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I'm out of the loop. What are you talking about when you say "special souvenir"?

Stuff from the merchandise booth...generic tour souvenirs.


I basically was asking if anyone was bummed that they didn't purchase something they didn't necessarily want in the beginning, but kept thinking about it and now must have it. I do that way too often.

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Stuff from the merchandise booth...generic tour souvenirs.


I basically was asking if anyone was bummed that they didn't purchase something they didn't necessarily want in the beginning, but kept thinking about it and now must have it. I do that way too often.


Oh! :LOL:


I thought I missed out on something like ordering a CD or DVD of the show.



I got what I wanted. The main thing I wanted was the tour book, but since they had one of the tour shirts (the one with the logo with The Resistance artwork and the dates on the back) in my size, I got it. *iz proud owner of pwoper Muse shirt!* I went for broke (literally) and bought the tour poster, which I will be spending money on to get framed (no tape or tacks are going near it).

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Oh! :LOL:


I thought I missed out on something like ordering a CD or DVD of the show.



I got what I wanted. The main thing I wanted was the tour book, but since they had one of the tour shirts (the one with the logo with The Resistance artwork and the dates on the back) in my size, I got it. *iz proud owner of pwoper Muse shirt!* I went for broke (literally) and bought the tour poster, which I will be spending money on to get framed (no tape or tacks are going near it).

Yeah I totally wish I could buy a commemorative DVD/CD of this concert! That would be so kick-ass! :D


I am definitely happy with what I took home but I kept thinking about the shirt my friend got and that I may have wanted the dog-tags...EVERYTHING! :D


I know what you mean though...three things and I'm out $72 but it's all worth it since I don't attend concerts often and this was Muse! Plus I'm jealous you managed to keep your poster in nice condition. Being on the floor was difficult and I decided to fold it and put it in my program before the show started. I just wanted to make sure I got my things before instead of after and I'm happy I did because it was a mad house trying to get out and make sure I was on BART on time.


I am thinking about making a small order with the online store. I still have money burning a hole in my pocket that wasn't used at the concert. I'm still just taking the whole experience in. This might have been my most favorite concert experience ever. :awesome:

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Yeah I totally wish I could buy a commemorative DVD/CD of this concert! That would be so kick-ass! :D


I am definitely happy with what I took home but I kept thinking about the shirt my friend got and that I may have wanted the dog-tags...EVERYTHING! :D


I know what you mean though...three things and I'm out $72 but it's all worth it since I don't attend concerts often and this was Muse! Plus I'm jealous you managed to keep your poster in nice condition. Being on the floor was difficult and I decided to fold it and put it in my program before the show started. I just wanted to make sure I got my things before instead of after and I'm happy I did because it was a mad house trying to get out and make sure I was on BART on time.


I am thinking about making a small order with the online store. I still have money burning a hole in my pocket that wasn't used at the concert. I'm still just taking the whole experience in. This might have been my most favorite concert experience ever. :awesome:


Yeah, I was thinking about getting some of the small things like the dog tags and wrist band, but I really wanted the big tour things I had heard about. I'm glad I hit the merch stand before the Silversun Pickups went on.


Keeping my stuff in good condition was a bit difficult since there isn't really much space in the seats. I folded up my jacket and put that under my seat, put the tour book on top of it, and put the poster semi-behind and between my seat and my friend's seat. I wore the tour shirt.



I was semi-:LOL:ing at the people in the pit that had their tour posters in their hands, fist pumping along to certain songs.

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Yeah, I was thinking about getting some of the small things like the dog tags and wrist band, but I really wanted the big tour things I had heard about. I'm glad I hit the merch stand before the Silversun Pickups went on.


Keeping my stuff in good condition was a bit difficult since there isn't really much space in the seats. I folded up my jacket and put that under my seat, put the tour book on top of it, and put the poster semi-behind and between my seat and my friend's seat. I wore the tour shirt.



I was semi-:LOL:ing at the people in the pit that had their tour posters in their hands, fist pumping along to certain songs.



Haha, oh I know! When I had my poster all rolled up, I was all weird on what to do with it. I still think I made the best decision to fold it because the creases aren't that bad and I was able to enjoy the concert without having to hold onto my stuff. With the poster inside the program, I actually shoved it in my pants and on my hip. It could not even be noticed and I barely noticed it was there! I have had to do crazy stuff like that before, tying shirts up in my hoodie wrapped around my waist and so forth. I make room for souvenirs...whatever the heck it may be. :D


I'm gonna be postin vids of mine here: http://www.youtube.com/user/threegone in case anyone is interested...

I wasn't the closest and I was on the Chris side, but the sound quality is ace imo

only got two up so far and I'm uploading MK as I type :D

Wow, nice camera! The audio completely sucks on my stuff! Thanks for sharing and I subbed. :)

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They were assholes on the floor. Some people next to me, holding their phones up for a minute or less were hounded. It was ridiculous and unnecessary. I don't see the problem with taping.


Yeah, wtf is that about? I could understand if someone's whipping out a heavy duty DSLR and foot-long lens or other pro-gear, but they were hassling a few folks using very normal gear. Honestly, guys, do you think the band or the venue are any more 'secure' as a result of you being jerks to people who aren't hurting anyone? It was strange that they were so harsh on people for something so trivial, yet they seemed to turn a blind eye to the moshers.

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Wow, nice camera! The audio completely sucks on my stuff! Thanks for sharing and I subbed. :)


Thanks! It's that Panasonic Z-3 thing, forget what its called. I got some pretty good Dom & Chris shots but I'm mostly proud of the vids since its so clear! :happy:

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I thought that's when they've been dropping the balloons at all the shows :unsure:


It's possible (we haven't gone to any of the other dates on the US leg), but in Dublin and all the gigs I attended on previous tours I think the balloons went out earlier. I guess this gives me another reason to check out Hullabaloo and HAARP again this weekend :D

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I just feel spoiled knowing it is possible to have a completely open camera policy and that I've been a part of it. Nine Inch Nails did so for their Lights in the Sky, NINJA and Wave Goodbye tours and it turned out some really amazing fan created DVD projects. I think part of it is just the labels being possessive assholes and the other parts is the band management not knowing/caring.


Yeah, NIN, U2, and other bands have led the way with more relaxed camera policies. Slowly I think the live music industry is catching on. For decades it was all about controlling the access, but now that we're in a connected world with youtube, picasa, flickr, et al it's in everyone's best interests to let people take pics and even video (assuming, of course, it's a good show). Can help create strong buzz (leading to better ticket sales at subsequent dates) and help raise the profile of a venue (cool by association).

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sigh, ok i gotta stop watching these youtube videos

PEOPLE - when stockholm syndrome is playing and if you are on the floor, put your camera away and mosh and jump around like crazy. don't stand there holding your phone up in the air trying to keep your hand still. you're wasting valuable floor space. maybe for feeling good it's acceptable but come on, have fun at the show. the vids are crappy quality anyway.

ok sorry just had to vent. and i'm in a bad mood at the moment so excuse my venting =/


Or how about letting people enjoy the show they want to? ;)


Personally I prefer dancing around and singing and cheering and whatnot, occasionally snapping a pic here and there. But my gf really enjoys shooting video at shows. Neither one of us is 'doing it wrong' and we're both having a great time.

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Lara, it was awesome seeing you. Wish we had more time :(






Hi :) A few mistakes lol

I'm a lady! :LOL: I was with 2 other Israelis but we weren't together in line. Matt promised us in Vegas to play MKU in Oakland... I asked him to play it for Oron (the guy you're talking about) and he said he will. At the actual gig though Oron and Ortal (the two other Israelis Ortal was the one with him in line... who are not a couple bytheway LOL just good friends!) were further down the front row. And it was me Matt pointed at. Well, I'm the one who asked for it ;)


Oh, my bad... But it's still awsome that you met them and had a song dedicated to you...

If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet them in the first place?

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OK, looks like all of my gf's vids are up and processed on youtube..



Things started getting wild right at the start, and by the time New Born started a mosh pit started forming up pretty much right around us. While the video's extra bouncy as a result, it kind of captures the energy of the moment rather nicely :) After NB, we pulled back 10-15 feet - just enough to get out of the crush yet still be close enough for her to get some great moments. Hope you guys enjoy!

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WOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! (<-- last scream, I promise)


WOW. Where to begin?!?? 6 hour drive there, 6 hours back, 2 nite stay, waaay behind at work now..........TOTALLY. WORTH. IT.


So great to see some of you guys there!!! In order as I remember: JessicaSarahS, Butrphli (thanks for calling me out in line! And was it savvyjd with you?), MadamePC, Althea, and others whose screen names I missed (sorry!). And hey skiby...did you have long black hair with bangs and a pink DSi? My wife and I may have been right across from you on the bridge and didn't know it! I just can't think of a better group to shiver my buns off with while waiting for a show!


And huge props to the main woman organizing the line, as well as everyone backing her up (is she a board member? what's her name?). Yes, I admit I had my doubts, but it actually worked ok in the end!


And the SHOW. Yep, I agree it was definitely better than Vegas. Why? Because I didn't go to Vegas! :LOL: My throat still hurts from screaming/yelling/singing/etc. So many firsts for me....first Muse show, first GA/floor ever (ended up-front/center in the people-crusher....FFFFUUUUUUUUUuuuuu!!! :eek: ), first twitter (hey, there's actually a use for it! ;) ), first Oracle Arena, the list goes on.


Thanks to Liron and crew for getting MK Ultra played! Eh, I guess I can forgive Muse for skipping SFA then. :cool: You guys have a safe trip back to Israel!!!


Oh, and apologies to the girl who I said "no" to when asked if I could pick her up and throw her on everyone. Seriously, I just sensed impending fail (first mine, then yours). :LOL:


WOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! ( <-- LAST last scream, I promise)

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And huge props to the main woman organizing the line, as well as everyone backing her up (is she a board member? what's her name?). Yes, I admit I had my doubts, but it actually worked ok in the end!


I wasn't there, but I heard it was Sharon/xogirl who organized the line and was writing numbers on everyone's hands. Yep, she's a fellow .MU boardie, too. :yesey:


I did similar line organization at the Vancouver and Portland gigs recently. It usually works well as long as everyone is cool. Thankfully, most Musers are. :cool: It's perfect for meeting lots of great people, too!

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I haven't had a chance to read any of this thread since Tuesday night, so I plan to read everything tonight. But omg I had so much fun!!! Yes, I was the line lady--I hope I didn't annoy anyone with my green sharpie!! Our line party up front was amazing, hanging with great friends from Israel, LA, San Diego, Redding, Mexico, etc, and my family from the east bay. It was a looooooong day, but so worth it! I hate that this is over, and can't wait until the fall. I wish I had met more boardies who were there, so in the fall we'll definitely have an organized meet-up.


Regarding the crowd in during the show, after the completely tame pit in Las Vegas, I was really surprised at how wild Oakland was, but I loved it. And I've never seen the band so into it (although I've only seen them 5 times).


Anyway, we had a great time on Wed. See you all next time!

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