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Ooooh the one on bass? :chuckle:


Kittens.... I got engaged :stunned:


Yes, but now with more guitar.


Congratulations to both of you :awesome:


Has anyone had the finish coming off a guitar's neck before, on the side of the board just above the side dots? It's happening a little bit on my strat on the lower frets.


edit: it's a satin urethane finish.


I think I know what you mean. I've had it happen before, but only on older guitars with gloss finishes. Has this only just started happening?

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These have just shown up. Can't find anything else about them online yet






I doubt they're like the rocker 30 that Orange discontinued several years back. That is a great amp - I've had mine for ten years now (longest I've kept anything!)



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Kittens.... I got engaged :stunned:




I think I know what you mean. I've had it happen before, but only on older guitars with gloss finishes. Has this only just started happening?


I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago. Doesn't seem like it's been caused by a fret sticking out and pushing the finish though, which is what I thought would cause something like that.

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Weren't they laid up due to illness or something? Really enjoy their album, hoping for some more next year.


Edit: that's interesting re: razorblades. I know that technique is used for legit relicing by Gibson and fender, but I think they're slightly more authentic. Typically i'd expect to see the checking go with the grain, rather than across..

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They're almost done recording


I see. I only have their Facebook page followed, but I should follow all of the individual ones. Especially Jack. Because we know nothing.


Nice to see he's using the stone deaf PDF-1 too.


Weren't they laid up due to illness or something? Really enjoy their album, hoping for some more next year.


Edit: that's interesting re: razorblades. I know that technique is used for legit relicing by Gibson and fender, but I think they're slightly more authentic. Typically i'd expect to see the checking go with the grain, rather than across..


Did they open for the psycho tour show you went to? They didn't come to the U.S. to open for the two shows here - we had bear hands instead. They were good, but...


What was more disappointing is that the show that had turbowolf followed by marmozets got cancelled completely. That would've been insanity from beginning to end.


Also, completely unrelated, but I just got one of these. Not too expensive (though there isn't a whole lot going on inside). Great sound.




It's just begging to have that palm muted intro from 'sick sick sick' played through it.

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Merry Christmas K&T! Did anyone get any gear from Santa?


What confuses me the most is why they tried to turn it into a melody maker shape. Surely they could've sold it and bought an old melody maker with cash left over...


Did everyone download the christmas present for this year?


It's definitely another one for the ugly guitar bonfire.


I downloaded it. Since there was no video it's made me think they might release that gig on a blu ray #soon



it's not gonna happen.

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Merry Christmas K&T! Did anyone get any gear from Santa?




It's definitely another one for the ugly guitar bonfire.


I downloaded it. Since there was no video it's made me think they might release that gig on a blu ray #soon



it's not gonna happen.


Nope, but I'll probably treat myself to an OC-2 (not really, but I might buy a pedal with some of the gift monies)


And yes, it needs to be put out of its misery.


The recording sounds good anyway, but you're probably right. What do you think this mythical DVD will actually have? (they could have already said for all I know - I haven't been paying attention)

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Nope, but I'll probably treat myself to an OC-2 (not really, but I might buy a pedal with some of the gift monies)


And yes, it needs to be put out of its misery.


The recording sounds good anyway, but you're probably right. What do you think this mythical DVD will actually have? (they could have already said for all I know - I haven't been paying attention)


That's my plan as well (definitely NOT the OC-2 bit :chuckle:).


If i remember right it was meant to be a mix of live stuff and backstage stuff, so maybe something like Hullabaloo. Not sure whether that's true or not though.

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That's my plan as well (definitely NOT the OC-2 bit :chuckle:).


If i remember right it was meant to be a mix of live stuff and backstage stuff, so maybe something like Hullabaloo. Not sure whether that's true or not though.


With any luck, the extras will include an up to date rig rundown, and the complimentary USB stick with kemper profiles. I don't think most people would buy it for that, but you never know.





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That's cool. His delivery is very good too. Do you read SOS?


I know - who would've thought Bobby could pull off a convincing QOTSA sound.


I'm still pretty happy with my attempts, but it's not the same, as I'm using pedals instead of running the amp full blast and then boosting it further. I've never tried that whole mic setup either...You know, with one in the back and two in the front...


This was done with a SM57 and E906. I thought it turned out alright, especially considering the volume level




And no not really. I think I've only read one other article that was posted here. Should I be reading it more often?

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With any luck, the extras will include an up to date rig rundown, and the complimentary USB stick with kemper profiles. I don't think most people would buy it for that, but you never know.






Only in the deluxe box set. Even just a few shots of the Drones tour rack would be good, so we can speculate :nerd:. That VH4 pedal is an essential purchase when I get a new amp.


I know - who would've thought Bobby could pull off a convincing QOTSA sound.


I'm still pretty happy with my attempts, but it's not the same, as I'm using pedals instead of running the amp full blast and then boosting it further. I've never tried that whole mic setup either...You know, with one in the back and two in the front...


This was done with a SM57 and E906. I thought it turned out alright, especially considering the volume level




And no not really. I think I've only read one other article that was posted here. Should I be reading it more often?


That video's really interesting, especially hearing how much the sound varies with the different mic positions. Saw a video the other day about a super hard on they were using for recording that album breaking in the studio, then sounding completely different when it was fixed.


Yours sounds just about spot on.

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