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Floccinaucinihilipilification argument lolz


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This is what my mate just Facebooked:


Dear Dictionary.com, I've been informed that, because Matt Fucking Bellamy pronounces something a certain way that we are all wrong. I know, I thought it sounded like bollocks too but apparently not. Don't worry, I'm still with you! Forever faithfully, [edited out]


I commented:


Prove me wrong, bitch! Send them the YT and ask the Oxford English Dictionary!


I'm more than happy to concede that Matt said it wrong, but she won't do it! :LOL:

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when it comes to matt i dont think it matters how he says or does things he is right in the end and nothing can ever be wrong.


He is our leader and what the leader does is what we shall do


until i think of something better and you's will follow me:ninja::ninja:

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when it comes to matt i dont think it matters how he says or does things he is right in the end and nothing can ever be wrong.


He is our leader and what the leader does is what we shall do


until i think of something better and you's will follow me:ninja::ninja:




There could be 2 different pronunciations. Tbh, I don't really care. The fact that he pronounced it like that is still pretty amazing...because I still can't pronounce it like that.

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There could be 2 different pronunciations. Tbh, I don't really care. The fact that he pronounced it like that is still pretty amazing...because I still can't pronounce it like that.


Well i suppose with the countries and accents there will be a million ways to pronounce it.

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There are two pronunciations. Matt's pronunciation is closer to the British one, but it's still not correct. :p


I might beg to differ :p matts way is right ;) he's always right even when its wrong its still right.

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