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Haha, it's alright. But I've got pretty much the same personality, so I'd know. I just let other people talk if they're around, but if it's one on one, I'll talk as much as you'd like. And I don't really show affection, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about people. So yeah. I should stop analyzing people, I'm probably totally wrong :LOL:


I'm the same way. The internet is alot easier for me to speak through. I hug (some) people, but I don't really say I love you to them in person, it just sounds wierd coming from me :( And most my friends think I'm really quiet, when we are in big groups, I can just let them talk. I'm more comfortable in big groups because you don't have to put as much effort in to keep them entertained :LOL: But then it depends on the person. I often think i'm quite a boring person sometimes when I'm around some people because I just can't hold a conversation :( , but others Its easy because I'm a naturally random & chatty person once you get to know me :p . Sorry, personal rant over :$ Anyway, I think Chris is just shy, and he does appreciate the fans, after all, who is tweeting us all the time? Lotta love for Chris <3

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I'm the same way. The internet is alot easier for me to speak through. I hug (some) people, but I don't really say I love you to them in person, it just sounds wierd coming from me :( And most my friends think I'm really quiet, when we are in big groups, I can just let them talk. I'm more comfortable in big groups because you don't have to put as much effort in to keep them entertained :LOL: But then it depends on the person. I often think i'm quite a boring person sometimes when I'm around some people because I just can't hold a conversation :( , but others Its easy because I'm a naturally random & chatty person once you get to know me :p . Sorry, personal rant over :$ Anyway, I think Chris is just shy, and he does appreciate the fans, after all, who is tweeting us all the time? Lotta love for Chris <3


Are you my long-lost twin?

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Aww, I'm glad you don't mind my company :happy: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! *virtual hug* :p

:LOL: that reminds me of the interview where matt says he can't play guitar in front of just a few people, and the interviewer says, "okay next question, will you play me a song?" and he says "did you even...listen to anything i said?"


I'm the same way. The internet is alot easier for me to speak through. I'm more comfortable in big groups because you don't have to put as much effort in to keep them entertained :LOL: But then it depends on the person. I often think i'm quite a boring person sometimes when I'm around some people because I just can't hold a conversation :( , but others Its easy because I'm a naturally random & chatty person once you get to know me :p .

I like the internet much better. I'm more outgoing here. Plus you know the Muse board, this is like the best place for me, not only can I rant about Muse and look too deep into their facial expressions without anyone caring, but typing is so much easier for me. If I wanted to tell my best friend how much she meant to me, I wouldn't say it. Couldnt, wouldn't shouldnt, I would tpye it. XD I think I'm shy to people I don't know, but online it's just...whatever hey, whats up, so, lets start a conversation...I'm more comfortable in big groups too. They're bigger, not as much effort.

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:LOL: that reminds me of the interview where matt says he can't play guitar in front of just a few people, and the interviewer says, "okay next question, will you play me a song?" and he says "did you even...listen to anything i said?"



I like the internet much better. I'm more outgoing here. Plus you know the Muse board, this is like the best place for me, not only can I rant about Muse and look too deep into their facial expressions without anyone caring, but typing is so much easier for me. If I wanted to tell my best friend how much she meant to me, I wouldn't say it. Couldnt, wouldn't shouldnt, I would tpye it. XD I think I'm shy to people I don't know, but online it's just...whatever hey, whats up, so, lets start a conversation...I'm more comfortable in big groups too. They're bigger, not as much effort.


:D Exactly. I'm much more comfortable having the time to think about what I'm saying without being judged, or later on think "Oh I should have said this...".

I love it here, because whenever I'm with my friends, I kinda get judged for my obsession with Muse, because I'm the only one. I know if any of them liked Muse it would be different, having someone else back you up makes a helluva difference in an arguement. But I like different things from them. So whilst having differences is good and all, Its nice to talk to people who actually are in the same boat, and love something as much as you do ;)

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:D Exactly. I'm much more comfortable having the time to think about what I'm saying without being judged, or later on think "Oh I should have said this...".

I love it here, because whenever I'm with my friends, I kinda get judged for my obsession with Muse, because I'm the only one. I know if any of them liked Muse it would be different, having someone else back you up makes a helluva difference in an arguement. But I like different things from them. So whilst having differences is good and all, Its nice to talk to people who actually are in the same boat, and love something as much as you do ;)


Exactly +2. :D


Here is one of the only places I don't annoy people with my Muse obsession. And having all these similar folk is like the nicest place to be. I bet if we were all in a room together we'd all be like OH OH OH AND THIS AND THIS and all deep in smiling deep conversation, eager to talk and everyone would listen to you, another being where we're all supremely equal to one another.


And then maybe we'd make out whilst talking if you're good at multitasking. :$


Now I sound like I'm rambling. But PlugInFuckingBaby don't mind.

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I love it here, because whenever I'm with my friends, I kinda get judged for my obsession with Muse, because I'm the only one. I know if any of them liked Muse it would be different, having someone else back you up makes a helluva difference in an arguement. But I like different things from them. So whilst having differences is good and all, Its nice to talk to people who actually are in the same boat, and love something as much as you do ;)

Exactly +2. :D

Here is one of the only places I don't annoy people with my Muse obsession. And having all these similar folk is like the nicest place to be. I bet if we were all in a room together we'd all be like OH OH OH AND THIS AND THIS and all deep in smiling deep conversation, eager to talk and everyone would listen to you, another being where we're all supremely equal to one another.

And then maybe we'd make out whilst talking if you're good at multitasking. :$

Now I sound like I'm rambling. But PlugInFuckingBaby don't mind.

I don't think my friends get annoyed so much, but they do roll their eyes and just sigh sometimes. Most of them just laugh at my obsession, but it gets awkwards sometimes. I have something to say, I laugh at something Musey, and I can't tell them. I have 3 brothers, 2 of them love muse, 1 doesn't. He said "you talk about them like they're god, like there's nothing in the world better than them, every sentence I say, you have a reference to Muse in it somewhere." this was after I proved to him that Matt holds the smashing guitar record....It made me feel like I don't know, dirty. I'm open to other bands, I love death cab, the killers, paramore is my guilty pleasure, and cat power is amazing. My brother Cedric took my side, so I know what you mean, It's makes a helluva difference to have someone on your side. I would love to just meet another Muser. I was more shy when I went to the Muse concert so I didn't talk to the couple next to me, I should have, though. But then again, they were SITTING DOWN. the whole time. Any muser; that would be nice, because you guys get me more than anyone. :LOL: fuuuuccckkk that's long. no i don't mind your rambling. Mine's worse. Sweet Lordy With The Cornbread!

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I have the same problems as everyone currently talking on this thread. I'm too shy in human, I'm a ranter on the computer, I NEVER say, "I LOVE YOU" to ANYONE. Seriously.. not even my mum, Fasha, or sister :rolleyes::LOL:

I personally hate hugs, except today my friend hugged me 'cause she was moving away and it was her last day at school... And other than that, I just hug relatives or give them a pat on the shoulder saying, "Yeah.." :awesome:


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(anyone ever been to the hair thread :LOL: this board is awesome)


I have lurked on the hair thread. And been jealous of the hair.

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I don't think my friends get annoyed so much, but they do roll their eyes and just sigh sometimes. Most of them just laugh at my obsession, but it gets awkwards sometimes. I have something to say, I laugh at something Musey, and I can't tell them. I have 3 brothers, 2 of them love muse, 1 doesn't. He said "you talk about them like they're god, like there's nothing in the world better than them, every sentence I say, you have a reference to Muse in it somewhere." this was after I proved to him that Matt holds the smashing guitar record....It made me feel like I don't know, dirty. I'm open to other bands, I love death cab, the killers, paramore is my guilty pleasure, and cat power is amazing. My brother Cedric took my side, so I know what you mean, It's makes a helluva difference to have someone on your side. I would love to just meet another Muser. I was more shy when I went to the Muse concert so I didn't talk to the couple next to me, I should have, though. But then again, they were SITTING DOWN. the whole time. Any muser; that would be nice, because you guys get me more than anyone. :LOL: fuuuuccckkk that's long. no i don't mind your rambling. Mine's worse. Sweet Lordy With The Cornbread!





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Had a weirdish Muse dream last night.


I was at Wembley, and Muse had just finished their concert. Everyone was leaving the stadium but I stuck around and waited and I ended up meeting Chris and Dom. :happy: And they ask me to join them for the night, and we walked around the city for a bit talking about nothing in particular. I ended up pulling out my phone and suggesting that my friends would kill me if they found out I was hanging with Chris and Dom, and I started laughing. Then Chris demanded I get rid of my phone and wallet because he was sick of being mobbed in public. So I had to walk all the way back to my hotel and get rid of my phone and wallet. When I met up with Chris and Dom again they said we were going to go see Matt, and that's when I woke up. :mad::$

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I ended up pulling out my phone and suggesting that my friends would kill me if they found out I was hanging with Chris and Dom, and I started laughing. Then Chris demanded I get rid of my phone and wallet because he was sick of being mobbed in public. So I had to walk all the way back to my hotel and get rid of my phone and wallet. When I met up with Chris and Dom again they said we were going to go see Matt, and that's when I woke up. :mad::$

:LOL: cool dream...I read somewhere that Matt hates the obsessive fans :supersad: but he still finds them surprising...or something like that XD I bet they get sick of it, i mean fans? we're like the mini 'razzi. "Take a picture with me, Chris!" "Dom, will you sign my panties?" "FUCK ME MATT!"



:LOL: people always laugh at it or say "like Cedric Diggory?" I can see that coming before they ask. I guess it's a cool name, just unique...

I have lurked on the hair thread. And been jealous of the hair.
when I first saw that I was laughing so hard.
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:LOL: cool dream...I read somewhere that Matt hates the obsessive fans :supersad: but he still finds them surprising...or something like that XD I bet they get sick of it, i mean fans? we're like the mini 'razzi. "Take a picture with me, Chris!" "Dom, will you sign my panties?" "FUCK ME MATT!"



I know I feel horrible for being obsessive :noey:

I can't help it though. I do it with all my favorite bands. I NEED THE KNOWLEDGE!! :stunned::awesome:

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I know I feel horrible for being obsessive :noey:

I can't help it though. I do it with all my favorite bands. I NEED THE KNOWLEDGE!! :stunned::awesome:


I don't think would really HATE them. they would probably hate stalkers and people like that, but I dont think they would hate people who just want to have their picture taken or get their stuff signed.


Lol this thread has gone so off topic.:p

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I don't think would really HATE them. they would probably hate stalkers and people like that, but I dont think they would hate people who just want to have their picture taken or get their stuff signed.


Lol this thread has gone so off topic.:p


I don't think Matt likes the fans asking to get stuff signed. He has mentioned that he doesn't know what people want with his signature, but is happy to sign stuff anyway. :LOL:

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All this talk of stalkers and the 'razzi has got Lady Gaga stuck in my head.


ANYWAY back to Musey dreams...

Last night I had a dream in which I was at school, and Spider-Dom was crawling all over the walls. This was an everyday thing. Then Matt was hovering outside the window with a bucket, and he used said bucket to flood the school. Then everyone got teleported to camden

market, and Spider-Dom and Matt had a argument about...something. END DREAM.

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All this talk of stalkers and the 'razzi has got Lady Gaga stuck in my head.


ANYWAY back to Musey dreams...

Last night I had a dream in which I was at school, and Spider-Dom was crawling all over the walls. This was an everyday thing. Then Matt was hovering outside the window with a bucket, and he used said bucket to flood the school. Then everyone got teleported to camden

market, and Spider-Dom and Matt had a argument about...something. END DREAM.


:LOL: Using a bucket to flood the school



I had another musey dream a few nights ago, it was quite strange.


It involved Matt, KHud, Dom and me. First off, all the roads had been turned to canals for some reason, and me, Kate and Dom were on a speedboat, trying to find Matt. Kate was driving, and dear god her speedboat driving skills are non-existant. I was hanging off the railings at one point in the dream and Dom was laughing at me. :indiff: Dude, help. Really.


Then Kate asked me and Dom if we knew where Matt was, and we both didn’t know, so she stopped the boat and pulled out this electronic map. All the people we know are tagged on it and their little icons were moving around, showing where they were, kind of like the Maurader’s map from HP. We found that Matt was actually at my nan’s house. So Kate started the boat and started driving like a mad woman, and Dom was almost falling off, so he yelled at her and asked her to slow down, but she just went even faster, not hearing him :chuckle: and Dom’s leopard print jacket got ruined by the water and I was laughing at him.:LOL::LOL:

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:LOL: Using a bucket to flood the school



I had another musey dream a few nights ago, it was quite strange.


It involved Matt, KHud, Dom and me. First off, all the roads had been turned to canals for some reason, and me, Kate and Dom were on a speedboat, trying to find Matt. Kate was driving, and dear god her speedboat driving skills are non-existant. I was hanging off the railings at one point in the dream and Dom was laughing at me. :indiff: Dude, help. Really.


Then Kate asked me and Dom if we knew where Matt was, and we both didn’t know, so she stopped the boat and pulled out this electronic map. All the people we know are tagged on it and their little icons were moving around, showing where they were, kind of like the Maurader’s map from HP. We found that Matt was actually at my nan’s house. So Kate started the boat and started driving like a mad woman, and Dom was almost falling off, so he yelled at her and asked her to slow down, but she just went even faster, not hearing him :chuckle: and Dom’s leopard print jacket got ruined by the water and I was laughing at him.:LOL::LOL:




I now have images of Dom and Kate doing the boat chase scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

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:LOL: Using a bucket to flood the school



I had another musey dream a few nights ago, it was quite strange.


It involved Matt, KHud, Dom and me. First off, all the roads had been turned to canals for some reason, and me, Kate and Dom were on a speedboat, trying to find Matt. Kate was driving, and dear god her speedboat driving skills are non-existant. I was hanging off the railings at one point in the dream and Dom was laughing at me. :indiff: Dude, help. Really.


Then Kate asked me and Dom if we knew where Matt was, and we both didn’t know, so she stopped the boat and pulled out this electronic map. All the people we know are tagged on it and their little icons were moving around, showing where they were, kind of like the Maurader’s map from HP. We found that Matt was actually at my nan’s house. So Kate started the boat and started driving like a mad woman, and Dom was almost falling off, so he yelled at her and asked her to slow down, but she just went even faster, not hearing him :chuckle: and Dom’s leopard print jacket got ruined by the water and I was laughing at him.:LOL::LOL:


I swear, when I got up to that bit, I went 'OH NO!' really loudly, and my parents looked at me very strangely.... :p

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I have the same problems as everyone currently talking on this thread. I'm too shy in human, I'm a ranter on the computer, I NEVER say, "I LOVE YOU" to ANYONE. Seriously.. not even my mum, Fasha, or sister,

I personally hate hugs, except today my friend hugged me 'cause she was moving away and it was her last day at school... And other than that, I just hug relatives or give them a pat on the shoulder saying, "Yeah.." :awesome:



Same. Same. SAME! ... Everyone here is beyond the awesomeness ever known to normal earthlings - I love the messageboards! I love you all! :p:D


"Take a picture with me, Chris!" "Dom, will you sign my panties?" "FUCK ME MATT!"


:LOL::LOL::LOL::chuckle::chuckle::chuckle: INCREDABLE summary!


I had another musey dream a few nights ago, it was quite strange.


It involved Matt, KHud, Dom and me...


:LOL::LOL: KHud! That's epic!




I now have images of Dom and Kate doing the boat chase scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.



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I don't think would really HATE them. they would probably hate stalkers and people like that, but I dont think they would hate people who just want to have their picture taken or get their stuff signed.


Lol this thread has gone so off topic.:p


Oh goodie, I'm not a stalker.. or a flock a' seagull :awesome:

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So I've been taking a holiday from the computer for a bit, so sorry that this will seem like old news that I'm replying to.


Thanks a lot Lupus! :happy: It's interesting getting feedback from people who don't know you so well looking from a first impression.. I'm happy to know that I please.

And I mean it! I don't lie... if I wasn't impressed, I wouldn't take the time to comment!

In my opinion, I think he's never at interviews because he's got children. Touring with the band must take up a lot of time, so he probably just likes to spend some time with his family - I'm sure he loves us really, would be nice to see him around a bit more though. :)


Yeah, it's pretty much a combination of both. He's just shyer than Matt and Dom and he enjoys spending time with his kids.

Yea, it's just his personality. He'd rather leave it up to Matt and Dom, because he has more important people to worry about, which is his family. I'm actually glad to see that he takes this as a priority, and the latest efforts on twitter are really kind of him.

:LOL: that reminds me of the interview where matt says he can't play guitar in front of just a few people, and the interviewer says, "okay next question, will you play me a song?" and he says "did you even...listen to anything i said?"



I like the internet much better. I'm more outgoing here. Plus you know the Muse board, this is like the best place for me, not only can I rant about Muse and look too deep into their facial expressions without anyone caring, but typing is so much easier for me. If I wanted to tell my best friend how much she meant to me, I wouldn't say it. Couldnt, wouldn't shouldnt, I would tpye it. XD I think I'm shy to people I don't know, but online it's just...whatever hey, whats up, so, lets start a conversation...I'm more comfortable in big groups too. They're bigger, not as much effort.

The internet is always easier, because there is no eye contact, so there is less concequence. The obvious benefit is the diversity of people you can communicate to. Many people here would not know of a single other Muser if not for the internet.

:D Exactly. I'm much more comfortable having the time to think about what I'm saying without being judged, or later on think "Oh I should have said this...".

I love it here, because whenever I'm with my friends, I kinda get judged for my obsession with Muse, because I'm the only one. I know if any of them liked Muse it would be different, having someone else back you up makes a helluva difference in an arguement. But I like different things from them. So whilst having differences is good and all, Its nice to talk to people who actually are in the same boat, and love something as much as you do ;)

...but I'll admit, I prefer the art of writing (or typing) because I can think before I put something out. When I'm talking to someone, I often don't say what I mean, because I'm trying to spit it out fast enough while I'm still formulating it in my head. I'm a bit of a perfectionist that way, trying to say things with precise language to convey my ideas exactly. However, in speech, I can come across as a bumbling idiot. Once people read my writing, they seem to always be amazed at something that's actually not a big deal to me.

:LOL: cool dream...I read somewhere that Matt hates the obsessive fans :supersad: but he still finds them surprising...or something like that XD I bet they get sick of it, i mean fans? we're like the mini 'razzi. "Take a picture with me, Chris!" "Dom, will you sign my panties?" "FUCK ME MATT!"


I don't think Matt likes the fans asking to get stuff signed. He has mentioned that he doesn't know what people want with his signature, but is happy to sign stuff anyway. :LOL:


I've never heard of Matt not liking to sign stuff... I mean, bras, I get it, but a harmless album? I don't think he'd have a problem with that. I can understand why bands wouldn't be so crazy over their obsessive fans, and as much as I like a band (and am truly nervous), I try to be formal and respectful. My first gig was JET, and I ran into Nic Cester walking to their rental parked right behind ours to go to dinner. I was nervous, so I fumbled with the words when asking for a picture. (A bit embarassing, I'll admit). Though I think I made up for it when I shook his hand and said thank you. I promised myself that a long time ago (but never thought it would be of any use); always thank a musician for signing something, taking a picture with you, ect., but treat them the same as anyone else you would thank. I think a kind hand shake and polite thank you is just as effective than an "OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!!", and you don't come across as an obsessive fan.

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...but I'll admit, I prefer the art of writing (or typing) because I can think before I put something out. When I'm talking to someone, I often don't say what I mean, because I'm trying to spit it out fast enough while I'm still formulating it in my head. I'm a bit of a perfectionist that way, trying to say things with precise language to convey my ideas exactly. However, in speech, I can come across as a bumbling idiot. Once people read my writing, they seem to always be amazed at something that's actually not a big deal to me.

Exact same here. I usually end up editing my posts 5-10+ times to make sure it's perfectly presentable. :p

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