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My dream wasn't that interesting but it had Muse in it so im gonna tell you anyway :p


Im at school in assembley and we're watching this film about the environment which is basiclly a load of clips of people protesting and images of factories, cities, pollution etc all edited really fast, I also saw the HAARP album cover a few times in there too! The music for the film was actually being played live but we couldn't see who was playing it?! I leant over the side of where I was sat and saw some drums being played and the end of a bass guitar being played relly fast, I leaned over a bit more and sure enough it was Muse in this basement below! I looked next to Chris and saw Matt waiting to come in but he was holding a really strange gold instrument?! I leant over to my friend and said "see that gold watergun thing, thats gonna come in, in a sec!", a teacher standing nearby overheard me but just grinned...


That dream is a result of working late on an assignment on Coca Cola's corporate social responsibility, while listening to Muse! :LOL:

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well this was a while ago. i had a dream that matt bellamy was performing by him self at a place not far from where i live... i saw the show. he was wonderful. then i went back stage. and there was a little VIP party. heaps of people trying to get autographs etc. and i went up to matt had a bit of a chat. then walked away. then he aproached me and started chatting again. hmmm weird


the other one i had was funny. i was front row at a muse gig. then they stopped playing and were just talking. matt kept on throwing me daggers for some reason, and then dom came up started chatting and kissed me on the cheek, then matt gave me another greasy :LOL: dreams are weird

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im starting to overdream now usally two a night but resently 4 O.o


most resent muse dream




i was in the school basketball court out side and Matt was there,in the red jacket,sitting there with a new black and white manson

he let me play it,i think it started to rain and we were both sitting there.i tried to play it but he kept staring at me o.o

and i couldnt get suppermassive black hole right cause i was so paranoid.i couldnt work the chaos pad and i asked him what was wrong and he just stared at me,my mate then came and said "it needs the key" and im like where is it? "i have it" then she opened up a hold in the ground and got the key and pressed a botten on it and i woke up




sorry for any mistakes

im lossing the ablity to type

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  • 3 weeks later...

Squeee I had my first Muse dream well Matt Bellamy one!:D


I went to a small concert and there was Matt in a boxing ring but playing songs and then he asked for me to come up and he was strumming his guitar and said if I could play Microcuts by the next time we meet I could play guitar him next time on stage in front of everyone! It was better in dream format rather than words here haha!:LOL:

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I had a dream when i was at a muse gig...somwhere, and then i was at my house and i saw a man they were with outside, so i ran out hugged matt and dom, but no chris:(, then the man they were with told me to go get his shirt in my house which had a frog on it:stunned: and i went to get it, gave it to him and they all got in the car and drove off.

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i had a dream last night that is sort of to do with muse


i was in the music room at my school playing sunburn and new born on the piano and then my music teacher came in and started screaming at me because it was a nice sounding piano and i was ruining it with my awful playing....

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ok, I've just had a really weird Muse dream!


I bumped into them in what looked like an airport terminal. They asked me to join them for a meal.

Dom chatted to me in a very jovial manner whilst we were eating, Matt only spoke to me once (I'll get back to that) and kept smiling at me in a knowing way for the rest of the time, and Chris ignored me, because he was with his wife, who he kissed fairly frequently...

I was wearing a long raincoat with a high collar underneath a purple hoodie and a MOTP t-shirt on top of that. I remember thinking "Oh no! Typical that I bump into Muse on a really bad-outfit day!" Throughout the dream, the raincoat kept jumping from underneath everything to on top (my dreams have continuity errors??? wtf??)

So, the only thing that Matt said to me was "I really like your outfit, where did you get it?", which I found to be highly suspicious, due to the secret smile he was displaying for the majority of the dream...

Then there was some kind of competition, but I don't remember that bit.


I woke up, stared at the ceiling, and said "What the fuck???"


The End

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hi I'm sort of new to this forum.. i hope I'm doing this right..

'newho i've had Muse dreams for the past 4 nights but last night's is the only one i remember... Me and 2 people from my school who i haven't talked to for years now, were standing in line to go to a muse concert some where in NYC but we didn't have tickets and had to sneak in.

We got in and i started climbing down the chairs which were really steap and hard to climb over.

we got to the bottom and saw the stage which was a triangle so huge it made Matt, Dom, and Chris look like tiny dolls that were miles apart.

we sat down and they started playing.

Matt was standing in the front playing drums, but they were really dinky drums and the cymbal looked like a pot with a lid on it, and Dom was sitting behind his actual drum set playing Matt's guitar very poorly, making really cheesy rock poses, Chris was just miles off somewhere i couldn't see.

after Dom personally handed out new muse cd's to everyone, but we all got confused/mad about it because there was only one really bad purple picture of Matt in the entire album with the letters TSP (the small print?) under it, someone even yelled "why in every single album there is only one picture of Matt?!". everyone started thinking Matt Bellamy's name wasn't really Matt Bellamy and it was actually something with the initials TSP and started hating him. :confused:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My friend Edie had a Muse dream a while ago :erm:


Me and her were at a gig, and when it ended, she went to the bathroom, and the boys were there (in the ladies lol). So she came out to get me, but I didn't believe her. When she finally managed to pursuade me, we ran to the bathroom and only just caught a glimpse of them going out the exit (which was also in the ladies :stunned:). We followed but they'd disappeared. I said goodbye to Edie and left, and Edie got in 'her' car and put 'her' keys in the ignition (rofl, she's thirteen) and then she realised the lads were in her back seat :LOL: So she drove them home, and then the next day at 'work' I'd somehow found out and was really angry and jealous and I chased her around trying to strangle her :LOL:

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I had this really strange dream with Matt in it a while ago....

We were in some public building and he was rambling on and on and I was getting very aggravated, so I cut him off! Then we were at my house (not mine, though) and he was sitting at a table reading and drinking something. I then entered the room, and he tipped his glass at me like, "good morning!" THEN, we were on the sofa, and I rejected his advance to put his arm around me.


Poor dream Matt... I was a jerk to him! Awww. XD

Edited by The_Tourist
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Seen loads of Muse dreams. Once I dreamt of seeing Matt and spotting a huge tattoo on his lower back while he was diving off a sofa. :LOL:

Last night I was discussing with Chris about their setlist on an upcoming gig ( he allowed me to make suggestions, bless! ) and then Matt let me touch his... guitar. ;) God that was bliss.

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I had this dream about Muse...really weird (aren't all dreams weird?).

It started with Matt and Dom arguing in the middle of the street. At the beggining I didn't really understand what was it all about, just that Matt was blaming Dom for something. Then Dom said "I'm sorry, I don't remember!" and all of a sudden, Dom was on his bike and Chris too. They we're riding somewhere with a lot of trees until they underneath a bridge that had this really dirty river. I don't really remember but Chris said something motivating to Dom and them fell into the river.

After that, I was back to the Dom and Matt scene and Dom said " Wait, I think Chris might still be alive!" and then Dom and Matt started running to that dirty river. Dom dived and Matt was like "Are you insane? I'm not going to dive without a suit!" and Dom ignored and started swimming, found Chris and brought him to the surfice. Chris opened his eyes and they were all celebrating and then went home.

When they got home, I was there with some of my cousin's friends (that were at Muse Concert with me). Matt, Dom and Chris showered together and suddenly Matt appears in the living room asking for the camera because Dom and Chris were doing that shower thing that is on Hullabaloo dvd 2...

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I had this dream about Muse...really weird (aren't all dreams weird?).

It started with Matt and Dom arguing in the middle of the street. At the beggining I didn't really understand what was it all about, just that Matt was blaming Dom for something. Then Dom said "I'm sorry, I don't remember!" and all of a sudden, Dom was on his bike and Chris too. They we're riding somewhere with a lot of trees until they underneath a bridge that had this really dirty river. I don't really remember but Chris said something motivating to Dom and them fell into the river.

After that, I was back to the Dom and Matt scene and Dom said " Wait, I think Chris might still be alive!" and then Dom and Matt started running to that dirty river. Dom dived and Matt was like "Are you insane? I'm not going to dive without a suit!" and Dom ignored and started swimming, found Chris and brought him to the surfice. Chris opened his eyes and they were all celebrating and then went home.

When they got home, I was there with some of my cousin's friends (that were at Muse Concert with me). Matt, Dom and Chris showered together and suddenly Matt appears in the living room asking for the camera because Dom and Chris were doing that shower thing that is on Hullabaloo dvd 2...


All dreams are strange but that one's like, off the meter :stunned:



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Last night I had a dream that I was at Matt's house. It was really big and gorgeous and there were pretty gardens and a forest outside... it was really nice, like a chateau. So, I have no idea what I was doing there, I just kind of showed up. I was with Matt and Dom in the kitchen (it was nice and had tons of windows looking on the forest) and they were preparing food. I asked if I could help, and Dom gave me a grate and a piece of bread and told me to grate it. WTF?! XD So, I did that, and Matt proceeded to show me how to do it correctly. So, I made bread crumbs and put them in a bowl. Then, Matt said, how old are you? Dom was like, oh I bet she's 17. Matt said, oh shit. Dom laughed, and Matt was joking and said, oh then- no fooling around then. (Dream Matt= perv?) Then Dom informed me that the queen was coming along with some other famous person. (what's the queen of England doing in Italy?) I didn't question it, and went into another room where people were preparing cake and practicing lining up to present to the queen. Then I went up to some bedroom where my friend was and asked her what dress I should wear. I showed her this gorgeous beaded cocktail one and a black and white flowery one, and she chose the black and white one.

The end!


I had a weird ass dream, I know.

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AGH really bad Muse dream :stunned: bit of a Nightmare really


They were doing ANOTHER gig in a big park near where I live so I went along, and I managed to push my way to the front and I actually managed to get on the stage so I sat down on these fold-out seats at the side of the stage and picked up a yellow plectrum from the floor (the type Matt uses) and started fiddling with it while waiting for the show to start


I looked over to Matt and he was looking a bit annoyed at something like he couldn't play the intro to SMBH, looking really intensely at the Glitterati's fretboard and his hands :erm: I then got up and wandered across to the other side of the stage (which was pretty small and on the same level as the crowd now) and sat down next to this teeny Bass amp when I realised Matt was probably having problems because I had his plectrum :eek: so I held it out and he snatched it back and immediatley started playing SMBH


This was weird because Chris and Dom had been idling around my side of the stage waiting for Matt to start, but they went to pick up their instruments after the song had started :stunned: I look up at Chris and say 'you're not even playing it? :(' and he leans over and says 'well no, it's always a backing track innit'


Then it cuts to the park exit and I can see a lot of people leaving (mostly charv looking people but peopl nonetheless) so I think 'what the heck' and go up to the stage where Matt's slumped over the barrier looking a bit 'can't be arsed' wearing with really drab cream knitted jumper (lol?) surrounded by the audience who don't seem to have noticed they're standing next to THE Matt Bellamy (lol) I try to convince him to get back up and play but he just can't be bothered and Chris and Dom have up and left already :(


I wake up and my brother is playing Newborn in his room :LOL: weird

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I had a Muse dream last night.. my first ever, which is weird in itself, given my addiction to them..:rolleyes: I turned up to a gig with some friends and it was over when we got there - devasted! But then Matt spotted us standing around morosely, and offered to do the whole gig again - win! :LOL:


Unfortunately I then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep to finish a brilliant dream... isn't it always the way?:rolleyes::happy:

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Agh I had the weirdest Muse dream the other night :stunned:

It lasted for ages....but basically it involved lots of fish in my room and chris nearly dying because this giant eel had entwined itself around his body :stunned:

I remember there was blood everywhere for some reason and matt was just filming it and laughing :LOL:



Then the blonde woman who got possessed in the last episode of Doctor Who stole my lightbulb :(

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Agh I had the weirdest Muse dream the other night :stunned:

It lasted for ages....but basically it involved lots of fish in my room and chris nearly dying because this giant eel had entwined itself around his body :stunned:

I remember there was blood everywhere for some reason and matt was just filming it and laughing :LOL:



Then the blonde woman who got possessed in the last episode of Doctor Who stole my lightbulb :(


lol :LOL: welcome to the utterly bizzare dream club

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Agh I had the weirdest Muse dream the other night :stunned:

It lasted for ages....but basically it involved lots of fish in my room and chris nearly dying because this giant eel had entwined itself around his body :stunned:

I remember there was blood everywhere for some reason and matt was just filming it and laughing :LOL:



Then the blonde woman who got possessed in the last episode of Doctor Who stole my lightbulb :(



Haha I always have weird dreams like that :LOL: <3

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I had a really weird dream...about Muse....its odd because i just joined this forum yesterday and last night i had my first Muse dream....


Anyway, a group of friends and i went to this random shopping centre. We got so immersed in a shop that selled leather conditioner. Don't know why it was so alluring, maybe it was because i was polishing saddles and bridles for the whole day..... but we saw this poster that said Muse was performing in the food court that day. So we all got uber excited and started making our way over there. Gavin didn't want to go because he wanted to play world of warcraft. Once we got there, a voice said "Muse will be out in five minutes." Those five minutes seemed to be crawling, so i went and bought some food which was sushi and a coleslaw roll...I went back to where everyone else was just as Muse came onstage. Everyone started going crazy and screaming. Matt, Chris and Dom had these big cheesy grins on their faces. They started playing Knights, followed by Sunburn, Fury, then Plug In Baby. Suddenly they stopped and this mystical voice said, "Due to technical difficulties, this show will be postponed." People started getting annoyed, but not as annoyed as Matt who, in a fit of anger, threw his guitar at an unfortunate McDonalds employee whilst yelling, "The show must go on!". Chris and Dom were giggling uncontrollably behind the drum kit. Matt walked over to me, sat down and whispered to me, " Will you share your coleslaw roll with me?" It was at this point, i woke up....




If this post appears three or four times its coz this stupid internet keeps dropping out and i can't see if i have posted this....:rolleyes:

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I had a really weird dream...about Muse....its odd because i just joined this forum yesterday and last night i had my first Muse dream....


Anyway, a group of friends and i went to this random shopping centre. We got so immersed in a shop that selled leather conditioner. Don't know why it was so alluring, maybe it was because i was polishing saddles and bridles for the whole day..... but we saw this poster that said Muse was performing in the food court that day. So we all got uber excited and started making our way over there. Gavin didn't want to go because he wanted to play world of warcraft. Once we got there, a voice said "Muse will be out in five minutes." Those five minutes seemed to be crawling, so i went and bought some food which was sushi and a coleslaw roll...I went back to where everyone else was just as Muse came onstage. Everyone started going crazy and screaming. Matt, Chris and Dom had these big cheesy grins on their faces. They started playing Knights, followed by Sunburn, Fury, then Plug In Baby. Suddenly they stopped and this mystical voice said, "Due to technical difficulties, this show will be postponed." People started getting annoyed, but not as annoyed as Matt who, in a fit of anger, threw his guitar at an unfortunate McDonalds employee whilst yelling, "The show must go on!". Chris and Dom were giggling uncontrollably behind the drum kit. Matt walked over to me, sat down and whispered to me, " Will you share your coleslaw roll with me?" It was at this point, i woke up....




If this post appears three or four times its coz this stupid internet keeps dropping out and i can't see if i have posted this....:rolleyes:


:LOL: Not bad for the first Muse dream.

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