecided.


Fast forward and they were playing Sing for Absolution at a festival type show with hardly any crowd, so I ran to the front and started talking to Matt mid performance. Great dream!

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I had a dream about Matt last night. It's been forever since I dreamt of Muse.

It was all really weird. We were trying to hide from something, so we ended up in the middle of no where. The sky was almost red and we were outside. Anyway, I just randomly hugged Matt incredibly tight. Then a piano appeared and we both sat on the piano bench. He played me some of Exogenesis part 2 whilst I leaned my head on his shoulder, then we both played part 3. :happy:

It was pretty cool. Then he disappeared and the dream got really creepy...:(

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had a weird sorta apocalyptic dream, where earth was being flooded and whatnot (i went to see 2012, that explains it) and we all hid in this museum, but all the paintings were of Muse. Obama was telling everyone not to panic and that we had to stash all these muse paintings away incase they got damaged in the flood. then we were outside and this huge building beside me and my friend suddenly collapsed and we got trapped under it. then somehow Dom magically appeared and pulled us out from the rubble and took us to some building.when we got there it turned out to be the radio 1 live lounge and Robbie Williams was in there singing something and Dom told us that we should watch his performance, even though we didn't want to. watched it, then turned around and everyone was gone and all of a sudden i was on my own. and since it was still flooding outside the room started filling up with water and i was trapped in the room as the water filled it, so i was basically drowning. then woke up :erm:

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I've been daydreaming recently about Muse.


I dreamt that on my year 12 camp I started singing Unintended for some reason infront of everyone (Which is something I would never do!). Everyone thought I was really good and sounded exactly like Matt Bellamy himself. Then when we got back to school, I had school bands ask me to sing with them (We have school performances every Thursday) and I told them that I can't sing at all. Then they persuaded me that the band would do a Muse song, so I was in:p.


I sang Knights Of Cydonia and everyone was so amazed that I could sing. I started meeting Muse fans at my school who came up to me that I never knew liked Muse. Couple weeks after I needed glasses because my eye sight was getting worse so i got contact lenses. They were really weird but awesome because they turned my eyes light blue.


Anyway I became really famous in the school that the teachers and everything were asking me to perform in the school production/musical which I turned down without a thought:rolleyes:.


Then for the last assembly of the year when they send off the year 12's I was asked to perform and I jsut decided yeah what the hell it's my last chance. On the day I sang a duet with another guy singing don't stop believing by Journey for some reason and then i went solo and sung Starlight and Uprising. I got a huge cheer after I finished and someone held up a sign that said: I <3 Matt (bellamy crossed out) (My last name).


Sorry about the long post, I just thought it was a really awesome dream:awesome:


o.O you were turning INTO matt bellamy! lol awesome

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Had a great one last night!


I was visiting my sister and her husband in China (they really live in CA). After dropping them off at their house, my parents, aunt, and I went to a department store for I don't know what. As I walked down some aisle, I ran into a girl I knew (only in the dream). We started talking about random things and finally decided that it was time to take a peak at the Muse gig that was going on in the building. We didn't have tickets but somehow got into the venue, which looked like a circus ring. We got super close to the main stage and sat down. I think the show was done but Muse turned into acrobats. They started dancing, jumping, flipping, and doing handstands.


To my excitement, Bellamy jumped off the stage and started visiting people in the audience. Thing is, he was speaking Italian and nothing but Italian. He spoke to a few people in front of me and made his way to my friend and I. There was a seat in between so he sat down and put his arms around us, squeezing us in. He said something in Italian and proceeded to play with my foot. :LOL: Then he took my hand and started caressing it. Someone on the crew was trying to get him to visit other people but we wouldn't let go of each others' hand.




This one was a couple of days ago.


A bunch of Musers and I landed tickets to a TV show where Muse was going to be the musical guests. We weren't in the stands in front of them but to the left. Matt was paying a lot of attention to us and mimicked what we were doing. I even stood up to do some hand gestures and he copied. The end.

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My sister had a Muse dream, where Matt was dressed quite scruffily. Him and my sister were starring in one of those gritty British dramas you often see on Sky, apparently.

I can't remember what else she said about it; but she rather enjoyed it, I think!

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I had a dream about Muse last night! :happy:

They were on this cooking TV show and they had this woman who was their new keyboard player (:LOL: before I went to bed I was reading Inside The Muscle Museum and got up to the part where they were talking about not being able to afford a keyboard player :p) They weren't cooking on the show even though it was meant to be a "Come Dine With Me" kind of thing, they were just eating :LOL:

Not much happened in the dream to be honest...I just thought it was pretty cool. There was something about Matt throwing food at Dom and I ended up at a train station..


I love Muse dreams :D

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At the moment, I'm currently in a lot of rehearsals for a 4th year Director's play at Uni. Recently, I've been getting a bit fed up with it for various reasons, and last night it showed in my dream. In the dream I went mental, screaming at the other actors, hysterically running around stage and crying (for the record, when I say I'm fed up - I'm not THAT fed up, but that's dream for you :p) Anywho, I'm doing this for a while getting out of control when the director finally comes up to me, grabs hold at me and goes "CLAIRE! CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! GO AND SEE MATT BELLAMY!!! NOW!!!!!" So I storm off in a sulk, next the scene changes and I'm outside walking cautiously round a garden shed until I find him, stood there staring into space, with some sort of Buddha like air about him. I calmly talk to him, tell him what's bothering me, he turns silently, blesses my forehead and disappears, leaving me to go back to rehearsals totally calm and apologising for my behaviour. Spirit Matt is awesome :LOL:

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My first Muse dream!

Well, I was dozing and listening to a weird ballad by Gorillaz called "Fire coming out of the monkey's head."

And then this happened.


First, when the song goes on about all the happy people being happy, Dom and Chris are happy, skipping through fields of daisies etc.

Then when all the people with dark glasses arrive- well, it's Matt and CloneMatts in dark suits.

When it's going on about the 'dance of the dead' bit, I saw my ex dance the robot.

Then the Matts get up the mountain and are mining it, with picks etc. Then they're "digging away at the happy people's souls" using a chainsaw, in Dom's bedroom.

And then everyone dies.



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At the moment, I'm currently in a lot of rehearsals for a 4th year Director's play at Uni. Recently, I've been getting a bit fed up with it for various reasons, and last night it showed in my dream. In the dream I went mental, screaming at the other actors, hysterically running around stage and crying (for the record, when I say I'm fed up - I'm not THAT fed up, but that's dream for you :p) Anywho, I'm doing this for a while getting out of control when the director finally comes up to me, grabs hold at me and goes "CLAIRE! CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! GO AND SEE MATT BELLAMY!!! NOW!!!!!" So I storm off in a sulk, next the scene changes and I'm outside walking cautiously round a garden shed until I find him, stood there staring into space, with some sort of Buddha like air about him. I calmly talk to him, tell him what's bothering me, he turns silently, blesses my forehead and disappears, leaving me to go back to rehearsals totally calm and apologising for my behaviour. Spirit Matt is awesome :LOL:


Wow! That's epic :D

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