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Yeah! Like when Twilight came out, the soundtracks had some of my favorite bands on them. Muse, Death Cab, The Killers, Lykke Li. And I wanted to strangle Stephenie Meyer. The soundtracks were pretty kickass for a mainstream movie, but it also made it so that all the girls in my school decided to "love" my favorite bands. and if MTV played more Muse, especially Resistance or Undisclosed Desires, it would kind of suck. I like them like this. (+ a meet and greet)


:LOL: I love this board because in our polls like "What's your favorite Muse song?" For some reason, it's always funny to see the option "Radiohead" and that 40 people picked it.


YKYATMW you're making lunch for your family and put on a Muse CD and find that they all know the lyrics to Starlight ;)


:LOL:Yeah like this!

Wel,to be honest twilight is how I know about Muse(and I know I'm a dumbass for that:$)

I mean back then I was really crazy about twilght coz I lked the story and the sountrack and when I listened to Supermasive Black Hole I searched to know more about Muse and then I woke up! It wa insane!The whole city was obsesed with this movie!:LOL:


Anyway,to get on topic again, I prefer listening to Muse on my mp4 but I wouldn't get disappointed if I once listened to one of their songs on a local radio.

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:LOL:Yeah like this!

Wel,to be honest twilight is how I know about Muse(and I know I'm a dumbass for that:$)

I mean back then I was really crazy about twilght coz I lked the story and the sountrack and when I listened to Supermasive Black Hole I searched to know more about Muse and then I woke up! It wa insane!The whole city was obsesed with this movie!:LOL:


Anyway,to get on topic again, I prefer listening to Muse on my mp4 but I wouldn't get disappointed if I once listened to one of their songs on a local radio.


That's okay, I technically heard Muse first on the Twilight soundtrack, but I hated SMBH when I first heard it. And actually, a lot of people that I talk to know Muse for Uprising now, not SMBH.

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:LOL:Yeah like this!

Wel,to be honest twilight is how I know about Muse(and I know I'm a dumbass for that:$)

I mean back then I was really crazy about twilght coz I lked the story and the sountrack and when I listened to Supermasive Black Hole I searched to know more about Muse and then I woke up! It wa insane!The whole city was obsesed with this movie!:LOL:

What no! I don't see anything wrong with liking Muse from Twilight! If anything then I'm happy that Twilight existed cuz there are some cool people on this board who discovered them from Twilight ;) I like Twilight, too, no worries. I just liked Muse before the movies :D


YKYATMW you're listening to your ipod and your friend comes over, steals your headphones, and goes :eek: I DIDNT KNOW YOU LISTENED TO OTHER MUSIC BESIDES MUSE! :chuckle:

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I know Muse from Stockholm Syndrome and Starlight on my friend's ipod. :awesome:


She was a Muse fan before I was and had tons of gig pics and lolz on her phone. She would show them all to me, and I, not knowing who any of the people were, would try to come up with captions. They were usually along the lines of 'man with spiked hair makes out with a microphone whilst another guy tries to do an ape impression while playing drums.'



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That's okay, I technically heard Muse first on the Twilight soundtrack, but I hated SMBH when I first heard it. And actually, a lot of people that I talk to know Muse for Uprising now, not SMBH.

Your story is like mine.I kinda liked SMBH though,but,when I heard to some other songs like Bliss and UD I wasn't interesting in their music at all but finaly fate made us come across again:happy::p

What no! I don't see anything wrong with liking Muse from Twilight! If anything then I'm happy that Twilight existed cuz there are some cool people on this board who discovered them from Twilight ;) I like Twilight, too, no worries. I just liked Muse before the movies :D


YKYATMW you're listening to your ipod and your friend comes over, steals your headphones, and goes :eek: I DIDNT KNOW YOU LISTENED TO OTHER MUSIC BESIDES MUSE! :chuckle:

Ok,I have to admt that the books are very much better than the shitty movies but the best thing about Twilght is its Muse soundtrack:D

YKYATMW you work "Floccinaucinihilipilification" into a real conversation :D

I can't read it,I can't spell it,I don't even know what it means!:stunned:Is there something wrong with me?:confused:

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And actually, a lot of people that I talk to know Muse for Uprising now, not SMBH.


Same. When I explained to my history teacher who Muse were today, some girl shouted, "I love Muse! Uprising is awesome!"


You get far too excited after Chris replies to your email :D:D:D


:eek: That's so awesome! Did you email him about the soccer games?

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YKYATMW... you know what my reaction to this was:

*During State of Origin Game II*

Brooke: I hate it when you're trying to watch the game and there's people standing in front of you. You just wanna tell them to sit the fuck down.

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YKWYATM when...



You name crabs after the band members.... but it wasn't even your idea, it was your friends. :LOL::awesome:


http://twitpic.com/5a8me3 - Dom the Crab, who had somehow lost a pincer.

http://twitpic.com/5a8n0k - Chris the Crab who was a bastard to pick up! :LOL:

http://twitpic.com/5a8nm6 - Matt the Crab, Who was just cute... :happy:


Pretty much. I know of several bands that do that, but they're much smaller than Muse. They'd get attacked by a mob of a thousand fans if they did it :LOL:

And at EVERY SINGLE GIG! That's got to get old reeeaaaally fast... they get that without trying already (like in SA; fans outside their hotel?! That's pushing it)

But it also kind of makes me wonder why they don't do Meet&Greets? Cuz even really famous people do that, my cousin met JB :$, and I know that if you're a member of the Paramore Fanclub for $30 a year, then you get to do a meet&greet when they come to your city. So is it just not Muse's style or something?


Yeah! Like when Twilight came out, the soundtracks had some of my favorite bands on them. Muse, Death Cab, The Killers, Lykke Li. And I wanted to strangle Stephenie Meyer. The soundtracks were pretty kickass for a mainstream movie, but it also made it so that all the girls in my school decided to "love" my favorite bands. and if MTV played more Muse, especially Resistance or Undisclosed Desires, it would kind of suck. I like them like this. (+ a meet and greet)


:LOL: I love this board because in our polls like "What's your favorite Muse song?" For some reason, it's always funny to see the option "Radiohead" and that 40 people picked it.

I think it's just not their style... awkward for them. Besides, they run into enough fan (mobs) anyways without trying (like I just said).

The Muse boards are good for that... it's got more of a personality to it. Some other boards, I love the band, but the fans or the 'atmosphere' is just dull.

You get far too excited after Chris replies to your email :D:D:D

Email?! :eek:

YKYATMW... you know what my reaction to this was:

*During State of Origin Game II*

Brooke: I hate it when you're trying to watch the game and there's people standing in front of you. You just wanna tell them to sit the fuck down.

Oh yea, that would be absolutely hilarious. I laughed out loud just after reading that.

When your geography teacher gives you a trophy on the last ever lesson for "the largest collection of Muse tops" :D


75 DAYS til MUSE at Leeds fest! :awesome:

Does your teacher like Muse too? That's pretty awesome either way :) And just a little funny :chuckle:

YKYATMW you go on other bands' forums to see what they have to say about Muse.

I always love it when my favourite bands are mentioned boards other than their own! Although, I don't go searching for it.

In fact, that's how I discovered Muse... notice that you guys kind of turned it into a "where you discovered Muse" thread for a bit there :p

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Someone's probably said this but I was just thinking about it..


YKYATMW you don't even think you're addicted and you think your obsession/love for them is completely normal and you don't think you're ridiculous at all.


I seem to think that but other people think I'm very outrageous about it. HAHAHAHA

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you know you're addicted to muse when you come home from an epic night out with your best mates and you whack on muse at glasto and can't help but be moved to tears by stockholm syndrome, streets have no name and PIB.

Silly silly Muser, I'm always moved to tears by PiB. :chuckle:

YKYATMW you go on other bands' forums to see what they have to say about Muse.

Kind of sad to say I've done that ;)

Someone's probably said this but I was just thinking about it..


YKYATMW you don't even think you're addicted and you think your obsession/love for them is completely normal and you don't think you're ridiculous at all.


I seem to think that but other people think I'm very outrageous about it. HAHAHAHA

YES! I think no one will ever really understand your love (obsession) for your favorite band, not even the band themselves. Possibly other fans. I really don't think I'm that obsessive. I've got all the CD's, a few shirts, and a lot of posters, other than that I don't really talk about Muse that often I just call myself "sofia bellamy" it's the people around me who bring them up, like my dad who will always say "I think the soundtrack is Muse!" or "Look! Muse on the radio!" or "HE LOOKS LIKE MATT BELLAMY"....But my obsession is sheltered. i obsess over the internet instead of in real life because I know that by talking about Muse in real life just gets boring to people who don't like them ;) but then all these people around me go "She's so fucking obsessed blah blah blah" and I'm like bitch you wanna see obsessed? Call him ugly again, I will CUT YOU. Nah I'm just kidding I wouldn't ever do that I don't think. /rant


These are my thoughts my mother/friends/family should be this supportive, at least I'm not a crackhead or anything it's music.

"It's pretty healthy. She respects and admires his talent." THANK YOU

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YKYATMW you don't even think you're addicted and you think your obsession/love for them is completely normal and you don't think you're ridiculous at all.


I seem to think that but other people think I'm very outrageous about it. HAHAHAHA


:LOL: So guilty! At first everyone seemed surprised at how crazy I was for Muse, but now they've all accepted it.


YKYATMW you read an article on 50 Muse facts that "noone may know about" and you know most of them.

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Someone's probably said this but I was just thinking about it..


YKYATMW you don't even think you're addicted and you think your obsession/love for them is completely normal and you don't think you're ridiculous at all.


I seem to think that but other people think I'm very outrageous about it. HAHAHAHA

Same here!:p

Sometimes I'm sooooooo sad and I almost cry when I consider the idea that Muse are never gonna be in Greece again and I'm gonna never meet them.

Anyway,what I've been saying?Oh yeah,I'm just a really really normal fan:D

Silly silly Muser, I'm always moved to tears by PiB. :chuckle:

YES! I think no one will ever really understand your love (obsession) for your favorite band, not even the band themselves. Possibly other fans. I really don't think I'm that obsessive. I've got all the CD's, a few shirts, and a lot of posters, other than that I don't really talk about Muse that often I just call myself "sofia bellamy" it's the people around me who bring them up, like my dad who will always say "I think the soundtrack is Muse!" or "Look! Muse on the radio!" or "HE LOOKS LIKE MATT BELLAMY"....But my obsession is sheltered. i obsess over the internet instead of in real life because I know that by talking about Muse in real life just gets boring to people who don't like them ;) but then all these people around me go "She's so fucking obsessed blah blah blah" and I'm like bitch you wanna see obsessed? Call him ugly again, I will CUT YOU. Nah I'm just kidding I wouldn't ever do that I don't think. /rant


These are my thoughts my mother/friends/family should be this supportive, at least I'm not a crackhead or anything it's music.

"It's pretty healthy. She respects and admires his talent." THANK YOU

I just want my friends to understand me!But even my only museer friend can't understand my addiction to Muse!

Once,my parents told me that they used to listen to rock and metal music some years ago,so I dicided to make them lsten to a couple of muse songs coz I thought they'd lke them.I asked them what they think of Muse music.My dad said "Ok" and walked away obviously surprised of what his daughter listening to.My mom was like "wtf?Is the singer drunk or something?It sounds like they hit pans on the wall":|

No support!:( I need support!That why I'm connecting in here and communicate with you ppl ;)

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Same here!:p

Sometimes I'm sooooooo sad and I almost cry when I consider the idea that Muse are never gonna be in Greece again and I'm gonna never meet them.

Anyway,what I've been saying?Oh yeah,I'm just a really really normal fan:D


I just want my friends to understand me!But even my only museer friend can't understand my addiction to Muse!

Once,my parents told me that they used to listen to rock and metal music some years ago,so I dicided to make them lsten to a couple of muse songs coz I thought they'd lke them.I asked them what they think of Muse music.My dad said "Ok" and walked away obviously surprised of what his daughter listening to.My mom was like "wtf?Is the singer drunk or something?It sounds like they hit pans on the wall":|

No support!:( I need support!That why I'm connecting in here and communicate with you ppl ;)


I know how you feel :noey: Well now I have someone who KIND OF understands my obsession because I've managed to turn her into an almost pwoper muser! which is great :D and of course, we are always here for support! :happy::D us musers have to stick together! :D:awesome:

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YES! I think no one will ever really understand your love (obsession) for your favorite band, not even the band themselves. Possibly other fans. I really don't think I'm that obsessive. I've got all the CD's, a few shirts, and a lot of posters, other than that I don't really talk about Muse that often I just call myself "sofia bellamy" it's the people around me who bring them up, like my dad who will always say "I think the soundtrack is Muse!" or "Look! Muse on the radio!" or "HE LOOKS LIKE MATT BELLAMY"....But my obsession is sheltered. i obsess over the internet instead of in real life because I know that by talking about Muse in real life just gets boring to people who don't like them ;) but then all these people around me go "She's so fucking obsessed blah blah blah" and I'm like bitch you wanna see obsessed? Call him ugly again, I will CUT YOU. Nah I'm just kidding I wouldn't ever do that I don't think. /rant


These are my thoughts my mother/friends/family should be this supportive, at least I'm not a crackhead or anything it's music.

"It's pretty healthy. She respects and admires his talent." THANK YOU

Well, changing your last name is... a start...

I always knew that talking about it to people who don't care all the time is not a good way to socialize. If you're gonna do it to them though, you need to accept their obsessions too.

The blog post there... well, I agree that Matt is far from the worst you could obsess over, but any obsession over someone to the point of putting them at "God status" is too much for me. Can you tell I'm not religious? :chuckle: I have a hard time with it, but I suppose others don't, so what can you do. I don't think any less of people who are, because there are idiots everywhere, no matter what they believe in, including non-religious people. :) I think its fine to respect people and admire people, but everyone has their own challenges and struggles, so to want to be exactly like someone is quite boring. There are many people that I wish I had certain traits that they do, but I could never choose one person to be exactly like. End of rant.

Edit: I apologize for unnecessarily bringing religion into my rant. I have no idea of the blog posters faith or whatever, and I'm not making judgments on it either. It's what happens when you write in "stream of conscious".

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I just want my friends to understand me!But even my only museer friend can't understand my addiction to Muse!

Once,my parents told me that they used to listen to rock and metal music some years ago,so I dicided to make them lsten to a couple of muse songs coz I thought they'd lke them.I asked them what they think of Muse music.My dad said "Ok" and walked away obviously surprised of what his daughter listening to.My mom was like "wtf?Is the singer drunk or something?It sounds like they hit pans on the wall":|

No support!:( I need support!That why I'm connecting in here and communicate with you ppl ;)

Hmmm, my sibligns do agree that he has a beautiful/sexy voice, and that Muse have talent. but if the topic of Resistance comes out it's almost as if they never said that because "the whole album is fucking shit just as Muse has become". :stunned: It wasnt' THAT bad. My parents don't think they're amazing, they mostly just make fun of me and such, but they think Muse isn't super talented or anything. I'm glad they don't hate them with a passion, I suppose.

Well, changing your last name is... a start...

I always knew that talking about it to people who don't care all the time is not a good way to socialize. If you're gonna do it to them though, you need to accept their obsessions too.

The blog post there... well, I agree that Matt is far from the worst you could obsess over, but any obsession over someone to the point of putting them at "God status" is too much for me. Can you tell I'm not religious? :chuckle: I have a hard time with it, but I suppose others don't, so what can you do. I don't think any less of people who are, because there are idiots everywhere, no matter what they believe in, including non-religious people. :) I think its fine to respect people and admire people, but everyone has their own challenges and struggles, so to want to be exactly like someone is quite boring. There are many people that I wish I had certain traits that they do, but I could never choose one person to be exactly like. End of rant.

Edit: I apologize for unnecessarily bringing religion into my rant. I have no idea of the blog posters faith or whatever, and I'm not making judgments on it either. It's what happens when you write in "stream of conscious".

But, of course, when I change my last name, I'm just kidding. I don't mean to give the impression that I'm some lunatic who fantasizes of being married to a man who is, in fact, about to get married. (but I guess I give off that vibe.) I have, a few times, refered to Muse/Bellamy as "God" but I don't mean it. I'm an atheist, and I don't consider him to be a god no matter how devilishly handsome or talented. I accept other peoples obsessions, whether it be fucking Green Day or Fallout Boy or even The Biebs. Fair, it does not seem, for me to be considered obsessed, and for my love for a band to not be acceptable. I am just acknowledging and praising the talent that has been bestowed upon be with 5 albums, 2 live discs and DVDs. Excuse me for coming out of my shell-for once in my life- and sharing my love. If it makes you happy, society, I will crawl back into my cave and never speak of this band again. For I am obsessed. (Kay, that's the end now)


YKYATMW...this thread is making me speak in a manner in which I have never spoken before. So much thought compiled into one beautiful rant that it sounds like I've lost my fucking marblesPOTATOESOh look guys, she's back. ;)

(I have a real one, though.) YKYATMW I got really excited and started jumping around because I won Hullabaloo on tumblr. Who knew people actually win these contests.?

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But, of course, when I change my last name, I'm just kidding. I don't mean to give the impression that I'm some lunatic who fantasizes of being married to a man who is, in fact, about to get married. (but I guess I give off that vibe.) I have, a few times, refered to Muse/Bellamy as "God" but I don't mean it. I'm an atheist, and I don't consider him to be a god no matter how devilishly handsome or talented. I accept other peoples obsessions, whether it be fucking Green Day or Fallout Boy or even The Biebs. Fair, it does not seem, for me to be considered obsessed, and for my love for a band to not be acceptable. I am just acknowledging and praising the talent that has been bestowed upon be with 5 albums, 2 live discs and DVDs. Excuse me for coming out of my shell-for once in my life- and sharing my love. If it makes you happy, society, I will crawl back into my cave and never speak of this band again. For I am obsessed. (Kay, that's the end now)


I never have a problem with obsessions, unless it gets so bad its unhealthy (and I've rarely seen what I'd consider to be an unhealthy obsession, I'm pretty loose on that term). I myself would consider myself somewhat obsessed with Muse. I've heard every song, Have every record/live album, and can answer almost any question about them (granted I also have a good memory). Still, I don't consider Matt a god or something like that. And if I saw someone who did I wouldn't hold it against them. I'd probably just facepalm.

Anyways, YKYATMW... well, the stuff I just said above.

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