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FUCKING WOW. That is one intensely hot drum kit. Sort those drum placements out though.


Orion Burlwood. You've upstaged me. :mad: Welcome to the Mapex Mafia. :)


Spent some time over the weekend shifting everything around - just threw the kit up quickly having got it home from the shop. That smallest tom still isn't ideally placed but having always been a 1 up 2 down player that may not be too much of an issue.


Will only really get the proper feel on Wednesday on practice night where the kit will be set up and will stay (can't play it at home - have to use the electric kit). That will be the first time the kit gets used in anger.....though as Adam says, it will be somewhat difficult to hit something so nice and new and shiney !!

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You're going to love them. I'm awful at tuning and I can tune them with my toes and still have them sound epic.


I have the DW5000--I still need to tweak it a bit. IMO, the Iron Cobra was a lot easier to get used to, but that was probably because I had a shit pedal and then I switched to the IC. :LOL: Though, I can't do doubles as well on the 5000 as my IC--need to mess with it a bit.


Never tried a 9000 before--looks godly. :eek:


And that IC I have is still for sale, btw... :LOL:


Stay away from DW pedals if you have a really heavy foot. If you can believe it they have footboard snappage issues. :eek: I personally cannot imagine being able to apply enough pressure to a footboard to break it but the facts are out there:


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I use the red cam, massive spring tension, powershifter all the way forward, footboard very flat (about as low as it'll go without the belt drive linkage hitting the top of the hoop clamp when I really wail on it) and beater holder forward one notch (that's necessary because I play barefoot and if it's set to the centre mark the beater hits the top of my foot causing significant pain/bruising). And ditch the toe stop.


EDIT: I'm starting to have problems with the powershifter mechanism, oddly. It's my own fault, though. Sweat runs down my leg into the heel plate and corrodes the screw that holds the powershifter to the base plate. I generally have to tighten it up after every half hour otherwise the play in the footboard becomes intolerable. I now wear my sweatbands on my ankles to combat that and the sweat-slicked-footboard problem.

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I hear Dom uses a ribbon crasher on Megalomania, but why does it sound different live than in the study. Live its a bit sloshy, whilst on the recording its a really tight metal against metal sound.


because its obviously recorded with different instruments than what he has when performing live.


During the intro of knights of cydonia he plays timpani drums on the intro


yet live...he plays the gong bass.


The recording of time is running out has metal wheels being hit


yet live... he hits the snare drum only.


etc etc...theres several more...:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive used thomann and checked there already - more expensive than some UK suppliers...


I remember someone at some point listing a few good American stores....just CBA to search this whole thread! :LOL:

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  • 2 weeks later...



I posted a while back asking advice on learning drums, etc. Just thought I'd post an update n'stuff.


First of all, thanks to those who responded with their advice and opinions back when I asked. :) I've been having a blast learning how to play even though everything right now is pretty basic in the scheme of things. I practice a couple hours every night. I don't have my own kit, just a practice pad, a kick pedal I bought used (and a bass drum practice pad), but it helps. Been thinking about buying a used hi-hat stand etc so I can practice a bit more with that since I'm starting to getting a little more complicated with the hi hat.

My friend/instructor DOES have a kit however, and I always try to play as much and as long as possible at his place so I can get a feel for the real thing.


Its been a couple of months now, but I can keep time with my hi hat foot which is kewl. It seemed impossible two months ago, but with regular practice and getting down some basic beats I can manage it now. :)


Read the stuff about the DW pedals--scary. My friend uses DW pedals. I hope I don't break one of his while practicing! Also read the bit about single stroke rolls. The friend I'm learning from knows some rudiments, so the single stroke and para diddle are two things he taught me at the beginning. I have my single stroke down pretty well now at probably 160 bpm. After that it gets ridiculous and sloppy.


Anyway, I think I have enough basics down that I might be able to attempt playing something simple like TIRO from beginning to end. If I get it down well enough maybe I'll join the you tube muse cover crowd. :)


BTW, Alyssa, your Muse covers are awesome! Its great to see another girl playing drums. :)

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Oh yah, my dear friend who I learn drums from is in his 40s or so. Been playing drums since he was 16. He's very good. And we have the same taste in music yet...


He has NEVER heard of MUSE. He has heard of a bunch of great bands out and about today but NEVER MUSE. So I show him Wembley and Glastonbury and all that. And he likes it. Says its great, but then goes on to say "But I can't see how they would ever be big in the US. There's just no way. They're too different." So after I giggle a minute I say, "But they've played to sold out shows of 20k in the US. Like, The Forum and Madison Square Gardens." And then he just gets mad cuz he realizes he might be a little out of touch with the music scene these days.


But, at least MUSE have a new fan. :)


He's also convinced Matt is going to go bald by 40. LOL!

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Oh yah, my dear friend who I learn drums from is in his 40s or so. Been playing drums since he was 16. He's very good. And we have the same taste in music yet...


He has NEVER heard of MUSE. He has heard of a bunch of great bands out and about today but NEVER MUSE. So I show him Wembley and Glastonbury and all that. And he likes it. Says its great, but then goes on to say "But I can't see how they would ever be big in the US. There's just no way. They're too different." So after I giggle a minute I say, "But they've played to sold out shows of 20k in the US. Like, The Forum and Madison Square Gardens." And then he just gets mad cuz he realizes he might be a little out of touch with the music scene these days.


But, at least MUSE have a new fan. :)


He's also convinced Matt is going to go bald by 40. LOL!

hooray for getting another Muse fan! Have you shown him Hullabaloo or just the Glasto and Wembley gigs?


And Dom will go bald before Matt does :p

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hooray for getting another Muse fan! Have you shown him Hullabaloo or just the Glasto and Wembley gigs?


And Dom will go bald before Matt does :p


Just Glasto and Wembley. I have Hullabaloo, but I live in America, so they only way I can play Hullabaloo is if I can find a region free dvd player that supports PAL format. I let him borrow the DVDs though.


Oh, he's even more upset cuz his WIFE has heard of MUSE and he hasn't! And she is not into the same kind of music as he is AT ALL, LOL! I just laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sorry, your wife is hipper than you are!" HAHAHHA!!!


Apart from Stockholm Syndrome, and Assassin, what are some really good songs you guys can think of that really showcase Dom's drumming ability?


Butterflies and Hurricanes come to mind...but what else?


My friend/instructor is all impressed with Matt, but not so much with Dom, lol!

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Space Dementia, Knights of Cydonia, maybe Hysteria


Good ones. He's heard KOC and Hysteria. I'll try Space Dementia though. And now that I think about it...Screenager is a good one too.


Dude, he was so unfamiliar with MUSE that I first showed him short clips on you tube and said, "That's my husband drumming" and he TOTALLY BELIEVED ME! ROTFLMAO!

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