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I've never been a selective Muse fan, I love all of their albums for very different reasons, but the biggest thing I've always loved about Muse is that all of their songs are distinctive, they've never done a song that sounds too much alike to another, and for better or for worse, the 2nd law doesn't really break that.


I think it's a good album, personally. Some quality tunes on there and is a better overall album than the Resistance was for me personally.

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Unsustainable could've sounded decent if it had more bass during the drop. The whole thing just feels like a gimmick though. Tbh, that entire album cycle felt like a gimmick.


Yeah, exactly. The first time I listened to it I thought it would be the first Muse song that wouldn't grow on me. It did after a few listens more (and seeing it live) , but I still skip it a lot.

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I also love Follow Me - there was potential for a really good electronic album looking at some of the tracks on TR and T2L.


I'd love for them to actually make an experimental electronic album. Nothing that sounds like Follow Me though.

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Big Freeze would've been 10 times better if it didn't have the silly backings. That's the only thing I find annoying about the song. I love the pre-chorus, chorus and the bridge.


Big Freeze would have been 10 times better if it was another song.

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Something glitchy and chill. No synthpop.


Awwww yeeeee


I said in another thread (might have just been ages ago in this one actually) that I want an album consisting of stuff like Monty Jam and glitch electronics.


The electronic elements in TR and T2L were too mainstream; in BHAR they had some gusto about them.


Mainstream =/= bad though. UD is great.


I know what you mean though, in an ideal world they would've gone on to experiment more with the electronic aspects of BH&R instead of making generic stadium rock with the occasional decent tune.

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I also didn't like TR at first but after T2L, going back to it feels incredibly good. There are a lot of great songs on it imo.


It's half decent. Uprising, Unnatural Selection, MK Ultra, Redemption and Overture are all great songs, the rest is kinda eh to me.

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TR was the album that got me into Muse, and some of its songs are the first Muse songs I listened, so, you know...

My main problem with it is that it lacks punch on the rock songs, watching proshots of US and MK is soooo different to listen to the album versions it almost hurts

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