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It looked to me like Matt was having a LOT of fun with that one! I was expecting a relatively note-by-note reproduction (by their standards), but its great to see him leaping into the air and going mad on the "fucking psycho" bits. Unexpected for me, I was expecting Dead Inside and Mercy tonight.

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Jeez :(


Well, I feel like a nobhead. At least I can enjoy her music better now though.


According to the Almighty Wikipedia, she's not actually blind. She was hit by a car and part of the damage was she was left hyper-sensitive to light and sound, so has to wear dark sunglasses to shield her eyes

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Probs not.


stream tho




Except better.


I saw two chicks from Haim chilling at a laid back LA teen-core hipster type gig I went to, didn't talk to them because I don't listen to their music. Jenny Lewis played onstage unexpectedly, she was just chilling afterwards too with some friends.

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