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The Resistance is actually an amazing album, it only gets so much hate because it's different to what Muse have done in the past.

Oh right, so there's absolutely no chance that people actually don't like what's on it? :LOL:


It's in no way different from what Muse has done before, it's just goes one step further in some directions.


Uprising is a standard Muse rock song, with less originality.

Resistance is hard to describe in a way, but still nothing new to Muse.

Undisclosed Desires is one of the few songs on the album that is new for Muse in a way.

USoE, ehm, just no. Also a very classic Muse song.

Guiding Light. It's Invincible but with a more 80's feeling to it.

US. It's Assassin+New Born

MK Ultra. I you've heard MOTP you would never call this something different or new for Muse. Apprently it actually reminds a lot of people of OoS.

IBTY, pop song on piano, with a opera in the middle. Kinda new, but still kinda classic Muse.


Exogenesis. Take A Bow+Hoodoo+Ruled By Secrecy. The "new" is that Matt wrote the strings himself. Still not something different though.

Edited by Tjet
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The Resistance is actually an amazing album, it only gets so much hate because it's different to what Muse have done in the past.


Um no, it's just a very average album, trying to fit too many styles in one. Their best albums (regarded here at least) all have the same sort of sound throughout (OoS and Abso). Also, about the songs individually, what track on The Resistance could actually challenge for best Muse song?

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I feel like if you listened to The Resistance alone, max volume, all the way through...more people would appreciate it. Ive come to the conclusion it's a very underrated album. Uprising through United States of Eurasia is brilliant. Guiding Light and Unnatural Selection slow it down only a bit, and it picks up at Exogenesis. I have to be in the right mood for I Belong To You, it's still ridiculous. :p


. Also, about the songs individually, what track on The Resistance could actually challenge for best Muse song?


If you counted Exogenesis 1-3 as one song, that would be a contender. Resistance/USoE and MK Ultra are also good contenders as well, imo though.

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Um no, it's just a very average album, trying to fit too many styles in one. Their best albums (regarded here at least) all have the same sort of sound throughout (OoS and Abso). Also, about the songs individually, what track on The Resistance could actually challenge for best Muse song?

Muse are at their best when they don't stick to one style, IMO. Even on OoS and Absolution, it's tracks like Blackout, Endlessly and Screenager that make those albums truly great.

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Muse are at their best when they don't stick to one style, IMO. Even on OoS and Absolution, it's tracks like Blackout, Endlessly and Screenager that make those albums truly great.


I know what you mean but what I'm saying is that they all sound like they fit on the album and have the right sort of sound.

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The only fantastic tracks on The Resistance are MK,Uprising,USOE and Unnatural.

The rest of the album is forgettable.


On another note,I personally wouldn't mind it if Muse were to take a hiatus longer than three or four years.


Agree with all that, except Unnatural would be a very average B side.

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Muse are at their best when they don't stick to one style, IMO. Even on OoS and Absolution, it's tracks like Blackout, Endlessly and Screenager that make those albums truly great.

How is Screenager not the same style as most of the other songs on the album?


Would Blackout be any worse if it was on an album full of orchestral songs? Just because the most "odd" songs are the best doesn't mean Muse has to change genre all the time to find them. No one is saying Muse couldn't do an album in the style of B&H and Blackout.

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Okay then. I love the bassline, The vocals (falsetto mainly) and the guitar solo. I actually like the synths as well just to conclude on the controversial-ness.


It's a decent song I will admit.


The fact that your opinion is now void because you are "a fan of Guiding Light" is kinda ridiculous though. :rolleyes:

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No, it only gets so much hate because it's full of shit.


Hahaha post of win.


TR is lame because they tried to fit too many genres into the one album. I don't see why they aren't sticking to what they do best...good rock - I'm using that term lightly but still. Songs that everyone can go a bit mental to like Dead Star, New Born, Assassin etc. I know bands change and evolve but I don't understand why they aren't sticking along the same lines of what made them so popular in the first place (prior to Twilight of course). I think the only reason Matt got away with putting so much shit on one album is because Chris was absent.

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Um no, it's just a very average album, trying to fit too many styles in one. Their best albums (regarded here at least) all have the same sort of sound throughout (OoS and Abso). Also, about the songs individually, what track on The Resistance could actually challenge for best Muse song?




It is, at the very least, excellently executed, even if it's not your taste. It may not excite you personally, however, it could hardly be called average.


Compared to other Muse songs, I think Uprising is average in terms of Matt being able to sing a far greater range, however, that wasn't the purpose of the song. What made it great was that it's one of the few Muse songs that most people can sing along to.


They've always mixed genres. Always.

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It is, at the very least, excellently executed, even if it's not your taste. It may not excite you personally, however, it could hardly be called average.


Compared to other Muse songs, I think Uprising is average in terms of Matt being able to sing a far greater range, however, that wasn't the purpose of the song. What made it great was that it's one of the few Muse songs that most people can sing along to.


They've always mixed genres. Always.

That's a lot of nonsense in one post.

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