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Another dream :awesome:


I was at a cinema waiting for the film to start, when I hear all this giggling and laughing behind me. I turned to tell them to stfu, but it was Dom and Chris, laughing their asses off :happy: (This is probably due to watching the clips from Rage again..) So I said to them "Wtf are you laughing at? the movie hasn't even started!" but they just kept laughing and laughing..


Then next thing I remember Dom and Chris are drunk and doing some sort of can-can dance on the roof of a van! and I said to them "Oi! get down.. Matt isn't going to be happy if he see's you on top of his van."



Then my brother woke me up. :rolleyes:

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Fuck! I elaborate SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! :chuckle:

You don't has to read that! ^

I just had to get it out of my system! :chuckle::musesign:


Anyway, it was an awesome dream imo! :happy:


OMB. :eek:

Amethyst- you have the most vivid and wonderful dreams! I would kill to have a dream like that! With Matt being all gorgeous and romantic, and Chris being protective, and Dom being, well, *cough cough*.. how come I never have dreams like that? That's amazing. :happy:


WTB were you listening to/watching/looking at before you went to sleep to bring on that? :LOL:

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This was my very random dream from last night.


I went to sleep with my iPod in (:rolleyes:) and it was rolling through Muse songs. Shrinking Universe flicked on, and suddenly this city appeared. I was standing in the middle of the road, when Matt came sprinting past me, with his chrome Manson (wearing the jacket from Unintended/Blackout at Wembley), screaming "Run! Its coming!" So I grabbed Matt's hand and started running alongside him, not knowing what "it" was. We finally ducked into this alleyway, only to be met by Dom and Chris. Chris was praying in the corner for some reason, and Dom was bawling. (:LOL:) Then, at the climax of Shrinking Universe, Dom starts screaming for help as the alleyway is engulfed in darkness. I still was holding onto Matt's hand as I blacked out.

Ironically, Blackout followed, and suddenly I was floating. It was light, but as I looked around I couldn't see anything. I began to yell out for Matt, but Chris floated out of somewhere instead. He sort of breaststroked over to me, and bear hugged me telling me it was OK and "it" had passed. He put his head on my hair and sort of rocked me back and forth, until he evaporated.

Darkshines came on, and I started falling. I was screaming for help, until I stopped by something. I looked around, and I was on the stage of the VMA's with Dom on drums. He was playing the foot pedal rhythm of Darkshines, and had caught me in his arms. He had a big cheeky grin on his face, and was laughing. I started laughing too, but then he covered my mouth with his hand and pointed towards the stage door. At the line "Hold your hands up to your eyes again/Hide from the scary scenes..." Matt and Chris appeared at the door, holding their hands over their eyes and whinging "Its TOO BRIGHT!" I looked at Dom, laughing, and managed to whisper "So what's the scary scene?" He laughed, kissed me on the cheek and responded "This." Then it went black again.

Resistance began playing, and the scene transformed into George Orwell's 1984. I was Julia, and I was watching Winston from the Ministry of Truth, with a note in hand. I began walking towards his desk, and as I slipped him the note, Winston turned around. Matt was staring back at me, with this puzzled, rather sad look on his face. For some reason his eyes looked unnaturally blue, too.

Then, as the first chorus of Resistance started, the events of 1984 began rolling past, with Matt as Winston and me as Julia. I led him out into the Golden Country through various means of transport, and we fell asleep in this big field of grass in the sun. I had my head on his chest, and he was stroking my hair with his hand- he had his eyes open, and again they were big and unnaturally blue. :happy:

We went back to the city, and by the second verse of Resistance we were in the room above the antiques store (anyone who has read the book will know this.) For some strange reason Chris was running the store downstairs and had instructed us on the "room upstairs." I was sitting on the couch, by the fireplace with Matt holding me, exclaiming "Are you sure their are no telescreens, Winston? Did you check?" "No, sweetheart. Its safe here. We are the resistance." Matt responded, and began kissing me.

The door suddenly was kicked down, and Dom, Chris, Tom Kirk and Morgan all marched in with guns and Thought Police uniforms on. Dom yelled "Get them! They are the resistance!" and Morgan and Chris launched at me, and Dom and Tom at Matt. I kicked Morgan in the face, and was carried off by Chris sobbing into this dungeon. Being completely dark again, I couldn't see, but I heard Matt thump on the wall. At this point, the line "Take us away from here/Protect us from further harm/Resistance," was playing, and all I saw was Matt's face crushed up against the wall singing the line. I ran towards him, but then Dom yanked me back and yelled "WANKER!" at Matt. (:chuckle:) Matt then sunk to the floor and disappeared.

I was left sitting with Dom in the blackness. He was hugging me, and told me to sing to make myself feel better. I began to sing the chorus of Endlessly "Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly/Hopelessly, I'll give you everything/But I won't give you up/I won't let you down/I won't leave you falling." and as I sung Matt, Dom and Chris all appeared and began singing too (yes, Dom sung. In tune, too.) Matt had this amazing falsetto, Chris had this low tenor voice and Dom was humming the keyboard bit.


I then woke up.


Wow, looooong spiel, sorry about that. :LOL::p

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Polar bear?! :LOL:


Hehe, and omg some of these dreams are amazing. :stunned:

I wish I could dream like that, I usually dream of something stupid like being trapped in a bathroom.. :facepalm:


Dom & Chris doing the can can dance in my dream last night did make me lol though. :awesome:

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I don't know if this really counts as a Muse dream but I was in the middle of some really elborate dream about being held hostage as a slave on a cruise ship for aliens and Radiohead was preforming. I got to hand out towels backstage and I was in a room with the whole band but I was wearing my Muse shirt (This was the night before I saw them live for the first time and I actually fell asleep in that shirt).


It was akward.


Then at the concert (Muse was suporting U2) I saw a guy in a Radiohead t-shirt. I felt his pain.

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aha. i actually love these dreams :D


i have abnormally weird muse dreams too, the crazy fanatic that i am :rolleyes:


well there was this one were i was at the wedding of Tom and Davina from waterloo road, i was a bridesmaid and instead of throwing confetti or rice or whatever.. we threw bread :erm: Anyway, muse were there and they asked me back to their house, and instead of being friends, they were brothers. I met their family and they had 10 other siblings and they were all mexican, even their parents! :stunned: They lived in a 6 story house and matt and chris gave me a tour, then we went into the garden (dom was there at this point) and we lay in the grass, having discussions about bananas, zetas and the origin of the universe. We were finally about to decipher the meaning of life, when my mum called and said i had to come home :'( I'd just got out of their massive drive, when i realised i'd taken matts ipod by mistake (we both had blue nanos ?) so i ran to give it to him. He said thanks and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek :dance:


I also had this one, where i was in the band as another guitarist and we were in afica :confused: and matt was driving a car which turned out to be a cardboard box with wheels. Then we got arrested by the police for speeding and we were all yelling at matt saying what a crappy driver he was. We got put in a really nasty jail and my school friends were there :stunned: Me, Chris, Dom, Dan, Morgan and Tom got out but we decided to leave Matt in there as punishment :LOL:

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I had a dream that my whole school was going to a Muse concert, and the organiser of the concert was a teacher at my school (except I've never seen this person in my life). Everyone was really excited and talking about it, and the organiser came up to me and we started having a conversation about Muse, and she said 'I just wish they hadn't become friends with Timbaland' and I said 'they're not friends, they were just inspired by him' and played her UD on my iPod to prove it. Except it didn't play UD, it played Don't Upset the Rhythm by The Noisettes :erm: Then some other stuff happened, and then we went to the concert venue. It was a tiny theatre, and I was on the upper tier of seats with my Dad and the organiser. About twenty minutes before it started I needed the toilet and didn't want to go through the concert being uncomfortable, but I was worried about missing the start. So I told the organiser, and she said 'don't worry'. So she took out an iPhone and selected someone from her contacts list. She started ringing the number and while it was ringing me showed me who she was calling. The name said 'Matt Bellamie' but I didn't tell her she'd got the name wrong. Anyway, she was talking to him on the phone and saying 'Yes, Izzie needs the loo, so don't start yet' and I was :eek: Then she started a random conversation about water, so I left.

A load of random stuff happened in the toilet that wasn't related to Muse (they were more like changing rooms than public toilets) but when I left, you had to walk across a bit of grass to get back to the theatre, and Matt was playing football on the grass, except it wasn't him, it was a boy from my school but no one noticed. Everyone thought it was Matt. :rolleyes:

So, yeah, a bit long...but it was quite a good dream!

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I also had this one, where i was in the band as another guitarist and we were in afica :confused: and matt was driving a car which turned out to be a cardboard box with wheels. Then we got arrested by the police for speeding and we were all yelling at matt saying what a crappy driver he was. We got put in a really nasty jail and my school friends were there :stunned: Me, Chris, Dom, Dan, Morgan and Tom got out but we decided to leave Matt in there as punishment :LOL:


:LOL::LOL: That mental image is hilarious!


And ^ Matt delaying a gig so you can go to the loo? Now that's what I call special treatment. :cool:

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There were two parts of the same dream. I woke up at 5:20AM from the first one thinking about how I never get to finish my dreams. Then I went back to sleep and woke up an hour and ten minutes later to the biggest disappointment of my life/


The first part of the dream started out I was on youtube watching Muse perform on some show like the VMAs. It was a live feed and they played two songs: Uprising and a new one I thought would be a B-side to the new single (dream took place February 2010).


I was distracted by something on a forum about Final Fantasy VII and forgot to watch the conclusion of the live feed after the intermission. Then it cut to my front room but the outside walls were different, but I was sitting with Dom Howard, he was wearing a faded blue hoodie. It was after their TV performance and he was chilling before they had to get back on the road again.


It had him sign a few things and at one point I was standing behind him, looking over his right shoulder thinking of how unreal this experience was and that I should do what I could at that moment before regretting to forget. I whispered into his right ear and asked him if I could have a hug. He smiled and then turned around and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I tried to squeeze him as much he was squeezing me. Then I realized we were still hugging and so I let go a bit, but he was still holding his grip on me. Then he whispered, "I love you guys" meaning the fans.


Then we were walking down a street and I was barefoot. I accidentally stepped in a bush of flowers which were infested with bees. The bees were startled and then unleashed a flurry of stingers into my legs. It was painful and I sat on a sidewalk thinking there were only a few (It turned out later that there were 13 in my left leg alone). Apparently, this had happened to me before so I knew that intense pain was coming. Dom was standing on my right so I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to my level and asked him to help me pull a stinger out of my left knee. He pulled it out and then had a worried look on his face because he had to get back to his band mates. I told him to go ahead and go and that I'd be fine. I sat there taking the rest of the 8-9 inch red and yellow stingers out of my legs. One was in my left leg in the front which shot right up in front of my bone. I eventually pulled them all out without as much pain as I anticipated.


This was the end of the first part. I woke up, then went back to sleep for the second part.


I don't remember how it happened but I was in a room with the band and part of their management team (Tom Kirk, Anthony Addis, Cliff Burnstein, and Sam Sparrow were there) with seven other fans. I kept asking the band a lot of questions but they weren't annoyed. Then a woman came over to the small group of fans I was with and asked if any of us were going to the show in San Fransisco in September. I said I didn't have a ticket to which she grabbed a stack of papers of out a bag she was carrying and handed them around.


They were tickets to the show as the band's special guests and an ID card for full backstage access. My mom told me that we had to tell Angie (my boss) we were going then I read further and it said we were the first group of people to stumble upon their secret treasure hunt. It was about something to do with Sephiroth's (from FF7) pants from the forum from the first part of the dream. It said they knew it was us because of someone's comment about what "UltimaWeapon01" had said.


So, apparently they were watching all the fans on twitter. I asked Matt if he knew who I was (because I only go by that on twitter and AIM), he said, "Yeah, you're Pistol Star, I know you". Then he winked and smiled. The guys stood around signing stuff for everyone.


Then I went to go tell my mom what Matt just told me and when I came back to where they were standing, I saw their tourbus drive down the road. I said out loud, "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye or see you later," but then remembered that I'd see them in September later that year at the gig. Then I woke up.


Big disappointment.

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I met Muse twice in my dream last night :awesome: Actually I think it was two seperate dreams.


First one, I was waiting in this big hall thing after a Muse concert, there was a lot of people and we were all waiting for Muse to come out.

Then they came out wearing these green elf costumes, with hats and everything, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Except I was like "There they are!" and I ran over and got a photo with Dom and then Matt, and hugged them, and Dom had his aviators on. They weren't too happy that I'd spotted them. Then I was looking through pics I took at the concert and stuff. I remember thinking I was gonna tell everyone on facebook about it :LOL:


I woke up then, but fell asleep again, and dreamt that I was at this random place, and there was a bunch of us waiting to meet Muse, and they eventually we saw them and I was seeing if they remembered me...I think they did? Then I was talking to Chris about cameras, and he goes "I LOVE cameras!" and I said "Do you like lomography?" (analogue/film photography) and he said "I LOVE lomography!"

So I had one of my lomo cameras with me, and I showed Chris and he thought it was cool, and I asked if I could take a picture of the three of them, and Dom and Matt were reluctant to but they agreed to. The three of them were all posing for the photo. Except the flash on my camera had fallen off, and Dom made some comment about it. Can't remember what though. I took the photo and the flash worked and I was surprised. Then they left.


Woke up quite disappointed.

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Last night was crazy



I was dreaming I was hanging out with the band (it should be noted that It was the year 2012 and I was Matt Bellamy's personal chef and good friend of all in the band) It was my birthday and we were all drinking Saki and having a good time, Then Matt asked "me what would be your one birthday wish?" I promptly replied "to play with you all on stage in a stadium to a personally picked playlist." To my suprise he said "ok what stadiumwere in would you like to play in?" Shocked I said the only one that came to mind "Wembley?" He said "ok thats fine we'll do it tonight" Then we just showed up in the stadium on stage in front of a packed house. Matt then announced that I was taking over as lead guitarist for the night and lead vocals for some of the songs. To my suprise I sang just like Matt and played just as well as he does! Then after the big finale I made the band a huge feast in thanks which they invited me to take part in. Dom was redoing the sit the fuck down thing when I finally woke up. (I later found out I had been out for 15 hours) Super unrealistic I know, but still awesome.


and just in case you were wondering this was my setlist in order

*I sang



Apocalypse Please (with intro)

New Born



Space Dementia*



Plug-in Baby (yes I did the spins)



Citizen Erased

Butterflies and Hurricanes



Micro Cuts

Time is Running Out

Can't Take My Eyes Off You* (I was singing to some girl I can only assume was my gf)


Stockholme Syndrome (with extended ending)

Take a Bow*


This is the most vivid dream I've ever had and the drean I've remembered the most of before

Edited by church
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I met Muse twice in my dream last night :awesome: Actually I think it was two seperate dreams.


First one, I was waiting in this big hall thing after a Muse concert, there was a lot of people and we were all waiting for Muse to come out.

Then they came out wearing these green elf costumes, with hats and everything, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Except I was like "There they are!" and I ran over and got a photo with Dom and then Matt, and hugged them, and Dom had his aviators on. They weren't too happy that I'd spotted them. Then I was looking through pics I took at the concert and stuff. I remember thinking I was gonna tell everyone on facebook about it :LOL:


I woke up then, but fell asleep again, and dreamt that I was at this random place, and there was a bunch of us waiting to meet Muse, and they eventually we saw them and I was seeing if they remembered me...I think they did? Then I was talking to Chris about cameras, and he goes "I LOVE cameras!" and I said "Do you like lomography?" (analogue/film photography) and he said "I LOVE lomography!"

So I had one of my lomo cameras with me, and I showed Chris and he thought it was cool, and I asked if I could take a picture of the three of them, and Dom and Matt were reluctant to but they agreed to. The three of them were all posing for the photo. Except the flash on my camera had fallen off, and Dom made some comment about it. Can't remember what though. I took the photo and the flash worked and I was surprised. Then they left.


Woke up quite disappointed.


To the bold: Nice one:rolleyes:

I wouldn't be disappointed, those are awesome dreams - and in one night!:)



Last night was crazy



I was dreaming I was hanging out with the band (it should be noted that It was the year 2012 and I was Matt Bellamy's personal chef and good friend of all in the band) It was my birthday and we were all drinking Saki and having a good time, Then Matt asked "me what would be your one birthday wish?" I promptly replied "to play with you all on stage in a stadium to a personally picked playlist." To my suprise he said "ok what stadiumwere in would you like to play in?" Shocked I said the only one that came to mind "Wembley?" He said "ok thats fine we'll do it tonight" Then we just showed up in the stadium on stage in front of a packed house. Matt then announced that I was taking over as lead guitarist for the night and lead vocals for some of the songs. To my suprise I sang just like Matt and played just as well as he does! Then after the big finale I made the band a huge feast in thanks which they invited me to take part in. Dom was redoing the sit the fuck down thing when I finally woke up. (I later found out I had been out for 15 hours) Super unrealistic I know, but still awesome.


and just in case you were wondering this was my setlist in order

*I sang



Apocalypse Please (with intro)

New Born



Space Dementia*



Plug-in Baby (yes I did the spins)



Citizen Erased

Butterflies and Hurricanes



Micro Cuts

Time is Running Out

Can't Take My Eyes Off You* (I was singing to some girl I can only assume was my gf)


Stockholme Syndrome (with extended ending)

Take a Bow


This is the most vivid dream I've ever had and the drean I've remembered the most of before


I'm so jealous, and that's so cool that you remembered the setlist:eek:

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Okay, i was in the car with my Dad who didnt know who Muse was and to introduce him to them i put in Showbiz but the album cover wasnt Showbiz's. Anyway, When it came to Unintended, I said, "this is my favourite song, you'll love it." But instead, some random rock song that i didn't recognise played and I panicked and was like, "No this isn't Unintended, its a different song," but then Dom and Matt appeared in the back seat and were saying "Yes it is, this is Unintended," I got really panicky like the way you do in dreams, and they kept on insisting it was Unintended but it wasn't and my Dad didn't believe me :(

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This was my very random dream from last night.


I went to sleep with my iPod in (:rolleyes:) and it was rolling through Muse songs. Shrinking Universe flicked on, and suddenly this city appeared. I was standing in the middle of the road, when Matt came sprinting past me, with his chrome Manson (wearing the jacket from Unintended/Blackout at Wembley), screaming "Run! Its coming!" So I grabbed Matt's hand and started running alongside him, not knowing what "it" was. We finally ducked into this alleyway, only to be met by Dom and Chris. Chris was praying in the corner for some reason, and Dom was bawling. (:LOL:) Then, at the climax of Shrinking Universe, Dom starts screaming for help as the alleyway is engulfed in darkness. I still was holding onto Matt's hand as I blacked out.

Ironically, Blackout followed, and suddenly I was floating. It was light, but as I looked around I couldn't see anything. I began to yell out for Matt, but Chris floated out of somewhere instead. He sort of breaststroked over to me, and bear hugged me telling me it was OK and "it" had passed. He put his head on my hair and sort of rocked me back and forth, until he evaporated.

Darkshines came on, and I started falling. I was screaming for help, until I stopped by something. I looked around, and I was on the stage of the VMA's with Dom on drums. He was playing the foot pedal rhythm of Darkshines, and had caught me in his arms. He had a big cheeky grin on his face, and was laughing. I started laughing too, but then he covered my mouth with his hand and pointed towards the stage door. At the line "Hold your hands up to your eyes again/Hide from the scary scenes..." Matt and Chris appeared at the door, holding their hands over their eyes and whinging "Its TOO BRIGHT!" I looked at Dom, laughing, and managed to whisper "So what's the scary scene?" He laughed, kissed me on the cheek and responded "This." Then it went black again.

Resistance began playing, and the scene transformed into George Orwell's 1984. I was Julia, and I was watching Winston from the Ministry of Truth, with a note in hand. I began walking towards his desk, and as I slipped him the note, Winston turned around. Matt was staring back at me, with this puzzled, rather sad look on his face. For some reason his eyes looked unnaturally blue, too.

Then, as the first chorus of Resistance started, the events of 1984 began rolling past, with Matt as Winston and me as Julia. I led him out into the Golden Country through various means of transport, and we fell asleep in this big field of grass in the sun. I had my head on his chest, and he was stroking my hair with his hand- he had his eyes open, and again they were big and unnaturally blue. :happy:

We went back to the city, and by the second verse of Resistance we were in the room above the antiques store (anyone who has read the book will know this.) For some strange reason Chris was running the store downstairs and had instructed us on the "room upstairs." I was sitting on the couch, by the fireplace with Matt holding me, exclaiming "Are you sure their are no telescreens, Winston? Did you check?" "No, sweetheart. Its safe here. We are the resistance." Matt responded, and began kissing me.

The door suddenly was kicked down, and Dom, Chris, Tom Kirk and Morgan all marched in with guns and Thought Police uniforms on. Dom yelled "Get them! They are the resistance!" and Morgan and Chris launched at me, and Dom and Tom at Matt. I kicked Morgan in the face, and was carried off by Chris sobbing into this dungeon. Being completely dark again, I couldn't see, but I heard Matt thump on the wall. At this point, the line "Take us away from here/Protect us from further harm/Resistance," was playing, and all I saw was Matt's face crushed up against the wall singing the line. I ran towards him, but then Dom yanked me back and yelled "WANKER!" at Matt. (:chuckle:) Matt then sunk to the floor and disappeared.

I was left sitting with Dom in the blackness. He was hugging me, and told me to sing to make myself feel better. I began to sing the chorus of Endlessly "Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly/Hopelessly, I'll give you everything/But I won't give you up/I won't let you down/I won't leave you falling." and as I sung Matt, Dom and Chris all appeared and began singing too (yes, Dom sung. In tune, too.) Matt had this amazing falsetto, Chris had this low tenor voice and Dom was humming the keyboard bit.


I then woke up.


Wow, looooong spiel, sorry about that. :LOL::p




Funny, breathaking, amazing, a lot of twists... this is a fantastic dream.


Also the dream on the last page where Matt bought you a polar bear - :LOL:


A lot of impressive dreams on this thread... wish I had something to contribute. My last dream involving Muse was last night where they were music guests on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and one of my old school-friends was being interviewed after winning 'Nanny Of The Year' :LOL::facepalm:

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Wow, everyone's having such amazing Muse dreams recently! I've had two in a row that I actually remembered, which hasn't happened before. The first one I've already posted, but last night's wasn't as good. I was at one of their concerts and they started with a really amazing riff which led into New Born. Matt was wearing his red suit from HAARP but a different t-shirt. I think I might have met him afterwards, but I can't remember that part. :(

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mines is just quite strange.. :LOL:


We seemed to be at this small airport, and all three of them were just standing there and i got really excited (naturally :LOL:) and i ran over to them. They then just continued to stare forward, i then declared that i was a massive fan. They all ignored me, so i called out each of their names, matt and dom stayed fixated on something in front of them and when i said chris, he looked at me and asked me what was up. I then explained how i was a big fan, chris was grinning as i said this, and i was a bit upset that dom and matt were ignoring me. He chuckled and gives me a big hug and told me to ignore them and that he wanted to show me something. (this part is just weird? :LOL:) he then takes takes me to this little room thing and he puts in a code to unlock the door. its this room filled with guns on shelves.. there is a seat in the corner and as he goes to the seat, he picks up a gun on his way then sit down. He tells me to sit on his lap and then he starts talking about the aim on the gun or something. He then picks me up, then puts me back down so he's standing and i'm sitting on the seat. He then swaps guns and is about to tell me about another gun when i interrupt and ask him why he's so interested in them. He is about to answer when he gets a call from his wife and he says he needs to go, rolling his eyes. He hugs me again and then leaves the room. I immediately follow, and chris is saying bye to dom and matt, who are still standing in that same spot, but are talking back to chris. :facepalm: Then they all start to move away to different cars. Then my muse friend is with me, and we get in a car and start to follow matt.

We seem to be speeding and cutting lanes a lot when we finally make it to this seaside type place with docks, with stalls selling candy floss and everything. Matt buys candy floss, before seeing us and running away again. I didnt see where he went, i was in despair because he never spoke to me :facepalm::LOL:


then i woke up.



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All of these dreams are awesome :LOL:


In my dream last night, it started with me standing on this huge open road, with people running frantically in various directions. The sky was purple, but this blackness was taking over, as if space was swallowing the Earth or something. (:stunned:) My friend ran over the me and dragged me into a library to hide from this thing taking over the sky, and I noticed that Dom's face was on the front of the encyclopedias :awesome: so and I asked my friend "Dom writes Encyclopedias?!" and my friend said "Yeah! you haven't read it? oh.. it's a pity the world is doomed because you will never be able to read it."

The sky was still being taken over by this black hole thing, and then I discovered I had this usb pen type thing in my pocket, that has the tinyist picture of Muse on it. And apparently if I put it into the library computer, it would stop the end of the world or whatever. And it worked, haha.

Thanks Muse, for helping me save the world. :p

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OMG I had the BEST dream


I was like at some place and Matt was like talking to some guy and I thought it was a good opportunity to get a photo and autograph. Then I magically appeared at my house to find a muse album to autograph, but then he ended up signing my parkway drive top :erm: then we got a picture (taken by Matt's random friend) and it was finished! And he was so lovely :happy:

It was a good dream because it was realistic and not all random and stupid. !


good night :happy:

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