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Haha yeah. Now I just need to go see Muse as much as I've seen David.... And meet them like I did for David too. Only longer. :)


I was really close to seeing David, but it didn't work. but now i'm glad i didn't cuz I want Muse to be my first concert!:p

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okay i know we got over the whole matt&kate thing a few weeks ago (exactly 2 wednesdays ago which proves my point about wednesdays) but I've been told they're engaged. :erm:




YKYTAMW you and your friend are at the grocery store and you know how they have those magazines by the cashier?

she turns and says "pssst....don't look at that one."

me, *looks* "why?" ......*very dramatic* "OMGEWWKATE!"

then she says. "okay, okay. seriously DONT look at that one. whatever you do."

so naturally i look....."ENGAGED?WHAT?" later on... "wait, why isn't his face on the cover? HE'S THE BEAUTIFUL ONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP." :p


**fyi my initial reaction to the pregnancy was anger and tears but i'm such a stupid fangirl i realized, if matt actually met me he'd be like wtf you creepo? so when i saw the engagement, i really am genuinely happy for them...you know, its better to be married and have a kid, and maybe he loves her? who knows

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YKTATMW you get serious Post-Muse Syndrome every month on the 24th and the only thing you can do is listen to the concert recordings and sigh as you remember the epic night you had.


It's the 24th again...:(


I've been to two concerts, and none have had any bootlegs. One was going to be broadcast on the radio but it cut out before Muse got there. All I got are random YouTube videos to remember it...

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okay i know we got over the whole matt&kate thing a few weeks ago (exactly 2 wednesdays ago which proves my point about wednesdays) but I've been told they're engaged. :erm:




YKYTAMW you and your friend are at the grocery store and you know how they have those magazines by the cashier?

she turns and says "pssst....don't look at that one."

me, *looks* "why?" ......*very dramatic* "OMGEWWKATE!"

then she says. "okay, okay. seriously DONT look at that one. whatever you do."

so naturally i look....."ENGAGED?WHAT?" later on... "wait, why isn't his face on the cover? HE'S THE BEAUTIFUL ONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP." :p


**fyi my initial reaction to the pregnancy was anger and tears but i'm such a stupid fangirl i realized, if matt actually met me he'd be like wtf you creepo? so when i saw the engagement, i really am genuinely happy for them...you know, its better to be married and have a kid, and maybe he loves her? who knows

HAHA! Same here.


I guess it is better that they be married and have a kid. :rolleyes:

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yes. although i'm still really jealous of her, of course. and why doesn't he get any publicity? UGH! :matt:


Here here! Even in Australia, any gossip magazine (and I've purposely looked at a few!) only ever had KATE on the cover for the baby news.... except then I looked inside one when I was in a 7/11 and it was a full page pic of BOTH of them... :) :) :)


Ya... I was shocked at first for both pieces of news, but no, I'm really happy, and as you guys have said, it's better for them to be married if they have a kid... :) :)


The other weird thing is that whenever my 'NewlyMused' friend 'NewlyMused' and I have a sleep over at my house, the next morning... this always happens!! (Gulp.. we're going back to school next week...)

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Here here! Even in Australia, any gossip magazine (and I've purposely looked at a few!) only ever had KATE on the cover for the baby news.... except then I looked inside one when I was in a 7/11 and it was a full page pic of BOTH of them... :) :) :)


Ya... I was shocked at first for both pieces of news, but no, I'm really happy, and as you guys have said, it's better for them to be married if they have a kid... :) :)


The other weird thing is that whenever my 'NewlyMused' friend 'NewlyMused' and I have a sleep over at my house, the next morning... this always happens!! (Gulp.. we're going back to school next week...)


:eek: I expect nothing else from the states. Matt's not really a star here, and Kate is well-known. But Australia? I hope he's in the magazines in Europe! Yeah I was shocked at both too... but i am happy, finally Matt got some. :LOL:

it's not ur fault! this happens on every other wednesday in January. Hmph.

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:eek: I expect nothing else from the states. Matt's not really a star here, and Kate is well-known. But Australia? I hope he's in the magazines in Europe! Yeah I was shocked at both too... but i am happy, finally Matt got some. :LOL:

it's not ur fault! this happens on every other wednesday in January. Hmph.


Ah yes, but in Australia it has been Thursday mornings... :LOL:


Most of the mags are pretty much copying what US mags say anyway... but having said that...



YKYATMW You spend 20 minutes in a 7/11 looking at mags, not buying them, and not even buying a SLURPEE, and having the shopkeeper look at you like your trying to steal something...

oh, and when you stand in JB Hi-Fi for 30 minutes deciding which Muse CD you want to buy next... or just staring at them....

and when you walk out of the store, you see they've recycled The Resistance stand, but you still see the album cover on the side of it, but with random stuff in it and a piece of paper over the top...

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Ah yes, but in Australia it has been Thursday mornings... :LOL:


Most of the mags are pretty much copying what US mags say anyway... but having said that...



YKYATMW You spend 20 minutes in a 7/11 looking at mags, not buying them, and not even buying a SLURPEE, and having the shopkeeper look at you like your trying to steal something...


The 7/11 thing? Happens to me all the time. :p but I usually do that in grocery stores. &I'm sure the manager at Hot Topic wonders "when is that Muse fan gonna stop asking?"

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YKYATMW you're Student Teaching and the kids are all dilly-dallying instead of doing their work, so you tell them "Don't waste time guys, or it's gonna waste you". :LOL:


(I paraphrased, I know :chuckle: But I was still proud of myself for somehow working Muse into teaching :p)


That is just plain awesome :)

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okay i know we got over the whole matt&kate thing a few weeks ago (exactly 2 wednesdays ago which proves my point about wednesdays) but I've been told they're engaged. :erm:




YKYTAMW you and your friend are at the grocery store and you know how they have those magazines by the cashier?

she turns and says "pssst....don't look at that one."

me, *looks* "why?" ......*very dramatic* "OMGEWWKATE!"

then she says. "okay, okay. seriously DONT look at that one. whatever you do."

so naturally i look....."ENGAGED?WHAT?" later on... "wait, why isn't his face on the cover? HE'S THE BEAUTIFUL ONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP." :p


**fyi my initial reaction to the pregnancy was anger and tears but i'm such a stupid fangirl i realized, if matt actually met me he'd be like wtf you creepo? so when i saw the engagement, i really am genuinely happy for them...you know, its better to be married and have a kid, and maybe he loves her? who knows


It's actually rather unfortunate that Matt was pretty much obligated to get engaged (if he really did propose to her anyway). I'm glad that he has a bit of values in raising a child properly (in his implied view), and I'm sure he loves her, but being pushed into something is not always a first choice. So long it works out, I'm happy for 'em, but with all this coming so fast on him, it will be testing on their relationship.

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It's actually rather unfortunate that Matt was pretty much obligated to get engaged (if he really did propose to her anyway). I'm glad that he has a bit of values in raising a child properly (in his implied view), and I'm sure he loves her, but being pushed into something is not always a first choice. So long it works out, I'm happy for 'em, but with all this coming so fast on him, it will be testing on their relationship.


Agreed. My initial reaction when I found out the whole thing was that I was worried about Matt, and that hasn't changed at all... I'm happy for them, if they're happy, but still. I'm not sure it'll turn out well.


Anyway, I saw a commercial that had Feeling Good (not Muse's version, of course), and I said to my mom, both times it came on, "OMG Muse covered that!"

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Agreed. My initial reaction when I found out the whole thing was that I was worried about Matt, and that hasn't changed at all... I'm happy for them, if they're happy, but still. I'm not sure it'll turn out well.


Anyway, I saw a commercial that had Feeling Good (not Muse's version, of course), and I said to my mom, both times it came on, "OMG Muse covered that!"


I seen that commercial too. I sing really loud trying to sound like Matt when I hear it :LOL:


My sister said Muse's version is better :happy:

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YKYATMW you're going through all your french assignments from this year and you realize that you put atleast one Musey thing in each one :D:happy:


and you're EXTREMELY happy about starting art in less than a week because eventually we're gonna do this one assignment where we get some lyrics from a song and make it into a shirt! :awesome:

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YKYATMW a Doctor Who ad comes...


David Tennant: "I am Doctor Who. I am a timelord. I am the person who is going to save you and the other 6 billion people on this planet."


Me (Out loud, in a room with my parents...):

"No you're not: Matt is.

No you're not: Matt is

No you're not: Matt Fricken Bellamy is!!!!"


Heehee :)

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My best friend says "Moose" every time he refers to the band because he knows it gets me upset. Then he says the band sucks, which makes me even madder!


YKYATMW you get depressed and all you need to do to feel better is listen to "Popcorn" or "Execution Commentary" to get your spirits up. :happy:


Lol yep. My best friend, Sloane is the only one in my school that I know loves Muse because I got her into them :D

But everybody else is like "I hate them" :mad:

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