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I remember I was at the movie theater and it came on the preview for the 30 days of night and i pretty much screamed out omfg MUSE, and then i realized i actually screamed it out, and of course im in america, texas at that, so like no one else knew wtf i was talking about, quite an exciting and odd moment...:LOL:

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why why whyyyyy are they using Microcuts for fucking Skins?! :( Sorry but they've combined a song I love with a show I hate :rolleyes:.. oh well at least I get to hear it every 15 mins or so on E4 which is pretty much how often it gets played lol!


:noey: i highly disagree.

awesome song to match an equally awesome show :happy:

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I had a mini heart attack when I heard Microcuts on the Skins ad. :LOL::happy:


I've been listening to that song, as well as Space Dementia NON-STOP recently. T'was almost as though they had read my mind :happy:


Ah Maxxie. :happy:


I also got a bit too excited when Muse were on at the BAFTA's..twice. :D

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