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Searching through this thread's posts I'm really surprised to see the consensus that the Reading/Leeds performance of Dark Shine is the best one yet...


While I still think it sounds pretty good and in no way bad or anything I feel like it was just too polished and rehearsed sounding. Also it kinda disappoints me that with Morgan being there they couldn't go for having the piano in the song as it is on the record.


I prefer this performance WAYYY more because it just seems much more emotive and passionate and filled with energy to me





Also that performance of Hysteria is awesome! :D I LOVE the huge grin on Matt's face when he seems to realize halfway through the solo how awesome the delay effect sounds on it!

Edited by Jedi of Cydonia
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I def prefer the R&L version of Darkshines. I like how they cut it, I love the more controlled vibe and the solo and breakdown is brutally heavy. Plus, Matt's vocals suit it so well. I think it was the biggest surprise of the R&L show just how good it sounded these days.

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At first I was really shocked by how much better I thought that Jools Holland performance of Hysteria sounded than all the more recent performances. So much dirtier sounding with the really cool effect on Matt's vocals and the different guitar tone and an awesome delay effect on the solo! I still think they should bring back that delay effect. :p


But then I realized there are really awesome aspects of almost all the other performances of the recent performances of Hysteria as well.


For example here it's really cool how he adds additional notes into the solo




Also I like the variety of different of parts Matt plays along to the intro bass line, from the People of the Sun intro, to doubling the bassline on guitar, to replicating the intro of the studio album

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