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Poked and prodded the girl to go through the footage again, I'm sure we got more usable stuff in there. And of course there was. This one's a little on the blurry side, but captures such a wonderful blissful moment...



Big thanks to those who've commented and rated the other clips, they've really put big smiles on my girl's face. When you mention Muse on this side of the Atlantic all you get are blank stares, it's good to connect with others who 'get it' ya know?


We're aiming to make the pilgrimage to Wembley in September. Anyone else here making that trek?

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Poked and prodded the girl to go through the footage again, I'm sure we got more usable stuff in there. And of course there was. This one's a little on the blurry side, but captures such a wonderful blissful moment...



Big thanks to those who've commented and rated the other clips, they've really put big smiles on my girl's face. When you mention Muse on this side of the Atlantic all you get are blank stares, it's good to connect with others who 'get it' ya know?


We're aiming to make the pilgrimage to Wembley in September. Anyone else here making that trek?


Thanks for sharing all your videos! Ah that's great you're coming over to the UK for Muse! Hopefully you'll be greeted with better weather than Ireland threw at us (I was sooooooo cols and wet on the walk from the city centre to the O2!:eek:)!


Maybe see you on September the 11th!;)

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I think that Dublin might've been the best gig of the 8 times I've seen them this year.....I mean, we got MK in Brum and London, and in Stockholm they opened with Exo, In sheffield I had a perfect barrier sport etc but the atmosphere in Dublin was just perfect :happy:


Dublin was such a great gig :happy: Never seen Matt so energised before! :LOL:

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Thanks for sharing all your videos! Ah that's great you're coming over to the UK for Muse! Hopefully you'll be greeted with better weather than Ireland threw at us (I was sooooooo cols and wet on the walk from the city centre to the O2!:eek:)!


Maybe see you on September the 11th!;)


You kidding? We were extremely happy to have gotten such great weather. Well, great compared to the week of torrential downpours we expected. Most of the time it was dry, and the weather never really got bitter cold. Walking back from the Depot to Temple Bar was pretty bearable, and the few times in the week it was pouring we happened to be indoors. Either way, September at Wembley should be much nicer, and will be a nice break from the extreme desert temps we'll be experiencing just prior at the Burning Man arts festival (daytime highs at 40 and above, and nighttime lows around 5 celsius).


One last one for you tonight...

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Thanks :)


I think the videos are much better than than the pics to be honest :)


My London pics/videos are much better though coz I was on the barrier for that one! :D

Wow your photos are awesome, I am soooo jealous. We got to the front for Teignmouth for about 6 songs and then it got a bit too mad so we got out of the pit, managed to get a couple of half decent pics but nothing as good as these. Was on the side barrier at Dublin too but we only had a crappy little camera with us and all the pics were blurred, I was gutted. Good work! :-)

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You kidding? We were extremely happy to have gotten such great weather. Well, great compared to the week of torrential downpours we expected. Most of the time it was dry, and the weather never really got bitter cold. Walking back from the Depot to Temple Bar was pretty bearable, and the few times in the week it was pouring we happened to be indoors. Either way, September at Wembley should be much nicer, and will be a nice break from the extreme desert temps we'll be experiencing just prior at the Burning Man arts festival (daytime highs at 40 and above, and nighttime lows around 5 celsius).


One last one for you tonight...



Ah right well we were only there for a few hours, flew over from the UK for the gig then went straight back to the airport after the gig and flew back to Gatwick in the morning!:LOL::LOL:


It was cold the whole time and wet for much of it. Didn't stop us having a good time though and of course the gig was just fantastic, definitely right up there with my all-time fav Muse gigs!:happy:


Wow your photos are awesome, I am soooo jealous. We got to the front for Teignmouth for about 6 songs and then it got a bit too mad so we got out of the pit, managed to get a couple of half decent pics but nothing as good as these. Was on the side barrier at Dublin too but we only had a crappy little camera with us and all the pics were blurred, I was gutted. Good work! :-)


Thanks! Panasonic TZ 7, that's what you need!:D


I was at the barrier for Teignmouth too, took a few pics and videos but they aren't as good as my Dublin and London O2 pics as weren't taken with my new camera :(





The audio in those videos is pretty poor in places which is why I bought the TZ 7 as it copes well with the bass even right at the front :)


Hopefully going to Wembley!:awesome:

I'm extremely nervous to get ticket for tomorrow,vfbghnjukyftyrdgvfcd. :LOL:


Oh hope you get one!;)

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I'm going to try for Manchester as we looked into Wembley and the whole logistics for Manchester seems much easier. The hotels are cheaper, the venue is much more convenient for the airport and we don't have to fight our way through Heathrow. All in all a much better proposition. Only minus is that most of my forum friends will probably be doing Wembley :(


Belfast Odyssey 4th November 2006

Marlay Park 13th August 2008

Dublin O2 6th November 2009

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All you could see on the screens was his arse. :chuckle:


im hopefully heading to wembley but what are other irish people doing about the presale?

apparently seetickets dont deliver to ireland and everyone from the uk seems to expect people to be familiar with the system. i've never used anything other than ticketmaster.

I'm a bit late replying here but oh well! I've had my Glastonbury ticket delievered to me through see tickets but the excuse that they couldnt deliver my Teignmouth and London tickets was that because they were in such demand that they didnt want to risk it so they would put them on box office collection. An excuse I also got from a clearly new guy at see tickets also was that it was because we don't have post codes, we don't get mail, I'm serious.:LOL: Trying to think of every excuse in the book.


Now for some people that doesnt pose a problem but when you are mental like me and choose to queue for Teignmouth at 5am, it does. So I wouldnt get off the phone until they sent it to an English address. So I would advise anyone buying tickets to try getting an English address to send them to if you want to avoid box office collection. But if you are okay with box office, make sure you get the money you paid for your post and packaging back!

I think that Dublin might've been the best gig of the 8 times I've seen them this year.....I mean, we got MK in Brum and London, and in Stockholm they opened with Exo, In sheffield I had a perfect barrier sport etc but the atmosphere in Dublin was just perfect :happy:

Dublin was such a great gig :happy: Never seen Matt so energised before! :LOL:



Aww I miss all the excitement coming up to Muse. They better come back next year. :fear:


This was one of the best nights of my shitty 2009.


I will eat my hat if they don't play Oxegen this year. Its a gaurantee.:)

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it's a complete PITA, actually, posting stuff to Ireland when there's no postcode (as a retailer) :LOL:


From a customer POV in Ireland its annoying having to put in N/A for postcode everytime, even though we select Ireland as he country:LOL:

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Somehow never got around to posting this properly at the time. So I guess this counts as reminiscing...it's a bit long-winded so am hiding it:




Dublin rocked


Finally got round to adding my two pennies into the pot. Got back a bit knackered on Sunday, then had to leap into the whole normal work/schoolrun routine, and then daughter was poorly...all the usual RealLifeCrap. Anyways:


Dublin was really special to me. The whole weekend was a complete blast from start to finish. Flew for the first time in 10 yrs on my own! Saw a pwopah muse gig for the very first time too. Yes I did see them in Tinmuff, which I will neverever forget, but Dublin was Full-On.


Met loads of new lovely people, hung out with some familiar lovely people. :p


What do I remember of the gig? Sitting by myself feeling like an idiot, until the intro music came on, and sent a electric shiver up my spine. It pulled me to my feet, where I stayed for the whole gig. Uprising was fantastic. Resistance made my heart go oof. Laserss moar lasers. I know peeps have a downer on FG, but I haven't heard it enough to get bored of it: the whole place cheered at the intro; the visuals are relly pretty – bees, flowers, sunsets – aww how can you hate it, it's like kicking a kitten?


The band sure looked like they had great fun – Matt was frenetic/kinetic – running around, jumping, knee slides. Sitting on the edge of the stage, kicking his legs. More leg kicking when he was balanced upside down on the “balcony” rail (I used to do that when I was a kid!). He also did a lot of arm waving, exhorting us on to clap/bounce/singalong (like we needed any encouragement!)...I also have an image in my head of Chris, legs akimbo,with a huge grin on his face.


PIB = omg. Matt playing the riff whilst lying on the edge of the stage. The release of the hullaballoons – at last I get to see them bounce around – I have waited SO LONG to see them for rreal. And I bounce too. Boingboingboing :D


Other highlight was of course Overture. The combo of the sound and visals was just stunning. It waqs one of the few times that I stood absolutely still, gobsmacked with awe. It was beautiful. Heartbreakingly gorgeous.


Ah yes. The flag thang. When Matt took it from Dom's drumkit and draped it over himself...it dangled over his guitar but he kept on playing THROUGH THE MATERIAL!!! :eek: Didn't miss a note as far I could make out.


It was a long walk there and a long walk back, but I didn't care. I was utterly elated.


We went back to the hotel bar and finished the night off with a trad irish trio, and an exuberant hen party.The latter had an inflatable doll, but alas he was not even remotely antomically correct, and became rather deflated as the night wore on...:rolleyes:


Didn't do much sightseeing as the weather was yukky, but had a nice time wandering around the place generally. Enjoyed the buskers/street performance. Found some nice cafes, and had my last lunch in the famous Bewley's – lovely!


This show was incredible; and it made me realise how nervous they were at Teignmouth. Aww.


I was seated in block 106, a few rows up from the front: had really good view, espesh as people in front sat down a lot (how is that possible?). The O2 Depot seemed a weird venue – I found soulless to begin with. But once the gig started, it was perfect. The acoustics were brilliant, I felt really close to the band. Fantastic. Would definitely go there again – even with the long walk.



Summary: I thought Dublin the gig was awesome. Dublin the city rocked too. Hung out/met some lovely people. Had a great weekend. Cheers! :happy:


That'sit. You can all go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted...:)

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Somehow never got around to posting this properly at the time. So I guess this counts as reminiscing...it's a bit long-winded so am hiding it:




Dublin rocked


Finally got round to adding my two pennies into the pot. Got back a bit knackered on Sunday, then had to leap into the whole normal work/schoolrun routine, and then daughter was poorly...all the usual RealLifeCrap. Anyways:


Dublin was really special to me. The whole weekend was a complete blast from start to finish. Flew for the first time in 10 yrs on my own! Saw a pwopah muse gig for the very first time too. Yes I did see them in Tinmuff, which I will neverever forget, but Dublin was Full-On.


Met loads of new lovely people, hung out with some familiar lovely people. :p


What do I remember of the gig? Sitting by myself feeling like an idiot, until the intro music came on, and sent a electric shiver up my spine. It pulled me to my feet, where I stayed for the whole gig. Uprising was fantastic. Resistance made my heart go oof. Laserss moar lasers. I know peeps have a downer on FG, but I haven't heard it enough to get bored of it: the whole place cheered at the intro; the visuals are relly pretty – bees, flowers, sunsets – aww how can you hate it, it's like kicking a kitten?


The band sure looked like they had great fun – Matt was frenetic/kinetic – running around, jumping, knee slides. Sitting on the edge of the stage, kicking his legs. More leg kicking when he was balanced upside down on the “balcony” rail (I used to do that when I was a kid!). He also did a lot of arm waving, exhorting us on to clap/bounce/singalong (like we needed any encouragement!)...I also have an image in my head of Chris, legs akimbo,with a huge grin on his face.


PIB = omg. Matt playing the riff whilst lying on the edge of the stage. The release of the hullaballoons – at last I get to see them bounce around – I have waited SO LONG to see them for rreal. And I bounce too. Boingboingboing :D


Other highlight was of course Overture. The combo of the sound and visals was just stunning. It waqs one of the few times that I stood absolutely still, gobsmacked with awe. It was beautiful. Heartbreakingly gorgeous.


Ah yes. The flag thang. When Matt took it from Dom's drumkit and draped it over himself...it dangled over his guitar but he kept on playing THROUGH THE MATERIAL!!! :eek: Didn't miss a note as far I could make out.


It was a long walk there and a long walk back, but I didn't care. I was utterly elated.


We went back to the hotel bar and finished the night off with a trad irish trio, and an exuberant hen party.The latter had an inflatable doll, but alas he was not even remotely antomically correct, and became rather deflated as the night wore on...:rolleyes:


Didn't do much sightseeing as the weather was yukky, but had a nice time wandering around the place generally. Enjoyed the buskers/street performance. Found some nice cafes, and had my last lunch in the famous Bewley's – lovely!


This show was incredible; and it made me realise how nervous they were at Teignmouth. Aww.


I was seated in block 106, a few rows up from the front: had really good view, espesh as people in front sat down a lot (how is that possible?). The O2 Depot seemed a weird venue – I found soulless to begin with. But once the gig started, it was perfect. The acoustics were brilliant, I felt really close to the band. Fantastic. Would definitely go there again – even with the long walk.



Summary: I thought Dublin the gig was awesome. Dublin the city rocked too. Hung out/met some lovely people. Had a great weekend. Cheers! :happy:


That'sit. You can all go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted...:)



Really enjoyed reading that :happy::)

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Somehow never got around to posting this properly at the time. So I guess this counts as reminiscing...it's a bit long-winded so am hiding it:




Dublin rocked


Finally got round to adding my two pennies into the pot. Got back a bit knackered on Sunday, then had to leap into the whole normal work/schoolrun routine, and then daughter was poorly...all the usual RealLifeCrap. Anyways:


Dublin was really special to me. The whole weekend was a complete blast from start to finish. Flew for the first time in 10 yrs on my own! Saw a pwopah muse gig for the very first time too. Yes I did see them in Tinmuff, which I will neverever forget, but Dublin was Full-On.


Met loads of new lovely people, hung out with some familiar lovely people. :p


What do I remember of the gig? Sitting by myself feeling like an idiot, until the intro music came on, and sent a electric shiver up my spine. It pulled me to my feet, where I stayed for the whole gig. Uprising was fantastic. Resistance made my heart go oof. Laserss moar lasers. I know peeps have a downer on FG, but I haven't heard it enough to get bored of it: the whole place cheered at the intro; the visuals are relly pretty – bees, flowers, sunsets – aww how can you hate it, it's like kicking a kitten?


The band sure looked like they had great fun – Matt was frenetic/kinetic – running around, jumping, knee slides. Sitting on the edge of the stage, kicking his legs. More leg kicking when he was balanced upside down on the “balcony” rail (I used to do that when I was a kid!). He also did a lot of arm waving, exhorting us on to clap/bounce/singalong (like we needed any encouragement!)...I also have an image in my head of Chris, legs akimbo,with a huge grin on his face.


PIB = omg. Matt playing the riff whilst lying on the edge of the stage. The release of the hullaballoons – at last I get to see them bounce around – I have waited SO LONG to see them for rreal. And I bounce too. Boingboingboing :D


Other highlight was of course Overture. The combo of the sound and visals was just stunning. It waqs one of the few times that I stood absolutely still, gobsmacked with awe. It was beautiful. Heartbreakingly gorgeous.


Ah yes. The flag thang. When Matt took it from Dom's drumkit and draped it over himself...it dangled over his guitar but he kept on playing THROUGH THE MATERIAL!!! :eek: Didn't miss a note as far I could make out.


It was a long walk there and a long walk back, but I didn't care. I was utterly elated.


We went back to the hotel bar and finished the night off with a trad irish trio, and an exuberant hen party.The latter had an inflatable doll, but alas he was not even remotely antomically correct, and became rather deflated as the night wore on...:rolleyes:


Didn't do much sightseeing as the weather was yukky, but had a nice time wandering around the place generally. Enjoyed the buskers/street performance. Found some nice cafes, and had my last lunch in the famous Bewley's – lovely!


This show was incredible; and it made me realise how nervous they were at Teignmouth. Aww.


I was seated in block 106, a few rows up from the front: had really good view, espesh as people in front sat down a lot (how is that possible?). The O2 Depot seemed a weird venue – I found soulless to begin with. But once the gig started, it was perfect. The acoustics were brilliant, I felt really close to the band. Fantastic. Would definitely go there again – even with the long walk.



Summary: I thought Dublin the gig was awesome. Dublin the city rocked too. Hung out/met some lovely people. Had a great weekend. Cheers! :happy:


That'sit. You can all go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted...:)


Aww thanks for reminding me of all the stuff that happened at the concert. :happy: I really need to see Muse again soon.


What happened to this thread, we used to have the highest number of posts out of all the gig threads. :LOL:

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Somehow never got around to posting this properly at the time. So I guess this counts as reminiscing...it's a bit long-winded so am hiding it:




Dublin rocked


Finally got round to adding my two pennies into the pot. Got back a bit knackered on Sunday, then had to leap into the whole normal work/schoolrun routine, and then daughter was poorly...all the usual RealLifeCrap. Anyways:


Dublin was really special to me. The whole weekend was a complete blast from start to finish. Flew for the first time in 10 yrs on my own! Saw a pwopah muse gig for the very first time too. Yes I did see them in Tinmuff, which I will neverever forget, but Dublin was Full-On.


Met loads of new lovely people, hung out with some familiar lovely people. :p


What do I remember of the gig? Sitting by myself feeling like an idiot, until the intro music came on, and sent a electric shiver up my spine. It pulled me to my feet, where I stayed for the whole gig. Uprising was fantastic. Resistance made my heart go oof. Laserss moar lasers. I know peeps have a downer on FG, but I haven't heard it enough to get bored of it: the whole place cheered at the intro; the visuals are relly pretty – bees, flowers, sunsets – aww how can you hate it, it's like kicking a kitten?


The band sure looked like they had great fun – Matt was frenetic/kinetic – running around, jumping, knee slides. Sitting on the edge of the stage, kicking his legs. More leg kicking when he was balanced upside down on the “balcony” rail (I used to do that when I was a kid!). He also did a lot of arm waving, exhorting us on to clap/bounce/singalong (like we needed any encouragement!)...I also have an image in my head of Chris, legs akimbo,with a huge grin on his face.


PIB = omg. Matt playing the riff whilst lying on the edge of the stage. The release of the hullaballoons – at last I get to see them bounce around – I have waited SO LONG to see them for rreal. And I bounce too. Boingboingboing :D


Other highlight was of course Overture. The combo of the sound and visals was just stunning. It waqs one of the few times that I stood absolutely still, gobsmacked with awe. It was beautiful. Heartbreakingly gorgeous.


Ah yes. The flag thang. When Matt took it from Dom's drumkit and draped it over himself...it dangled over his guitar but he kept on playing THROUGH THE MATERIAL!!! :eek: Didn't miss a note as far I could make out.


It was a long walk there and a long walk back, but I didn't care. I was utterly elated.


We went back to the hotel bar and finished the night off with a trad irish trio, and an exuberant hen party.The latter had an inflatable doll, but alas he was not even remotely antomically correct, and became rather deflated as the night wore on...:rolleyes:


Didn't do much sightseeing as the weather was yukky, but had a nice time wandering around the place generally. Enjoyed the buskers/street performance. Found some nice cafes, and had my last lunch in the famous Bewley's – lovely!


This show was incredible; and it made me realise how nervous they were at Teignmouth. Aww.


I was seated in block 106, a few rows up from the front: had really good view, espesh as people in front sat down a lot (how is that possible?). The O2 Depot seemed a weird venue – I found soulless to begin with. But once the gig started, it was perfect. The acoustics were brilliant, I felt really close to the band. Fantastic. Would definitely go there again – even with the long walk.



Summary: I thought Dublin the gig was awesome. Dublin the city rocked too. Hung out/met some lovely people. Had a great weekend. Cheers! :happy:


That'sit. You can all go back to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted...:)


That was awesome to read.

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Awwww,I miss this thread. :happy:

Oh my,2 days and then surely I can say that the month has passed since the gig. :'(

Any fellow irish muser going to Paris gig 11/06/10?

I might be going,cause it's day after my birthday,a perfect pwesent to me. :supersad:

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