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Seriously, 114 pages of "Twilight sucks! Stephanie Meyer should die! Noez, Twilight it good! Stop arguing! I can't wait for the song! The song is gonna suck!"




Guys, wait for the song, then form an opinion.


And really, all this Twilight hate has become even more stupid and cringeworthy than Twilight itself.

Yes, it's getting stupid. We haven't even heard the song yet.


I'm not fan of Twilight at all, but people need to calm down.


(yes, I'm bit late)

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Yes, it's getting stupid. We haven't even heard the song yet.


I'm not fan of Twilight at all, but people need to calm down.


(yes, I'm bit late)


It's a song


Let's just see what happens, for all we know Matt might finally lose it and make it so that when you reverse the lyrics it says 'Twilight sucks' or something :D

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I'm surprised at the amount of people who actually would want a Lady Gaga/Muse collaboration - I would really lose a lot of faith in them if that happened. I mean who would be next, Cheryl Cole? Britney Spears? Thank god this one isn't real.

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I think it's supposed to be a joke cos there is nothing anywhere else about it.


I don't think there's any way this could happen without someone hearing something about it. Gotta be a joke. Besides, if it were true, don't you think the "movie people" would mention it as part of the single promotion?? They'd be idiots not to.

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This is a little OT, but the Adagio Sostenuto Matt plays doesn't sound like it could even be an interpretation of the original... unless I'm thinking of the wrong thing. It's supposed to be from the second movement Piano Concerto No. 2, right? Doesn't even sound similar to me...

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Lol, the Gaga muselive lie was pretty funny. Actually scratch that, it's sad, since Muse have gotten to the point where people will actually believe they would collaborate. I'm not sure myself they wouldn't.


Matt has said himself he wanted to. :chuckle:

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Matt has said himself he wanted to. :chuckle:




Never mind then, it seems like this is believable (even though it's a joke for now)! I know he really likes her, but didn't know he'd said that. :erm:


Nothing against Lady Gaga, she's talented and very good at writing catchy pop songs. I guess if Muse want to be pop, she's the best out there right now. *sigh*

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