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Happy Chinese New Year! :D I got ONE angpao!!! Woots! LOL.


^JB drivers are slow. Singaporean drivers are slow too. All this because my momma drives like a race car driver. Ma momma awesome. :LOL:


Since last week, I:

1. Heard UD on radio for the first time.

2. Watched the Resistance video on TV twice.


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Awww.... why aren't you balik kampung-ing? Hehe... Just don't drive in KL city. It can be a scary place when you are driving a manual car in a jam. I always mati enjin wan XP


Because my parents want to avoid the jam this year :( and its not really tradition for us to balik kampung anyway. We used to do it a lot but since my parents are from opposite ends of Malaysia (ie Penang and Johor).. a bit hard la :(


I wonder, which city in Malaysia do you guys think hv the most horrendous drivers? Lol, talking in terms of patience, double parking skills etc. Maybe horrendous isn't the right word. Scary?


Happy CNY all, although the weather's been freakin' hot hot hot these days. Hope I'll be less busy soon, I still gotta write up that Muse review!


I think Penang drivers are horrid. No offence to penang-ers la, but then again my dad is from penang so i'm half penang-er :LOL: but yeah, they always say if you can survive driving in Penang, you can survive aaaanythiiiing. The roads are damn narrow, everyone drives like a maniac, its just.. crazy. and I'm sure the hot weather makes everyone more flustered and frustrated! I dunno why its always DAMN HOT around Ayer Itam.. Uncompatible with the legendary Asam Laksa store there :LOL:


i think that penang has the worst drivers. they're kinda rude on the road. heheh

the weather IS super hot nowadays. it's our fault though. global warming and all.


by the way, can you guys email me pictures of us in singapore? i remember taking some inside the stadium but can't remember who took it. so, yeah. though, just email me all of em. my email is mel_wood90@yahoo.com. please and thank youuuuu!!! :D


oh oh and and




Omg! You're mel_wood?!? Do you remember seeing a blog about a girl going for Muse in singapore back in 2007?? you left a comment and she emailed you... THATS MEEEE!!! LOL!! I just found the email again to double check whether its you or not :LOL: small world eh! :D


I hope you know what i'm talking about :$


debbie, can i have the motp video pls pls pretty pls? :D or have u already uploaded it to youtube?


Thats the MOTP vid :D


Incomplete Resistance video aaaand...


my epic up close and personal Kris Allen video :LOL:


took me about an hour ++ to upload all these videos :indiff: damn slow. lol



btw nut!! when did you order those Muse tees? I was browsing around the store too, because I really wanted to get that tote bag. It costs 10 pounds... and the friggin postage costs another 10 pounds wtf! So I'm still contemplating getting it haha, but anyway I wanted to ask how long did the postage take to reach your office? :D and can we see your tees please! :D

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Since last week, I:

1. Heard UD on radio for the first time.

2. Watched the Resistance video on TV twice.



I heard it on 98.7 this morning too! RIght before Imma somthing by the Black Eyed Peas hahaha.


btw nut!! when did you order those Muse tees? I was browsing around the store too, because I really wanted to get that tote bag. It costs 10 pounds... and the friggin postage costs another 10 pounds wtf! So I'm still contemplating getting it haha, but anyway I wanted to ask how long did the postage take to reach your office? :D and can we see your tees please! :D


I ordered it on 6.02.10, then it came yesterday! So fast right? The postage was such a pain, so I'll probably lay off buying tees for a while i guess... :chuckle: You should order with your friends then split the postage payment. I should've done that!

Anyway I got me the Exogenesis and Song Titles ones. :D








EDIT: Oh you know what! My tee has "I BELONG TO YOU" at the bottom but the sample at the store doesn't! So, don't trust it!

Edited by Nutcracker
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I think Penang drivers are horrid. No offence to penang-ers la, but then again my dad is from penang so i'm half penang-er :LOL: but yeah, they always say if you can survive driving in Penang, you can survive aaaanythiiiing. The roads are damn narrow, everyone drives like a maniac, its just.. crazy. and I'm sure the hot weather makes everyone more flustered and frustrated! I dunno why its always DAMN HOT around Ayer Itam.. Uncompatible with the legendary Asam Laksa store there :LOL:




Omg! You're mel_wood?!? Do you remember seeing a blog about a girl going for Muse in singapore back in 2007?? you left a comment and she emailed you... THATS MEEEE!!! LOL!! I just found the email again to double check whether its you or not :LOL: small world eh! :D


I hope you know what i'm talking about :$



agree on the penang drivers :LOL:


yes i do know and remember our little online encounter back then. i've always known, but always forgot to mention it to you :LOL: it was on xanga! :LOL:


oh and by the way, pictures please! email them to me =)

Edited by melwhoops
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agree on the penang drivers :LOL:


yes i do know and remember our little online encounter back then. i've always known, but always forgot to mention it to you :LOL: it was on xanga! :LOL:


oh and by the way, pictures please! email them to me =)


Yeah it was on my old xanga! :LOL: man how time flies.. haha. I dont have any pictures of us.. I think all the pictures are with Liz!


thanx debbieeee :D


cool tshirt nut! so jealous. i've been dead broke since singapore. literally. my bank has exactly rm81.10. haihh.. n i have to survive on that 80bux til early july. hahh.


No problem :happy:

Omg.. good luck!! I dont think I can live with RM81.10 for a month. I spend way too much money on food :LOL:


i wouldn't mind going broke for a few months for Muse.


Deb, i think i saw the same tote bag @ Pertama Complex a few weeks ago for less than RM50. it's a hot and spicy one tho not the original heh..


Eh? Where is this Pertama Complex? :$:unsure:

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No problem :happy:

Omg.. good luck!! I dont think I can live with RM81.10 for a month. I spend way too much money on food :LOL:


oh tell me about it. i just spent like rm30 on 1 meal ystrday bcoz "i was feeling down":$ bless the fact im still living w my parents so worse comes to worst, i'll just stay at home & eat wtv mummy cooks. hehe:p

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jeez,its been like 2 years since last concert and i never posted here anymore (i mean this forum), i even forgot my password jeez jeez jeez,damn my bz life dammit dammit




i envy all of you guys (who went for sgapore gig) awww jealousssss


back to bz life...tataaa..


haha..... so cute :D

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thanks Aida and Nut for the suggestions! i'll study them all. btw, Nut, what's with Re:SG title?




HAPPY MUSE DAY EVERYONE!! :D:musesign::chris::matt::dom:


well, dunno if it still matters since most of you just watched Muse a few weeks ago. lol but yeah.. it's still a special day for me!

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