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Weather forecast has changed... Lastest so far: hot and sunny on friday and Saturday! :awesome:


Need to go and catch 4 hour sleep before I head for the airport for my 6am flight!


:awesome: Still taking a poncho (got one in Millets for £1.50!) and brolly, just in case! Have a safe journey and I'll see you at the station in Paris tomorrow!


I really ought to go to bed too, my taxi is picking me up at 05.45 then catching a train from here to Brighton (only a short journey) at 6am then on to St Pancras from there. Don't feel tired though:rolleyes:

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You're the one with the great vids from Bern, right?? Standing not far from where I was probably standing, judging from the vids... Have a great time in Paris! I'll be there too on Sat, maybe even Fri. Can't wait! :D


Yes, that was me! Ah that's great you're coming to Paris too! Standing or sitting?:)

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Even you lot down there in the Golden Circle shall hear us, mark my words. :dance:


We might go to the Porte R after the show - are you all heading there as well?


I need to find out what the rest of the group I'm staying at the hotel with are doing as I don't want to have to go back to the hotel on my own!:stunned:


I would like to at least come and say a quick 'Hello' to everyone though, even if I can't stay:)


I've got golden circle Porte R tickets for both days:)

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I need to find out what the rest of the group I'm staying at the hotel with are doing as I don't want to have to go back to the hotel on my own!:stunned:


I would like to at least come and say a quick 'Hello' to everyone though, even if I can't stay:)


I've got golden circle Porte R tickets for both days:)


Gotcha - no worries. GC for both days, eh? Lucky lucky lucky....!!!!! Have a fab time!!

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A desperate cry for help here!


Basically our accommodation plans failed and now there are three Musers without a place to stay, unless a miracle happens. We're kinda on a tight budget, so last minute hotel reservations are out of question. If anyone in/near Paris could give a couch or anything to three girls, we'd be forever grateful. We're leaving for the airport in 23 minutes and I'll try to get internet access at the airport to see if there's anyone who can help. We should be in Paris at around 5 or 6pm.


I'll post this in the other Paris thread as well and cross my fingers.

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Bon Voyage for anyone travelling today:), hope you have a great journey and gig and Musey fun:musesign:.


I'm going tomorrow on the 11.30 Eurostar as I'm only going to the Saturday gig, hopefully I'll get to meet a few of you. Can some one who's going to the gig on Friday post on here if its possible to change sides in the golden circle. Cheers:kiss:

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We found a place to stay! A skanky 1-star hotel for tonight and a home for the other three nights. Everything is alright again. :happy:


:awesome: Good to know. :happy:

Already heard from Stef that french guys seem to like you girls?! :eyebrows::LOL:


Have fun today and tomorrow, everyone who's going! :)

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