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Muse spoof trailers


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I just found the adverts spoof rather randomly from Youtube and wanted to share it with everyone :LOL: (good thing that we've got search!)


My favourite moment has to be the "badger-badger-mushrooms", I seriously cracked up :D And "Toys R Us"? Brilliant! Dom and the chocolate commercial go together veeery nicely as well. Big love for this video!


EDIT: oh, forgot the Durex one, how could I forget that!? :LOL:

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I think I died a little bit from the laughter!


OMFG Liam! Both surf adverts are the ultimate awesomeness!


And you know what? It killed me the most having my mum passing by during the Durex ads and massively freaking out for having Dom and Chris rubbing each other! :LOL:


Hahahahahaha! Grrreat job! :kiss:

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And you know what? It killed me the most having my mum passing by during the Durex ads and massively freaking out for having Dom and Chris rubbing each other!


:LOL: That bit is a bit :$ I have to admit. Makes me smile that in the actual video, Matt is sitting in the other room playing a PSP or something - you can tell where the brains are!:LOL: I can imagine him daring them and then sitting in the other room playing his PSP looking like butter wouldn't melt!:LOL:


I think Chris and Dom needed to be told that subtlety is everything!:p When it's Matt and Dom (not sure if that's intentional or not) I always think 'awww bless their cottons!':happy:


I like the fishing and the "Professor Matt Bellamy - Alien Expert" bits best! :D

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I choked on my dinner at the Maltesers advert... and the 2 toys R us :LOL:


Liam these are brilliant as usual - can't wait for the teignmouth trailer :happy:


btw liking the new avatar :D


Thanks L :D and to everyone else again for all your comments.


I've uploaded the Teignmouth trailer.


I already have some great ideas for the next adverts spoof but am going to wait abit and gather some more ideas from the depths of my brains whackyness to create another just as funny spoof :p

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I just watched the subscriber video :eek: Looks so good... Just brought back so many memories :happy: thank you so much for putting this together for us... I am sure I am speaking for everybody who was in Teignmouth, thanks for doing that it will a fantastic keepsake.


And Muse the movie - srsly cannot wait! One question @ the end of the muse the movie is that Resistance or Starlight in Teignmouth?


And :LOL: @ the warner bit!

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