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When you listen to music on your mp3 player that isn't Muse, and imagine them doing a cover of any song - at the moment it's Within Temptation - Stand My Ground, and it sounds EPIC


I'd love to see Muse and Within Temptation on the same stage (y)


:eek: I swear you can read minds! :p

it'd be kinda cool to see Muse cover WT but they're a bit different and I dont know if it'd turn out that great :(

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The same thing is happening to me at the moment. The computer crashed so my mom said that we can't use it unless it's for homework or email or other "safe" sites. She doesn't know about me being on the board so I have to be a bit sneaky since she might not approve of me talking to strangers (even if it's only about Muse!). I can't wait to get my own laptop!


Ya. It stinks! But she doesn't know i'm on right now so I have to be quick!:shifty:

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Welcome back!!!



YAY! :D we missed you

this thread is kind of dying. let's save it shall we?

and my cousin just texted me, something about Matt and American Idol. I have no idea. I'm so confused. Anyone have any idea...? I've been gone for almost a week and I expected this to be lively :p


Yes, I have returned, so thank you for welcoming me back :happy:


Well my cousin said this dude named James sang Uprising and that Matt, I believe, was on American Idol with Kate and Ryder, but I stopped watching since Chris Daughtry left.. so it's been quite a while :chuckle:



YKYATMW: You pretend to be Matt while your sister is playing variations of Muse songs on her phone.. Yeah, I failed at lip sinking. It's like you have to sing or .. I don't know, I end up laughing the whole time :rolleyes::LOL:


YKYATMW: I tweet Matt with something I got for Easter in my email. It had a funky chicken so I thought he'd enjoy it at the least :chuckle:

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what i love about this thread/board is that it's just a place for like, fans to come together. (well,duh.) so when I say, "MUSE IS HEADLINING READING & LEEDS!" at school, my freinds would be like :stunned: what's your point? but if i say that here, then you are all like :D YES! :dance: the board is like...a place to scream about stupid things together. I BOUGHT MATT'S SIGNED PANTS! :awesome: and wouldn't it just be great to be able to do that in real life? Cuz when i found out Muse was coming to Denver, I completely freaked out, but no one was screaming with me. Or right now, I'm so excited about Death Cab, but I have no one to scream with. That's what I want. I want someone to scream with. So thank you muse board...for screaming with me about the silliest things from Matt's purple shirt to Dom's beautiful bum and Chris's beard.


and that was not meant to sound sexual in any way. :LOL:

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When all you listen to is Muse songs on shuffle

And I'm so glad I found this website, I can't release my excitement about Muse properly with my friends


It says you joined yesterday! welcome to the muse boardddd :D


YKYATMW you freak out because your teacher is going to see Muse at lollapalooza.....and she asked you to burn her a CD of the bestest muse songs. so guess what i'm doing. :p sorry I don't usually type like thisssssssss....it's just been a good day ;)

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When all you listen to is Muse songs on shuffle

And I'm so glad I found this website, I can't release my excitement about Muse properly with my friends


muse has been on shuffle for LITERALLY THE PAST 8 MONTHS! running, riding, getting ready... my friends are so sick of listening to me talk about muse's epicness so i've turned to this. *releasing excitement about muse*

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I miss ONE DAY at the boards and this is what happens?!?! If it's true, then I'm happy for them. :D

The board moves quickly :chuckle: well, it's true, unless KH lied about it on live television...Have you seen the ring? It's fucking huge!

Let's hope this doesn't end up like Gaia :$

i'm so excited!!!! at first i was like but matt! you said you'd never get married! (YKYATMW moment) but she's so cool! imagine if it was some stupid paris hilton type person, my world would come crashing down <-- hehe song reference

at first I was like NONONONONO!! HOW COULD YOU!??!?! NO! HE IS MINE!

but then i got over my fangirl moment and decided it was only good news. CONGRATULATIONS TO MAFFOOO,,, WHOM WE LOVE SO DEARLYY<33

oh ya board rules. no talking about personal lives.

sorry matt, sorry. XD

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The board moves quickly :chuckle: well, it's true, unless KH lied about it on live television...Have you seen the ring? It's fucking huge!

Let's hope this doesn't end up like Gaia :$


at first I was like NONONONONO!! HOW COULD YOU!??!?! NO! HE IS MINE!

but then i got over my fangirl moment and decided it was only good news. CONGRATULATIONS TO MAFFOOO,,, WHOM WE LOVE SO DEARLYY<33

oh ya board rules. no talking about personal lives.

sorry matt, sorry. XD


if only i had friends that i could run up to screaming OMGOMGOMG MATT AND KATE ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!! well... i guess i do that anyway... but i wish i had friends that cared! so i'm figuratively running up to you in cyberspace screaming in excitement and astonishment

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what i love about this thread/board is that it's just a place for like, fans to come together. (well,duh.) so when I say, "MUSE IS HEADLINING READING & LEEDS!" at school, my freinds would be like :stunned: what's your point? but if i say that here, then you are all like :D YES! :dance: the board is like...a place to scream about stupid things together. I BOUGHT MATT'S SIGNED PANTS! :awesome: and wouldn't it just be great to be able to do that in real life? Cuz when i found out Muse was coming to Denver, I completely freaked out, but no one was screaming with me. Or right now, I'm so excited about Death Cab, but I have no one to scream with. That's what I want. I want someone to scream with. So thank you muse board...for screaming with me about the silliest things from Matt's purple shirt to Dom's beautiful bum and Chris's beard.


and that was not meant to sound sexual in any way. :LOL:


Haha! That's what the board is for! And I like it better because its such a global thing, cause I like to say that I'm talking to someone from half way round the world. Funny, I was emailing a friend, and I realized that all I had talked about was music! I had to apologize after for likely boring him, because it looked like I had no life otherwise! But here, no one apologizes, and people can have lives outside the forum too! (or some choose not to I suppose...)

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I thought they got engaged like two weeks after it was announced she was pregnant :wtf:


Mmmm, no, that was a fake, cuz remember after that she went on the Graham Norton show and said that If she's engaged, no one's told her...

but then today on the Today Show it was like, officially announced, what with her big-ass ring and everything. :LOL:

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Mmmm, no, that was a fake, cuz remember after that she went on the Graham Norton show and said that If she's engaged, no one's told her...

but then today on the Today Show it was like, officially announced, what with her big-ass ring and everything. :LOL:


Because he can :)

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When all you listen to is Muse songs on shuffle

And I'm so glad I found this website, I can't release my excitement about Muse properly with my friends

my friends may not be musers, but that still doesn't stop me from releasing my excitement to them :chuckle:


i'm so excited!!!! at first i was like but matt! you said you'd never get married! (YKYATMW moment) but she's so cool! imagine if it was some stupid paris hilton type person, my world would come crashing down <-- hehe song reference


i was thinking the same, it could be worse, Kate's not that bad





when your friends think you only listen to Muse :rolleyes:

me: *listening to ipod*

friend: "Are you always listening to Muse?"

me: *eyes widen* "No" :chuckle:

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when your friends think you only listen to Muse :rolleyes:

me: *listening to ipod*

friend: "Are you always listening to Muse?"

me: *eyes widen* "No" :chuckle:


:chuckle: I know what that's like! I have a few friends who think I only listen to Muse and think about Muse, and when I list other bands I like, it's like they don't register that I like other bands! But of course, my closer friends know I like other bands :)

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