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Maybe he's just very inconsistent? Spectrum said that that was actually an issue back in the old days, and I haven't really researched back to back gigs to check, but apparently he became way more consistent later on.


I've listened to a lot of old gigs, and he certainly had his ups and downs.

Honestly, until T2L.

I guess I meant I'm more curious why he was pretty consistently fabulous during that time frame, and now his inconsistencies seem to be in long clusters

I'd assumed the improvement last tour was due to (finally) getting a better technique, but now I'm not sure.

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Oh yeah - even Chris on guitar Blackout is better than UD live.


Which says how shite UD is live. :p


Chris on guitar might actually be worse imo. It's actually quite sad to see a song that used to be so cool become so wimpy.


At least UD was always shite.





You guys got my back. Thanks.


Perf gif :LOL:

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What's everyone's beef with Chris on guitar? He sounded good I thought?


He always plays great imo, one of the best musicians out there

First of all he is a very clinical player. Not much feeling imo which becomes very noticable when he plays guitar. Especially when he's gonna try a solo like the one in Blackout. Matt's theatrics just fit the song much better.


And secondly, let's not go too far. He's very consistent and rarely plays a wrong note, but one of the best? Based on what exactly?

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What's everyone's beef with Chris on guitar? He sounded good I thought?


He always plays great imo, one of the best musicians out there


Have you listened to the proper version? Sure, Chris plays it perfectly fine, but stuff like this...



is why I love Muse.


The new version brakes my heart...

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