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What was so bad about them?


I just really, really hated the cartoony singing fat people in the visuals, and the mouths, etc.


Besides the choir itself being one of the biggest reasons I hate the song in the first place, it was just corny and irritating.

I actually really disliked the "ninja" visuals on Uprising, as well.

Considering how good the visuals were for the rest of the songs (PS in stadiums excluded, I guess) those two really stuck out and annoyed the shit out of me.


I really liked the "clone" Uprising visuals that showed up with the stadium tour, though.

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How so? I would call most of Jared Leto's two albums pretentious.

Because there is no such thing as pretentious music.


What you hear is what they wanted to release, you can't know that an artist wanted it to be more than they were capable of or whatever you mean when you say pretentious.


The common reason for calling Muse pretentious is that they think they're better than they are(usually along with calling them "self-indulgent"), which is total bull. You might think it's too much, but that doesn't make it pretentious. In fact it makes it the opposite.

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I wasn't too big on the mouths either but I've never been so offended by stage visuals to have it affect the actual song experience. I still greatly enjoyed New Born.


I didn't see the visuals for New Born, and honestly I didn't look up the vids as it wasn't song I found good live in the last tours.


The visuals to Survival just accentuated what I really dislike about the song; they probably would not have bothered me as much if I actually enjoyed the song.

I guess, in that respect, the visuals were perfect for the song, and I just massively dislike it.

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I'm not calling the band pretentious, and it doesn't matter what they thought when they recorded the song, it's what it sounds like.


To Dockertae: I just don't get what your on about as I have never made any statments concerning what "real" music is.

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I'm not calling the band pretentious, and it doesn't matter what they thought when they recorded the song, it's what it sounds like.


To Docertae: I just don't get what your on about as I have never made any statments concerning what "real" music is.

Define pretentious for us.

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I'm not calling the band pretentious, and it doesn't matter what they thought when they recorded the song, it's what it sounds like.


To Dockertae: I just don't get what your on about as I have never made any statments concerning what "real" music is.


I'm assuming from this the pretentious discussion started because you said something was pretentious? I wasn't referring to you in my post.

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Jazzthief will probably call prog rock pretentious in a minute. :rolleyes:


Prog Rock could be seen as pretentious as it is generally regarded as "complex" music, yet generally is relatively simple. So it could be seen as thinking it is something more than what it is, therefore pretentious.

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"Heavy for the sake of it" was a confusing statement, I admit that. However, the epicness of the song feels forced, therefore it feels pretentious.

Still want you to define pretentious, since the standard definition doesn't seem to work very well with your explanations.

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I think what he's trying to say is that such grandiloquence can only suit a song that is "supreme/absolute perfection", therefore Muse considered Survival to be that kind of song, whence the pretentious feeling.


Or am I wrong?

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