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are you the member Citizen Erased with a new name, cos if you are then I know you like shine a lot and there is no point arguing, Cos I really don't like shine acoustic, I PERSONALLY BELIEVE it was a b-side for a reason. and is more cheesy then endlessly IMO. and really not that beautiful at all IMO. I simply named the love songs off the top of my head which I like a lot. But point taken about dead star being a hate song. But it is ultimately driven by love.

There's part of me

You'll never know

The only thing

I'll never show


Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly

Hopelessly, I'll give you everything

But I won't give you up.

I won't let you down

I won't leave you falling

If the moment ever comes


It's plain to see,

It's trying to speak

Cherished dreams

Forever asleep


Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly

Hopelessly, I'll give you everything

But I won't give you up

I won't let you down

I won't leave you falling

If the moment ever comes.


Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly

Hopelessly, I'll give you everything

But I won't give you up

I won't let you down

I won't leave you falling

But the moment never comes.


And fix'd. :p




Who cares for the life we've earned?

Someone's sold all the truth you've yearned,

Remember when we used to shine

And had no fear or sense of time

When it creeps up on you


You can't cry now there's nothing to feel

No one's noticed our loneliness

Remember when you used to tease

And made us scream eternal joy


I believed that you'll always be here

'Cause once you promised a life with no fear

Please don't break my ideals

And say what's fake was always real


Hope was the one now im gone

Take me back again.




What's wrong with those lyrics? Don't even make me write out the lyrics of ANY other love song by Muse. :wtf:


Shine Accoustic isn't cheesy. Gorgeous song! :) I don't really understand the lyrics though. I'd like to.





And @spark_ (Who I forgot to quote) The reason I like this song so much is because it helped me through a shitty time in my life and it just makes me happy in general. Not because of the guitar chords, not because of the bassline, not because of distorted background noises...Well, you get the picture. But it's more than that. And those lyrics mean a lot to me.


The Resistance is the best album Muse have


Uprising, UD, MK, Exogenesis and IBTY are the 5 best songs they have written



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MK Ultra

Unnatural Selection

United States of Eurasia


Exo Part 1: Overture

I Belong To You


Exo Part 3: Redemption


Exo Part 2: Cross-Pollination


Undisclosed Desires







Guiding Light


That's how The Resistance is for me from best to worst...



Matt tried to hard to make The Resistance tell a story rather than have it contain good songs.


Man With A Harmonica is old and boring and takes up too much time. Muse should ditch it.

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I still think that I Belong To You is a cheesy boring pop song.


The Resistance from best to worst for me is:

Unnatural Selection

MK Ultra

United States Of Eurasia


Exogenesis 1-3



Undisclosed Desires


I Belong To You


Guiding Light

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