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I've been waiting all day to get home and post this.


I was walking past the music department in the arts building on campus and, no joke, I heard the piano from the bridge of Apocalypse Please being played. I found the room the person was playing in but I didn't want to disturb him. If I ever see him on campus I will have to give him a high five. My existence won't be complete until I do. I've seen him walking around campus wearing Muse shirts but I really never paid attention until recently. :p

Edited by CorrosiveDreams
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My brother who doesn't know Muse, but who plays piano, just started learning Chopin's Nocturne in B flat from USoE. I whistled it all along with him, and made a hint that I had heard it in a song. I plan to get him The Resistance for a present some time, because he should like it.


but he know Muse now,Sure in a short time , he 'll love Muse. Their music is so great ! I love Muse!

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totally random - but right now on the science channel is a show called "supermassive black holes" :LOL:


I've seen that! Muse should do soundtracks for the Science Channel - the SMBH ep, or one on the search for extraterrestrial life; think NASA'd adopt Exogenesis as a theme song?

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I woke up early in the morning by a really annoying children's programs, and it was a little girl (Mabye 5-6 years old) baking a pie with some old bloke. I was really disturbed by this, until I heard them playing New born while they showed clips of this very anooying little kid going shopping for anticts. weird. :wtf:


Then they played small bits of Plug In Baby, KOC and Eternally missed...

On a children's program? :facepalm:

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