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yes. well back on topic....


I once had a dream that Matt and Dom were :cannotspeakofit.Mustbefamilyfriendly: :pope:

No point in going into detail on that one! :awesome:



actually...that might be kinda scary,:eek: DO NOT WANT! (for me anyway)

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I had a really random dream that muse were playing Map of the Problematique in a church and for some reason matt asked this girl in the audience to help sing 'starlight' and then they started arguing about how many times you were supposed to repeat the line "Starlight, I will be chasing the starlight'


apparantly it was '10'....


anyway haha

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I had a really random dream that muse were playing Map of the Problematique in a church and for some reason matt asked this girl in the audience to help sing 'starlight' and then they started arguing about how many times you were supposed to repeat the line "Starlight, I will be chasing the starlight'


apparantly it was '10'....


anyway haha




very random!!!! xDD

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I had a really random dream that muse were playing Map of the Problematique in a church and for some reason matt asked this girl in the audience to help sing 'starlight' and then they started arguing about how many times you were supposed to repeat the line "Starlight, I will be chasing the starlight'


apparantly it was '10'....


anyway haha


Far away...

This ship has taken me far away...

Far away from the memories...

Of the people who care, if I live or die.

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

Until the end of my life,

I don't know if it's worth it anymore.


Nope, doesn't really work! :LOL:

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Far away...

This ship has taken me far away...

Far away from the memories...

Of the people who care, if I live or die.

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

Until the end of my life,

I don't know if it's worth it anymore.


Nope, doesn't really work! :LOL:


:LOL: i think i'd be hitting my ipod thinking it were stuck if it really happened.

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Far away...

This ship has taken me far away...

Far away from the memories...

Of the people who care, if I live or die.

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

The starlight, I will be chasing the starlight

Until the end of my life,

I don't know if it's worth it anymore.


Nope, doesn't really work! :LOL:




I nearly fell out my chair!! :chuckle:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest QueenOfNerds

Had a dream last night where Muse were flying over my house in a helicopter and they were playing their new album. It was all about sex :LOL: and Matt did a rap in one of them and it was all "booty and pussy and bumping and grinding" it was awful :chuckle:

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Had a dream last night where Muse were flying over my house in a helicopter and they were playing their new album. It was all about sex :LOL: and Matt did a rap in one of them and it was all "booty and pussy and bumping and grinding" it was awful :chuckle:


:LOL: that must be the best dream ever! i'd love to hear Matt rap! :LOL:

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Guest QueenOfNerds
:LOL: that must be the best dream ever! i'd love to hear Matt rap! :LOL:


It was bloody hilarious, Matt should consider it for real:LOL:

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It was bloody hilarious, Matt should consider it for real:LOL:

:chuckle: he DID say he tried rapping before but thought it didn't suit his voice or something right? :LOL: Matt: what's up homies? i'm just hangin around wit ma dawgs in da hood. :cool:


i was on a date with some guy at some restaurant and suddenly he bursts our laughing á la matt. it was ridiculous! youtube before bed = crazy dreams


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP4xZXsV6m0 for the laugh


:chuckle: Matt has the best laugh. you should try tracking down the guy in real life to see if he exists! :happy:

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Had a dream last night where Muse were flying over my house in a helicopter and they were playing their new album. It was all about sex :LOL: and Matt did a rap in one of them and it was all "booty and pussy and bumping and grinding" it was awful :chuckle:


Sounds more like a nightmare!

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had the weirdest dream which I literally just woke up from 5 mins ago...maybe 20 tops.



Anyway. So it started off where I was at this small venue and I was watching Muse perform and my friend was like "this is awesome" and I was like Yea...but I like it better when they perform bigger venues. The crowd reaction is awesome. It sounds like everyone here is bored" and like my friend just kinda left, but I stayed there and they played PiB which I didn't like (but I like it live...simply because I have no choice in what they play. And live Muse ish a nice change from studio Muse) anyway It was a really tiny venue, and Matt was like "I'm gonna get as low as I can..blah blah blah" so he was practically in teh crowd, but not. And he started playing Stockholm Syndrome and the little people that were left went crazy and he started playing it but like, his hand slipped and he messed up on it and then people got annoyed and left, but I stayed. (aww poor Matt :() And he was like apologizing and stuff but I was like "meh. everyone screws up sometimes."


And then like he left cause he was like really upset and stuff and I was just kinda there wandering aound wandering what was going on. and eventually he came back, and like they were packing up everything and somehow he ended up driving me and meh mommeh somewhere and it was really really hot. So he was like "You guys want me to get you something to drink? " and meh mom said no, but I was like "sure I'll take that frutopia" and he bought it for me and I said thanks, then he was like "no, thank you. You were like, the only one at the show. I'm sorry I screwed it up. :(" and I was like "It's okay, man. It was fun I liked it." and then it got weird...er.


Something about tea bags and outer space. :stunned:

It was like I and the crew of House (minus doctor house) were on this mission to go to space, but like Muse were trying to drink some tea and this guy (the killer in Angels and Demons) stole their tea in a plot to destroy the space research and to hinder Muse. So I investigated to see what was going on and Matt helped me up until he turned into my friend Chris (who turned out to be working for teh bad guy) and then like I found all the people who stole teh tea bags (there was one for each person...but somehow 4 tea bags were missing) and I beat 'em down and took their tea bags back, then I found the main bad guy and we had an epic shank fight, I totally won that. And I took his tea bag and I said something to him but I don't remember.


Then we were going to go to space, but I had this bad feeling that the shuttle was gonna blow. Then this guy pulled up next to us in this car (the shuttle was tiny and was in someones garage :facepalm:) And they called for Chris, well I knew Chris was teh bad guy so I followed them out and used meh mind powers (Heroes :facepalm:) to fling teh car into something. And I ran over to it and like my cat was there. (funny thing is I don't even have that cat anymore) and I was like "I'm so sorry kitty Dx" and like something happened.


Then like I saved the cast of House and the shuttle blew up sometime after and I was like "See I told you it would blow up!" Then I was getting off work (scene change much?) and I called for Kapasa, but it was actually my sister Monet, and I asked her if she wanted to come stay with me at meh friend's house. (of course she did) so I was like "there should be room. I'll ask her" and then my friend was the daughter of a doctor...they were British and like idk it was strange. so like I had to use the bathroom and I found this weird thing that looked like a giant soap dispenser, but it was like a massage thing or something for guys??? and It was called "Cockminster blues" and like it had small print (and I wish I could remember it all) but it said like "Music when your cockminster gets you down" or something like that and I was like 0.o "wtf?"


It was odd. I remember bits and pieces of something else. But I don't feel like typing it up. :LOL:

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had the weirdest dream which I literally just woke up from 5 mins ago...maybe 20 tops.




Anyway. So it started off where I was at this small venue and I was watching Muse perform and my friend was like "this is awesome" and I was like Yea...but I like it better when they perform bigger venues. The crowd reaction is awesome. It sounds like everyone here is bored" and like my friend just kinda left, but I stayed there and they played PiB which I didn't like (but I like it live...simply because I have no choice in what they play. And live Muse ish a nice change from studio Muse) anyway It was a really tiny venue, and Matt was like "I'm gonna get as low as I can..blah blah blah" so he was practically in teh crowd, but not. And he started playing Stockholm Syndrome and the little people that were left went crazy and he started playing it but like, his hand slipped and he messed up on it and then people got annoyed and left, but I stayed. (aww poor Matt :() And he was like apologizing and stuff but I was like "meh. everyone screws up sometimes."


And then like he left cause he was like really upset and stuff and I was just kinda there wandering aound wandering what was going on. and eventually he came back, and like they were packing up everything and somehow he ended up driving me and meh mommeh somewhere and it was really really hot. So he was like "You guys want me to get you something to drink? " and meh mom said no, but I was like "sure I'll take that frutopia" and he bought it for me and I said thanks, then he was like "no, thank you. You were like, the only one at the show. I'm sorry I screwed it up. :(" and I was like "It's okay, man. It was fun I liked it." and then it got weird...er.


Something about tea bags and outer space. :stunned:

It was like I and the crew of House (minus doctor house) were on this mission to go to space, but like Muse were trying to drink some tea and this guy (the killer in Angels and Demons) stole their tea in a plot to destroy the space research and to hinder Muse. So I investigated to see what was going on and Matt helped me up until he turned into my friend Chris (who turned out to be working for teh bad guy) and then like I found all the people who stole teh tea bags (there was one for each person...but somehow 4 tea bags were missing) and I beat 'em down and took their tea bags back, then I found the main bad guy and we had an epic shank fight, I totally won that. And I took his tea bag and I said something to him but I don't remember.


Then we were going to go to space, but I had this bad feeling that the shuttle was gonna blow. Then this guy pulled up next to us in this car (the shuttle was tiny and was in someones garage :facepalm:) And they called for Chris, well I knew Chris was teh bad guy so I followed them out and used meh mind powers (Heroes :facepalm:) to fling teh car into something. And I ran over to it and like my cat was there. (funny thing is I don't even have that cat anymore) and I was like "I'm so sorry kitty Dx" and like something happened.


Then like I saved the cast of House and the shuttle blew up sometime after and I was like "See I told you it would blow up!" Then I was getting off work (scene change much?) and I called for Kapasa, but it was actually my sister Monet, and I asked her if she wanted to come stay with me at meh friend's house. (of course she did) so I was like "there should be room. I'll ask her" and then my friend was the daughter of a doctor...they were British and like idk it was strange. so like I had to use the bathroom and I found this weird thing that looked like a giant soap dispenser, but it was like a massage thing or something for guys??? and It was called "Cockminster blues" and like it had small print (and I wish I could remember it all) but it said like "Music when your cockminster gets you down" or something like that and I was like 0.o "wtf?"



It was odd. I remember bits and pieces of something else. But I don't feel like typing it up. :LOL:

:eek: that's very detailed.

AND you managed to combine both House and Muse! two of my <3s! :LOL: as well as the dead Buke :chuckle: your dreams are always magnificent! :happy:

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:eek: that's very detailed.

AND you managed to combine both House and Muse! two of my <3s! :LOL: as well as the dead Buke :chuckle: your dreams are always magnificent! :happy:


I always have detailed dreams :erm: I guess that's why it always seems like they last forever! :LOL:


lol thanks. But you could only imagine how horrible my nightmares can be! :stunned:

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My dream was long and elaborate and I don't remember most of it. But at one point there was some plot to clone Matt by, like, trying to 'breed' him with a bunch of midgets. So they (the plotters) were on a quest to capture him, but first they captured me and some other people because I guess it all had to do with the plan. We were held captive in some room with "Matt Bellamy Project" written on the door for a long time, and then at some point we were running through a big supermarket that sort of morphed into my backyard at times, trying to collect these small bouncy balls before these two bad guys got them. At first the bad guys were winning but we managed to distract them. At one point I remember throwing m&ms at their feet to make them trip, which helped I guess. I have no idea what bouncy balls had to do with all this, but they were apparently crucial.

Anyway, this was all done to somehow save Matt from being captured and cloned into tons of mini-Matts.

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I had my most detailed Muse dream last night(that I remember). The consequences of this dream were that I awoke at 9:10 am and I had to be at work at 9:45 am (and I actually got there on time:p). Anyway, I was at a Muse concert, it seemed to be in a school auditorium, not many people there but definately enought to have a concert...but they were the opening band. (The dream felt so real, like it was actually happening. So I was standing up front to the left side in front of Matt who was at the piano. They started playing a new song (if only I could remember how it went...). They next played TIRO and Matt looked right at me (I remember in the dream feeling like he actually knew me.) They went on to play the next song but there were too many fans and Matt got up and the band stopped and walked out of the room, he was angry. (If I had wrote this down right after it happened, I'm sure it would've had more detail, especially the end part). Well, I woke up and must have eventually turned off my alarm since I didn't get out of bed. It was a good dream though, I had a happy feeling when I woke up...it was strange. Maybe I dreamt part of one of their new songs or something...:erm:

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My dream was long and elaborate and I don't remember most of it. But at one point there was some plot to clone Matt by, like, trying to 'breed' him with a bunch of midgets. So they (the plotters) were on a quest to capture him, but first they captured me and some other people because I guess it all had to do with the plan. We were held captive in some room with "Matt Bellamy Project" written on the door for a long time, and then at some point we were running through a big supermarket that sort of morphed into my backyard at times, trying to collect these small bouncy balls before these two bad guys got them. At first the bad guys were winning but we managed to distract them. At one point I remember throwing m&ms at their feet to make them trip, which helped I guess. I have no idea what bouncy balls had to do with all this, but they were apparently crucial.

Anyway, this was all done to somehow save Matt from being captured and cloned into tons of mini-Matts.

:supersad: but imagine the tons of miniMatts! it'll be fun, we could play compare the meerkeet for reals! :supersad:

I had my most detailed Muse dream last night(that I remember). The consequences of this dream were that I awoke at 9:10 am and I had to be at work at 9:45 am (and I actually got there on time:p). Anyway' date=' I was at a Muse concert, it seemed to be in a school auditorium, not many people there but definately enought to have a concert...but they were the opening band. (The dream felt so real, like it was actually happening. So I was standing up front to the left side in front of Matt who was at the piano. They started playing a new song (if only I could remember how it went...). They next played TIRO and Matt looked right at me (I remember in the dream feeling like he actually [i']knew[/i] me.) They went on to play the next song but there were too many fans and Matt got up and the band stopped and walked out of the room, he was angry. (If I had wrote this down right after it happened, I'm sure it would've had more detail, especially the end part). Well, I woke up and must have eventually turned off my alarm since I didn't get out of bed. It was a good dream though, I had a happy feeling when I woke up...it was strange. Maybe I dreamt part of one of their new songs or something...:erm:


:eek::eek:! maybe you dreamed how to solve the code. too!

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Guest QueenOfNerds
My dream was long and elaborate and I don't remember most of it. But at one point there was some plot to clone Matt by, like, trying to 'breed' him with a bunch of midgets. So they (the plotters) were on a quest to capture him, but first they captured me and some other people because I guess it all had to do with the plan. We were held captive in some room with "Matt Bellamy Project" written on the door for a long time, and then at some point we were running through a big supermarket that sort of morphed into my backyard at times, trying to collect these small bouncy balls before these two bad guys got them. At first the bad guys were winning but we managed to distract them. At one point I remember throwing m&ms at their feet to make them trip, which helped I guess. I have no idea what bouncy balls had to do with all this, but they were apparently crucial.

Anyway, this was all done to somehow save Matt from being captured and cloned into tons of mini-Matts.


That is :LOL: Why haven't we thought of this before?!

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I have rarely had muse related dreams...


The first one I had was a few days after I saw them at Parc des Princes in June 2007: they had a gig in a stadium. I was sitting waiting for the gig to start, when Matt came and took me by the hand to a building where there were Warner employees. For some reason I was very nervous because I didn't know why I was there nor what I was supposed to do. Then, suddenly, I found myself in a street close to the stadium where they gave their gig, and Muse were standing behind me. I turn and see Matt coming to me. He gave me a kiss on the neck :$. And my alarm clock woke me up, so I don't know how this dream was supposed to end... Weird :confused:


In another one, I was the blonde girl in the Knights of Cydonia video :erm: (I wish I was as fit as her though)

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