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Oh dear.. And I was one of the very few GL defenders as well. This is pretty much indefensible. Please, for the love of Dom, let the rest of the song be mind-blowingly awesome. (although I'm not holding out much hope here).


Dissipate like snowflakes in the ocean.. really? are they even trying any more?

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I don't think you would be an idiot for liking this song, I can see how it might have a sort of cheesy brighten your day appeal if you are a fan of more recent muse.


It does not suit my tastes though, and honestly I find myself a bit baffled about Muse sitting around and writing a song that sounds like this unless they really didn't give a shit anymore.

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I don't think you would be an idiot for liking this song, I can see how it might have a sort of cheesy brighten your day appeal if you are a fan of more recent muse.


It does not suit my tastes though, and honestly I find myself a bit baffled about Muse sitting around and writing a song that sounds like this unless they really didn't give a shit anymore.

I don't really care what they write unless it is on the albums. I think it's good that they can experiment with their music outside the albums, so that we hopefully get a more consistent album next time.

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It's cleaner quality, sounds better.


I actually quite like "we'll dissipate like snowflakes in an ocean" :ninja::p Weirdly, it reminds me of the first Pokémon film at the very beginning where Mew's playing on the water wheel (can't for the life of me remember the technical name lol) and there's a *really* stormy sea :LOL:

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I don't think you would be an idiot for liking this song, I can see how it might have a sort of cheesy brighten your day appeal if you are a fan of more recent muse.


It does not suit my tastes though, and honestly I find myself a bit baffled about Muse sitting around and writing a song that sounds like this unless they really didn't give a shit anymore.


The past 4 or 5 thread posts have reminded me of the idiots that post outrageous youtube comments on every viral video possible.


Are you really baffled that they are writing songs that sound like this, even after they released Guiding Light, which is what it is being compared to. This isn't the first time you all have been upset about recent releases. But I can also guess that you have all most of their latest music on your ipods, despite bitching and moaning about it constantly.


Its the same kind of shock when I see people gripe about setlists for this tour then excitedly purchase tickets for a Muse concert. I agree that it'd be nice for other songs to be played, but this IS the Resistance Tour.


Write your own music or listen to another band if you don't like it, or just simply state that you aren't a fan of the song and be done with it. Our society is embarrassing.


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I don't really think Muse has written anything experimental for a very long time, but that might be a controversial opinion.

The fact that they're experimenting with their sound doesn't mean that the music is "experimental" as in progressive and new.

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Wow judging from that new clip it really is like the Day and Age era stuff from The Killers (where they went really 80s and cheesy). Shame. That's two of my previously well liked bands going down that route :(

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The past 4 or 5 thread posts have reminded me of the idiots that post outrageous youtube comments on every viral video possible.


Are you really baffled that they are writing songs that sound like this, even after they released Guiding Light, which is what it is being compared to. This isn't the first time you all have been upset about recent releases. But I can also guess that you have all most of their latest music on your ipods, despite bitching and moaning about it constantly.


Its the same kind of shock when I see people gripe about setlists for this tour then excitedly purchase tickets for a Muse concert. I agree that it'd be nice for other songs to be played, but this IS the Resistance Tour.


Write your own music or listen to another band if you don't like it, or just simply state that you aren't a fan of the song and be done with it. Our society is embarrassing.



oh there is simply too many people like you, hypocrites. if you ever call a song shit [any song] and proceed to say why. just take it back and remember you said this.

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Do I have to remind this thread again? Unnecessary b33f = no, excitement = yes!


If you sincerely "hate" the song after 2 measly previews, let those who are waiting for the full thing excitedly and open mindedly get on with the squeeing! :D

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Just found this on muselive:


Protege07 :

Hmmm... I have this MP3 file right here...sounds familiar


"We must never give them our freedom"

"We can look but we will never see them"

"Its a plan that we can never put in motion"

"We will dissipate like snowflakes in the ocean"

cheese :p


edit: I don't know if I can post this here :erm: If I can't, I'm sorry :$

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The problem with people complaining about the track is not that you don't like it (have you listened to the WHOLE THING right now or are just basing your judgement on 30 damn seconds ?).


It's more bitching for the sake of it and bringing nothing constructive into the debate.


You do like the track ? Fine.


You hate it ? Fine.


But at least EXPLAIN Why you do so, give us some arguments to talk about like "I hate how the bass line sounds " or "the song feels contrived because of this or that".


Keeping bitching about a band not doing the same old track like Citizen Erased or Stockholm on loop is pretty pointless.


A Band evolves, if you do like it's evolution keep enjoying their work.


If you don't then I suggest you to either work your own stuff and lyrics (gotta love how people are bashing bellamy "cheesy" lyrics while the guy has spent his career writting this kind of stuff , just look at Bliss lyrics for a good laugh and cheesiness).


Criticizing is easy, but doing better than that is another story right ?

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There is a pathetic amount of hating going on in this thread. Most of you need to move on to other bands or live in a time warp. Talented musicians will always change things up and evolve. If you recall Muse had been working on parts of The Resistance for years. This is not the new vs old Muse. Just another side of them. I can't wait for them to come out with something that pleases the haters so they can STFU. Since when do we love 100% of anything?

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Just found this on muselive:



cheese :p


edit: I don't know if I can post this here :erm: If I can't, I'm sorry :$


This guy is lying, he does not have the track at all.


He is just trying to get some attention like many kids on the web "hey I have the song ! the lyrics are shitty ! Muse has sold its soul to twilight emo mainstream audience ! I hate this band zomy ! " :LOL:

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The past 4 or 5 thread posts have reminded me of the idiots that post outrageous youtube comments on every viral video possible.Are you really baffled that they are writing songs that sound like this, even after they released Guiding Light, which is what it is being compared to. This isn't the first time you all have been upset about recent releases. But I can also guess that you have all most of their latest music on your ipods, despite bitching and moaning about it constantly.Its the same kind of shock when I see people gripe about setlists for this tour then excitedly purchase tickets for a Muse concert. I agree that it'd be nice for other songs to be played, but this IS the Resistance Tour.Write your own music or listen to another band if you don't like it, or just simply state that you aren't a fan of the song and be done with it. Our society is embarrassing.;)
nah out of the whole resistance album the only ones i kept on itunes were mk ultra, exogenesis 1-3 guiding light,unnatural selection, and united states. no need to listen to the rest of the album. we have a right to bitch, like you have a right to bitch at the people bitching. :) . people are way too uptight and defensive on here.
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Haters are people who do want their band to do the same riff, lyrics and soun on EACH Song and Album.


A lot of bands are doing that, doing the same riffage on loop, same basic lyrics on loop and same album too.


Muse are doing what they want to do, and right now their stuff sounds a great evolution to ME, they're spicing things up and mixing ideas and thematics.


So what if bellamy sings "love is forever we will die together" ?


The amazing artist known as Freddie Mercury was singing "I was born to love you every single day of my life" or "please find me somebody to love" and people were raving about it , so what ?


It was cheesy the same and people never bashed out the late Freddie lyrics cause melodically, vocally and instrumentally, it was pure brillance and super catchy.


Eat that haters and come back with better arguments and points to make me laugh even more.

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There is a pathetic amount of hating going on in this thread. Most of you need to move on to other bands or live in a time warp. Talented musicians will always change things up and evolve. If you recall Muse had been working on parts of The Resistance for years. This is not the new vs old Muse. Just another side of them. I can't wait for them to come out with something that pleases the haters so they can STFU. Since when do we love 100% of anything?


+ infinity + 1

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