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Tbh I never really listen to Exogenesis anymore. Overture's cool but it doesn't really work on it's own imo and Cross-Pollination is too OTT/bombastic for me. Redemption's nice though, I guess.


I highly recommend listening to the instrumental version of Cross Pollination. Hearing all of the things going on during the vocals is really amazing, especially the guitar.

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I believe the whole of Blues for the Red Sun is in Drop C, and I love that album. As long as the songs are good and varied, tunings don't matter that much.


I agree worth your point but Kyuss are a completely different breed to Muse.:LOL:

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Yeah it really is how you use the tuning. I mean an album full of pentatonic riffs in drop D would get old fast. I remember that's one of the biggest reasons AM by Arctic Monkeys was so dull for me — every song was centered around the same kinds of pentatonic riffs

You shut your whore mouth, that album has the best songwriting of the decade.

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I highly recommend listening to the instrumental version of Cross Pollination. Hearing all of the things going on during the vocals is really amazing, especially the guitar.


The guitar's the thing I like least actually, I always hear it as Matt aping Brian May (and I don't like Queen to begin with) :chuckle:


You shut your whore mouth, that album has the best songwriting of the decade.



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Is this board really anti-Resistance? It wasn't a perfect album, but I'd easily say that Uprising, Unnatural Selection, MK Ultra, and all of Exo are better than Psycho or Dead Inside. I like the live Reapers a lot, but I'll reserve actual comparison until I hear the studio version.




You shut your whore mouth, that album has the best songwriting of the decade.



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Someone had brought a TR CD to get signed at the Manchester gig last week and got boo'd by a group of people!


I do like Exo. it's not an orchestral masterpiece but it works really well for me. probably the only thing from TR I still listen to very often.

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