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On topic I had a dream last night where i was watching Kylie Minogue at V Festival and she was performing with Bono, and also Matt and Chris (Chris said that Dom was busy procrastinating).


They played some songs but the only one I remember was a bit of Viva La Gloria by Green Day. I remember Matt was wearing his stadium tin foil suit and was singing backing vocals and playing on what looked like 4 stage pianos built into one super-piano, while Chris was wearing a white suit and light blue t-shirt, and playing one of those Status basses. And for some reason Bono was a dancer.

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Well you always do big multi qutoes, so i felt like you :p

Oh whoops... totally misunderstood that... or I just wasn't paying attention to what I was replying too...:$ Yes I suppose that is my 'signature' isn't it?

I truly love this thread! :LOL:

It's so off-topic and most of the time I don't understand one thing! :$:chuckle:


That may be because you check these threads once a day, so if you dont read through all of them, you can get lost very easily. I do read through everything, thus the long posts of replying to quotes that I do all the time. I'm forever thankful to the person who told me (and PIFB) how to do the multi-quote thing... it saves from looking like a total attention seeking asshole posting five in a row. Believe me, I find it annoying when others do it.

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Oh whoops... totally misunderstood that... or I just wasn't paying attention to what I was replying too...:$ Yes I suppose that is my 'signature' isn't it?



At least you actually quote people :LOL: i find it very annoying when people just leave random replies on threads :LOL: and yeah, it kinda is :p

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what does it mean if I had a dream about Matt having his baby with a giraffe and not Kate Hudson?


Little giraffe Bellamy's :erm:


And my reasoning for it in my dream was "He's been known to do odd things like this before"


I dunno. Is it normal to dream about eating pasta and wake up crying your eyes out?



That would be a very interesting baby.



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I dunno. Is it normal to dream about eating pasta and wake up crying your eyes out?



Perhaps you forgot the detail that you were eating someone's intestines as pasta...? Before I get any questions, the translation is maybe you forgot some key part of the dream that triggered you to cry.

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I had a Muse dream last night :awesome:

I don't remember too many details, but I think I was just sitting and talking with some friends somewhere, then Chris was just there and we were chatting with him. Then Dom walked past, but he didn't even say hi or anything, he just went right past. So I yelled out "Hey Dom! Come back and say hi. Chris is here, and you didn't even notice him. Do you think you're so cool that you can just go past without saying hey ;) " And he sort of smirked and came over to chat. This is where it became a bit weird. Dom looked a bit different, and then then this other, more realistic looking Dom walked out to join us, then I thought that they must've been twins or something. So yeah, two Doms :LOL:. Matt must've been there somewhere, but I don't remember...

That's pretty much all I can remember, then my dream went off into non-Musey things.

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I've had a Musey dream over the time I've been absent from this thread and forum :happy:


It started off I was at this dance at school, which is very strange 'cause I never go to dances anymore.. And there were these 2 girls I hate to the extreme in front of me (I guess we were in some sort of line for something.)

They happened to be wearing these AWESOME Muse shirts I have never seen before so I asked where they got them and they said, "We got them on the Absolution Tour.."

That probably explained why it said 'Absolution' across the front of the shirt.. I was like :awesome:

Then I remember seeing Matt walk across the room.. It's a shame I didn't even go over to him though. He seemed lost :(

And then it ended- I woke up.

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Last night, I dreamt that I was going on a double date with Matt&Kate. My date was going to be Brandon Flowers, but I was definitely planning on ditching him for Matt. :rolleyes:

So, that night I went and bought all of these things to make me look prettier, like black hair dye, lotion for my face?, new make-up... I don't even wear make-up :LOL:

but then I realized, oh nose, I don't have a brush! And so I went to the store to get a brush. But I didn't have anymore money. And at the same time, I saw a magazine and it had Kate on the cover. (I heard she's gonna be in InStyle, that's probably why.) She was in a wedding dress on the cover, and I saw it and was like "WTF?" she was talking about her marriage with Matt and how it's going strong. Everything she said about him was just so sweet and adorable! :facepalm: Suddenly I was at home, sitting on my bed, crying my eyes out, and my brother comes in and is all "what the fuck are you doing!? You have a date! With Brandon Fucking Flowers and Matthew Fucking James Bellamy!" and I got ready all over again to meet them at some fancy dinner place....and when Kate went to the bathroom, Matt leaned in to kiss me...but then I woke up. :stunned:

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Last night, I dreamt that I was going on a double date with Matt&Kate. My date was going to be Brandon Flowers, but I was definitely planning on ditching him for Matt. :rolleyes:

So, that night I went and bought all of these things to make me look prettier, like black hair dye, lotion for my face?, new make-up... I don't even wear make-up :LOL:

but then I realized, oh nose, I don't have a brush! And so I went to the store to get a brush. But I didn't have anymore money. And at the same time, I saw a magazine and it had Kate on the cover. (I heard she's gonna be in InStyle, that's probably why.) She was in a wedding dress on the cover, and I saw it and was like "WTF?" she was talking about her marriage with Matt and how it's going strong. Everything she said about him was just so sweet and adorable! :facepalm: Suddenly I was at home, sitting on my bed, crying my eyes out, and my brother comes in and is all "what the fuck are you doing!? You have a date! With Brandon Fucking Flowers and Matthew Fucking James Bellamy!" and I got ready all over again to meet them at some fancy dinner place....and when Kate went to the bathroom, Matt leaned in to kiss me...but then I woke up. :stunned:


:LOL: She is on the cover of InStyle this month. She did say really sweet stuff about Matt. Maybe you're psychic :stunned:

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Haha nice dream. I haven't had one in AGES. :'( I actually haven't been able to remember my dreams properly for the last month :( Btw I like your avatar ;) Are 'taches like your signature? :LOL:


I love Muse with Picnik facial hair :awesome:

It makes them look GLOOOORIUS.. even though they're all beautiful without facial hair too.. ;)


Last night, I dreamt that I was going on a double date with Matt&Kate. My date was going to be Brandon Flowers, but I was definitely planning on ditching him for Matt. :rolleyes:

So, that night I went and bought all of these things to make me look prettier, like black hair dye, lotion for my face?, new make-up... I don't even wear make-up :LOL:

but then I realized, oh nose, I don't have a brush! And so I went to the store to get a brush. But I didn't have anymore money. And at the same time, I saw a magazine and it had Kate on the cover. (I heard she's gonna be in InStyle, that's probably why.) She was in a wedding dress on the cover, and I saw it and was like "WTF?" she was talking about her marriage with Matt and how it's going strong. Everything she said about him was just so sweet and adorable! :facepalm: Suddenly I was at home, sitting on my bed, crying my eyes out, and my brother comes in and is all "what the fuck are you doing!? You have a date! With Brandon Fucking Flowers and Matthew Fucking James Bellamy!" and I got ready all over again to meet them at some fancy dinner place....and when Kate went to the bathroom, Matt leaned in to kiss me...but then I woke up. :stunned:


THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS!!It's like the best moment is about to happen in a dream and you wake up! It's like your body gets excited as you're sleeping so then it's mentally saying "You shall now wake up. No happiness for you!"




But yes I had a dream yesterday full of Musey-ness. And let me tell you, it was VEWY odd, indeed... :stunned:



Automatically I guess Muse was in my bathroom (at my mom's)..

Matt ( with dirty-blonde hair :awesome: ) was standing in front of the sink, eating an icecream sandwich, Tom was sitting across from him on the tiled floor just laughing whenever Matt made a disgusted face, Chris was sitting a little bit further down the wall, also on the floor, and Dom was pretending to smoke marijuana in my bathtub :wtf:

They all were delusional and laughing hysterically like Matt when Dom was telling them to sit the fuck down :chuckle:

It was such a sight... So then Matt finished his food up, joined Dom in the bathtub sitting obviously way too close which made me think of BellDom

Chris had joined too by a certain point and also pretending to smoke marijuana... Believe me though, it wasn't marijuana it looked more like plain, white sugar..

Then there was a random straw that Matt pulled out and blew some more sugar out at the person filming this all- who now that I think of it, I don't even remember seeing unless I was filming it..

But then I woke up.. So now whenever I walk into that bathroom I can see a ghost of them and I get depressed that they're not really there :noey:

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:LOL: She is on the cover of InStyle this month. She did say really sweet stuff about Matt. Maybe you're psychic :stunned:

:LOL: no, I knew she was in InStyle, because I read someone's tumblr involving it, and I thought some of the stuff she said was sweet...and then it was in my dream! But i'm very confused about that. When does said magazine get released? :rolleyes:

THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS!!It's like the best moment is about to happen in a dream and you wake up! It's like your body gets excited as you're sleeping so then it's mentally saying "You shall now wake up. No happiness for you!"


Automatically I guess Muse was in my bathroom (at my mom's)..

Matt ( with dirty-blonde hair :awesome: ) was standing in front of the sink, eating an icecream sandwich, Tom was sitting across from him on the tiled floor just laughing whenever Matt made a disgusted face, Chris was sitting a little bit further down the wall, also on the floor, and Dom was pretending to smoke marijuana in my bathtub :wtf:

They all were delusional and laughing hysterically like Matt when Dom was telling them to sit the fuck down :chuckle:

It was such a sight... So then Matt finished his food up, joined Dom in the bathtub sitting obviously way too close which made me think of BellDom

Chris had joined too by a certain point and also pretending to smoke marijuana... Believe me though, it wasn't marijuana it looked more like plain, white sugar..

Then there was a random straw that Matt pulled out and blew some more sugar out at the person filming this all- who now that I think of it, I don't even remember seeing unless I was filming it..

But then I woke up.. So now whenever I walk into that bathroom I can see a ghost of them and I get depressed that they're not really there :noey:

Yeah, what is with that?! Maybe it's because your body can easily imagine walking, talking, eating dinner...but since I've never kissed matt, it doesn't know what that's like, therefore i can not dream of kissing matt. ever.?

&&your dream :LOL: so they were just smoking pot in your house, but it wasn't pot... :D I miss the old Sit The Fuck Down days! Why did they have to grow up? Sometimes when my friends see pictures of them or some lolz they go "ohmygosh, they're so immature!" and I'm just like, yeahhhh.. :D

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