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DEADSTAR;7938542']that must have been in like 1980ies when the train took 2 hours between Zurich and Bern :D


btw. without the Tages-GA some get from us they would pay like 120+ Sfr for the ride to Bern and back... For someone from abroad it's everything else than cheap...


RockDoll, do you wanna come with me and pick up the guys from England at the airport? I meet all my people later in Bern. They all come from diffent directions (Lucerne, Solothurn, Bern, Basel...)

Why not? What time and where to meet? Thats my mail: rocketbabedoll@gmail.com

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I have south sitting place, unfortunately:( But i dont care, if ill be there anyway and you? Golden circle?


Yes, golden circle. You'll still have a great time I'm sure! :happy:


Cheers, chums :happy:


Y'all had better start saving up so that you can buy me a very small celebratory glass of water in Switzerland :LOL:


Oh I think I can stretch to that!:LOL::LOL:

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Just been chatting to Susie about the trip and thought I'd post my reply to her here too in case it's of interest to anyone!:LOL:


I'm taking about £150 worth of CHF but doubt I'll use all of it. That I don't use I'll convert to € for Paris the following week. So yes, I'll be paying for everything with cash.


I'm buying a small amount of food, probably some Pringles and some kind of cereal bar.


I'm going to have a big breakfast at Gatwick at about 4.30am, I probably won't feel hungry due to the excitement but will make myself eat so I won't need to eat another proper meal that day.


I'll buy a bottle of water after security at Gatwick.


Will decide what to wear on Tuesday afternoon but will def be my usual gig wear of jeans, boots and one of my many Muse tees! I don't subscribe to the whole 'OMG you CAN'T wear a tee with the name of the band on you're going to see!!!!!' thing!)


At the moment the forecast is pretty crap..




..so I may well buy a foil thermal blanket from Millets like I took for the NME awards. Will also take a brolly and dump both that and the foil blanket before we go in.


Looks as though a hoody will be needed looking at those temps.


I bought a cheap, fleecy rug from Tesco yesterday, small enough to fold and easily fit in my string ruck sack thing. Will give me something to lay my head on for my two airport sleep-overs!

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Excellent itinerary plan, Pip. This is making me feel I will need to bring my rucksack with me, I just don't think my over the shoulder bag will be big enough and I'll need to bring something to keep me warm. I'll just make sure it's not very bulky at all.


Your money plan is also similar to mine. I'm bringing 160CHF roughly £100 of my own money, I doubt I'll spend it all but anything remaining will go towards Paris. I'm surprised I've managed to save what I need. I can't wait til I start my job and get paid properly :LOL: I'm fed up of people going "omg how can you afford all that??"

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Regular pay certainly is handy!:LOL:


Shame the weather is probably not going to be great, means we need to take more clobber with us. Ah well, we will still have a fantastic time! :happy:


I need great times I had a shit summer last year :( I only live once :yesey:

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Looks like Doc Martens weather! I reckon I'll take thermal vest, tee-shirt, shirt, hoodie, brolly - and one of those space blanket thingies, wot I have never had before :D


So much for my idea of sitting in a park in Zurich instead of sitting in the airport :LOL:


*hugs Tash*




I have cheapo bright red plimsols, they're comfy that's the trick but knowing me I'll probably clash like mad :LOL: Yeah I need to bring something waterproofy


Aww :happy: *hugs back*

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Looks like Doc Martens weather! I reckon I'll take thermal vest, tee-shirt, shirt, hoodie, brolly - and one of those space blanket thingies, wot I have never had before :D


So much for my idea of sitting in a park in Zurich instead of sitting in the airport :LOL:


*hugs Tash*




Those foil blankets are ace Jen! They really do keep you warm wrapped around your shoulders!


NME awards in Feb! That's me, Ali and my friend Chelle on the end!



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Oh wait I can just bring one of those macs like the one I had in Teignmouth. I think my mum threw it away though :LOL:


Oh I liked that!:LOL::LOL:


Ya know, this will be the very first time I've stood at any gig and NOT been on the barrier!

I'm somewhat shitting a brick to be honest as I've never been surrounded by so many people on all sides and not had something to hold on to!:stunned::stunned::stunned:

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Oh I liked that!:LOL::LOL:


Ya know, this will be the very first time I've stood at any gig and NOT been on the barrier!

I'm somewhat shitting a brick to be honest as I've never been surrounded by so many people on all sides and not had something to hold on to!:stunned::stunned::stunned:


I looked ridiculous but nevermind :LOL:


Really? I am sure you will be fine. The back of Golden Circles usually have tonnes of room

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Here something from a free Swiss Newspaper that I translated (I know it's not a very good translation but I hope you'll like it) - posted it in the Media section as well.


26.May.2010 23:50






from Isabelle Riederer - This show will exceed all expectations! On June 2nd Muse will start their world tour at Stade de Suisse in Bern. The preparations are already started and are reaching it's peak. "20 Minutes" (free newspaper) talked to the singer Matt Bellamy.


Since 25. of May the whole Stade de Suisse is in lockdown. Inside works are going on and stuff gets installed. For the big starting Gig of the British rock band Muse everything has to be perfect. Frontman Matthew Bellamy knows that the stage will be their Piece of Heart of their upcomming world tour.


That they will have enough time to exercise, the three Brits will be expected in Switzerland earlier. Roumor has it that muse will be heading right to Switzerland after their gig in Portugal. "Free & Virgin" confirmed: Yes, Muse will come to Switzerland earlier for sure. When exactely they wouldn't tell.



Interview with Matthew Bellamy:


Hi Matthew, how are you?


Thanks, I'm fine. At the moment we're in the middle of the preparations of our tour. We're doing the last few things on exercising.


Last November you played in Zürich, now you'll play at Stade de Suisse in Bern on 2nd June. Can your fans look forward to a new show?


Oh yeah, a lot. This tour will be completely different from the last one. It will be a huge spectacle and the biggest Show we have ever made. We have uncountable amounts of special effects, a girl that supports us with acrobatic tricks, pyrotechnics and everything what needs to be there.


Your concert in Ber is the first concert with the new stage. Nervous?


Yeah, a bit. The new stage is immense and there's an unbelievable amount of technic in it. So quite naturally one is nervous and hoping that everything will work.


For the first time your fans were able to vote for the concert-setlist online. Isn't that too complex when you play different songs at every show?


Sure, that wouldn't be possible. Our fans were able to vote what we should play but we can only play the two songs with the most votes. When we would play all the songs we would end up only our old songs.


Just your old hits! Does that mean that your fans don't like your new songs?


No, no, that's not it. But a lot of our fans are very loyal to us from the first hour and they connect a lot of memories with them and obviously they would like to hear these old songs live once again.


Does it bother you when there's only chat about old hits?


Our old songs made us what we are today. We are very proud of them.


You will be on tour until November, have you got any plans what you will do afterwards?


Yes I will become a farmer. I recently bought a farm in England. I love to be outside in the nature. That's where I can calm down and recreate myself.


You are becoming a farmer? The serious way, with cows and sheep?


Yeah, two weeks ago I bought 15 sheep and when I get back there will be 10 cows as well as some pigs and goats.


And after that there will be Muse-Cheese?


Heeey, that would be a good Idea and from the sheep wool we will make Muse hoodies (laughing). I really have to think about that, until now I only bought the sheep because there's a lot of land to the farm which is quite not even and very difficult to cut the grass. That's what they're mainly for, to eat the grass.

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