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I saw a DVD of Amelie in Marbecks yesterday. It was really cheap, and I'd heard lots of good things and that it had heavily influenced Pushing Daisies, so I bought it.


I don't often buy movies on DVD that I haven't seen before, but I'm glad I did so this time. Have to say it was one of the best movies I've ever seen.


Amelie is a sweet film :happy: She's the kind of person everyone wishes they could be at some point, I think.


It is a brilliant, brilliant movie that I need to watch again. Along with Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind or whatever it's called! :)


I'm getting ready to go on a date, which feels like it's going to be a disaster. Friend of a friend and such.


How's everyone?


Eternal Sunshine is a fantastic movie. Really trippy but amazing. Charlie Kaufman wrote Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, and that film. He writes films I want the talent to write :LOL:


Ooh, what movie did you see? Pros and cons? Give us a detailed account :LOL:

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Amelie is a sweet film :happy: She's the kind of person everyone wishes they could be at some point, I think.




Eternal Sunshine is a fantastic movie. Really trippy but amazing. Charlie Kaufman wrote Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, and that film. He writes films I want the talent to write :LOL:


Ooh, what movie did you see? Pros and cons? Give us a detailed account :LOL:




Hahah I saw Year one, so there isn't really all that much to tell!

It had something of the bones of a story, had Jack Black, That guy from Juno and Hank Azzaria so it was funny, but it was silly and brainless.

Which was fine for a Thursday night when I was so tired I wanted to cancel and nap instead!!!



have you tried writing a script/screenplay? Or just novel form atm>?

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with the mood i'm in tonight, don't think the cunts at my work deserve anything :awesome:

Good call.


Urrgh thanks, it was okay, the movie is funny, it's stupid but entertaining. No super awkward moments on the way there and back either, but I think I only like him as a friend. :(



Ugh, I'm doing captions for this crime drama and they all have such horrific cockney accents. I'm having to guess what they're saying half the time.

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Good call.





Ugh, I'm doing captions for this crime drama and they all have such horrific cockney accents. I'm having to guess what they're saying half the time.


Ugh, that's rough! Must take twice as long!!



Jo, want me to lend you some methylene blue for your cake? Leave your workmates with a nice blue reminder of you..... for a couple of weeks :LOL: (kidding!!!)

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It is taking ages. I'll have earned that beer that's waiting for me in the fridge at home.


Jo, want me to lend you some methylene blue for your cake? Leave your workmates with a nice blue reminder of you..... for a couple of weeks :LOL: (kidding!!!)


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i ate them tonight, amazing how good they are after the other shit. They're in some cheapass looking packets. maggi is trying to sneak them back in without looking stupid me thinks. $3 for the 5 pack at countdown. also had beef.

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with the mood i'm in tonight, don't think the cunts at my work deserve anything :awesome:




i ate them tonight, amazing how good they are after the other shit. They're in some cheapass looking packets. maggi is trying to sneak them back in without looking stupid me thinks. $3 for the 5 pack at countdown. also had beef.


Goody. When in need of noodles, I won't have spend ages deciding which crappy brand to get.

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Hahah I saw Year one, so there isn't really all that much to tell!

It had something of the bones of a story, had Jack Black, That guy from Juno and Hank Azzaria so it was funny, but it was silly and brainless.

Which was fine for a Thursday night when I was so tired I wanted to cancel and nap instead!!!


have you tried writing a script/screenplay? Or just novel form atm>?


Oh come on, was he cute? Was it awkward? I need juicy deets! :LOL:


No I haven't, although we are writing screenplays atm in my creative writing class and I know exactly what I want to write about :happy: Nothing as mindbending as Kaufman though. Although I was originally inspired by Richard Kelly, who wrote Donnie Darko and Southland Tales. What can I say? I like films that are a mindfuck :LOL:


"She's got an arse like an apple, mate."



Who says that? And how does that work? Is it a desirable attribute?


Round, firm, and you want to bite into it? :erm:


Edit: Oren, those lyrics just make me think of Dombread :LOL:

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don't want to go to bed. don't want to have my last day tomorrow. i wonder if they give me time to clear my desk or just expect me to do it after work?


got so much crap to take home and then walk into the new branch on monday since i can't drive to that one. lame.

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Just ask some girl on the street. "Oh hey, excuse me. If I said your ass was like an apple, would that be a compliment? Please fill out this survey on why/why not" :LOL:


Or better yet, leave it as a comment on that girl's facebook page :LOL:


A nice suggestion, but no.

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don't want to go to bed. don't want to have my last day tomorrow. i wonder if they give me time to clear my desk or just expect me to do it after work?


got so much crap to take home and then walk into the new branch on monday since i can't drive to that one. lame.

Can they do anything if you start packing up at like 3 and leave early?

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Can they do anything if you start packing up at like 3 and leave early?

just shouldn't go..who will sort out my desk then?


i've always liked the idea of just abandoning a job. just leave everything a mess on my desk, as it normally is, and say "i'm going to lunch..." and never come back.

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A nice suggestion, but no.


How's it going with the girl btw? Things looking promising? :happy:


just shouldn't go..who will sort out my desk then?


i've always liked the idea of just abandoning a job. just leave everything a mess on my desk, as it normally is, and say "i'm going to lunch..." and never come back.


Go on Jo, we'll applaud you for it. It's worth the lulz alone :LOL:

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How's it going with the girl btw? Things looking promising? :happy:

Hard to say, really. I started a couple of Facebook chats with her in the last two weeks, and in one of them she took like half an hour to reply and then went offline, and in the other she didn't reply at all. :erm: Just busy, I guess.


I've been trying to talk a bit more in class, but she often comes in a bit late just after the class starts, so it's not easy then. And she left half way through this week. Only 2 weeks left...opportunity passing by, I think.

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Hard to say, really. I started a couple of Facebook chats with her in the last two weeks, and in one of them she took like half an hour to reply and then went offline, and in the other she didn't reply at all. :erm: Just busy, I guess.


I've been trying to talk a bit more in class, but she often comes in a bit late just after the class starts, so it's not easy then. And she left half way through this week. Only 2 weeks left...opportunity passing by, I think.


I hate it when people do that, the chat thing. It's so rude to just go offline without saying anything.


Gah, no, you must seize an opportunity! Exam study date? Essay prep? Ask her out for coffee? :awesome:


(I live vicariously through other's relationships :$)

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No exams for me this semester, and since I have work 15 minutes after our class on Tuesdays I can't really casually invite her for a post-class coffee. I have no idea what to do, really. Ah well.


How are things looking for you on that front?

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No exams for me this semester, and since I have work 15 minutes after our class on Tuesdays I can't really casually invite her for a post-class coffee. I have no idea what to do, really. Ah well.


How are things looking for you on that front?


Kind of non-existent atm, but that's okay. Don't remember if I told you about the deal with the guy I used to like and the girl who he was attempting to chase down, but turns out she was only keeping him on the line while she worked out if she liked another guy or not. So that's been called off. Don't know if my interest in that saga is a good thing or not :LOL:

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