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2 songs from each gig I've been to, arpeggio format:

Can't really use that format since I've only been to two gigs but here is a playlist out of those two:



Well I've been to three gigs only aswell, but I'll still try this :chuckle:


Take a Bow

Citizen Erased

Micro Cuts + riffs

Stockholm Synrome + riffs


Yes Please(w/hullaballoons) + riffs + destruction


Well that really is a pretty damn tight set for the amount of songs tbh :chuckle:

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Dead Star


Hyper Music


Micro Cuts

The Handler


Citizen Erased

New Born

Muscle Museum

Time is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome


Knights of Cydonia

Map of the Problematique

Take a Bow

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Can't really use that format since I've only been to two gigs but here is a playlist out of those two



Also only been to two gigs and got Feeling Good, Guiding Light and Explorers over the course of them haha.


Exogenesis Part One Overture


New Born {Microphone Fiend Riff}

Panic Station

Supermassive Black Hole

{Interlude} Hysteria

Butterflies and Hurricanes


United States of Eurasia

{Helsinki Jam}

Plug In Baby

Time Is Running Out

Bliss {ext}

Unnatural Selection {Freedom Riff}


{The 2nd Law Unsustainable}


Stockholm Syndrome

Knights of Cydonia

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Also only been to two gigs and got Feeling Good, Guiding Light and Explorers over the course of them haha.


Exogenesis Part One Overture


New Born {Microphone Fiend Riff}

Panic Station

Supermassive Black Hole

{Interlude} Hysteria

Butterflies and Hurricanes


United States of Eurasia

{Helsinki Jam}

Plug In Baby

Time Is Running Out

Bliss {ext}

Unnatural Selection {Freedom Riff}


{The 2nd Law Unsustainable}


Stockholm Syndrome

Knights of Cydonia



I would enjoy this a lot

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Based on what I've seen:

(We Are The Universe)

1. Uprising

2. Supermassive Black Hole

3. MK Ultra

4. New Born

5. Map of the Problematique

6. Dead Inside

7. Animals

8. Citizen Erased

9. Space Dementia

10. Ruled by Secrecy

11. Sunburn

12. Follow Me

13. Bliss

14. Mercy

15. Madness

16. Time is Running Out

17. Stockholm Syndrome


18. Psycho

19. Reapers

20. Dead Star

21. Micro Cuts


22. Take a Bow

23. Plug in Baby

24. Knights of Cydonia

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Depends on what you've got yourself, I suppose. I've been lucky enough to get Citizen Erased twice in the three shows I've been to, and I'd much rather have that than something like Agitated, The Groove, etc. That didn't stop me being angry for weeks when they played Futurism and Fury at Zepp though, haha! Performance counts as well to be fair. Technically, I got Take A Bow at Wembley in 2010, but it was when they were using the stupid rising platform thing, and I saw absolutely nothing during the whole song. On the other hand, I'd stopped caring after Bliss and Citizen Erased really, haha! I don't even particularly remember Ruled By Secrecy even though it's one of my favourite piano songs they've done. Unless you go to see them all the time though, I think you sort of have to reach a point where you're happy with what you've got so far in the end, haha! I'm sort of past the whole jealousy stage thankfully. :chuckle:

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Might do a longer one later, but for now, 2 from each gig attended:




Muscle Museum

Map of the Problematique


Butterflies and Hurricanes


Citizen Erased



Knights of Cydonia


Micro Cuts

Stockholm Syndrome

Take a Bow


As someone who only saw Muse long after the BH&R tours, I've been very lucky.

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What an average set of this tour could have been :LOL:


1. Psycho

2. Reapers

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Map Of The Problematique

5. The Handler

6. Citizen Erased

7. Bliss

8. Dead Inside

9. Starlight

10. Munich Jam

11. Madness

12. Hysteria

13. Stockholm Syndrome

14. Time Is Running Out

15. The Globalist

16. Uprising

17. Mercy

18. Knights Of Cydonia

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Perhaps what Drones could've been.


{intro} Apocalypse Please



Plug in Baby

Map of the Problematique

Dead Inside

{Isolated System}

The Handler

Supermassive Black Hole

{Prelude} Starlight

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Munich Jam



JFK + Stockholm Syndrome

Time is Running Out


The Globalist


Take a Bow


Knights of Cydonia

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A bit on the long side but based on gigs I've been to:


(What's He Building in There?)

1. Take A Bow

2. Dead Star

3. Assassin

4. MK Ultra

5. Map of the Problematique

6. The Groove

7. City of Delusion

8. Micro Cuts

9. Hyper Music

10. Citizen Erased

11. Sunburn

12. Hoodoo

13. Ruled By Secrecy

14. Space Dementia

15. Invincible

16. Uno

17. Darkshines

18. Hysteria

19. Reapers



20. Bliss

21. Plug in Baby

22. Knights


23. Fury

24. Butterflies and Hurricanes

25. Stockholm Syndrome

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Gigs I've been to but only being able to use songs where they originally were on the set (e.g. my options for the first slot were Uprising / New Born / Supremacy / Psycho / Reapers):


New Born


Space Dementia

Hyper Music

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Dead Star

Micro Cuts

Citizen Erased

Dark Shines

Map Of The Problematique



Fury / Reapers (both work, genuinely couldn't decide)

Plug In Baby

Unnatural Selection



Stockholm Syndrome

Take A Bow


When you're reading down through a list of songs people have seen, get to one you haven't seen, quietly whisper "cunt" under your breath.


Just me? :LOL:


Pretty much me anytime I read the 'songs you've seen' thread :chuckle:


Usually followed up by an audible 'HA' when I spot something missing that I've got :ninja:


Reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Pokemon when I was in primary school.

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Gotta get that Guardian Eatos.



I like this idea;



Supermassive Black Hole

New Born


Hyper Music

Citizen Erased

Dead Star

Knights of Cydonia

{Drum and Base}



Butterflies & Hurricanes


Stockholm Syndrome

Time is Running Out


The Globalist


Take a Bow

Plug in Baby


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Gigs I've been to but only being able to use songs where they originally were on the set (e.g. my options for the first slot were Uprising / New Born / Supremacy / Psycho / Reapers):


*T2L Unsustainable-intro*

1. Supremacy

2. Reapers

3. Panic Station

4. Resistance


6. The Handler

7. Micro Cuts

8. Sunburn

9. Citizen Erased

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Monty Jam

12. Feeling Good

13. Follow Me

14. Liquid State

15. Hysteria

16. TIRO

17. Stockholm Syndrome + riff

18. Agitated

19. Yes Please + riff

*Encore 1*

20. Take a Bow

21. Mercy

22. UD

*Encore 2*

23. Unsustainable

24. Plug in Baby

25. Survival

*Encore 3*

26. Isolated System(extended)

27. Uprising

28. Starlight

29. Knights of Cydonia



Okay look, I know I used the three encores of the stadium tour as a sort of a 'cheat code', but hell, the three sets were so different(28 songs in 2013, two mega-rarities and the longest show they've played, 18 songs in 2015, three mega-rarities and 21 songs in 2016, one semi-rarity), it was nearly impossible to slot them perfectly. The only major changes I made was pushing TaB from slot 19 to 20 to replace Blackout and then adding a whole new 29th slot to push Knights there, because, let's face it, who the hell really wants another show that closes with Starlight? :chuckle:


Unfortunately I failed on my quest to remove FG, but, oh well... I guess this would still do :chuckle:

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When you're reading down through a list of songs people have seen, get to one you haven't seen, quietly whisper "cunt" under your breath.


Just me? :LOL:


Pretty much me anytime I read the 'songs you've seen' thread :chuckle:


Usually followed up by an audible 'HA' when I spot something missing that I've got :ninja:


Reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Pokemon when I was in primary school.


You both really need to get a life.

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Bored, copying people again doing arpeggio shit, only been to a small handful of gigs though


1)New Born (Emirates)

2) Dead Star (Academy)

3) Bliss (Park)

4) Reapers (Arena)

5) Dead Inside (Park (with correct effects though))

6) Groove (Academy)

7) Panic Station (Emirates)

8) Hyper Music (Academy)

9) Supermassive Black Hole (Park)

10) Citizen Erased (Arena)

11) Mercy (Park)

12) Time Is Running Out (Academy)

13) Knights of Cyndonia (Emirates)




14) Plug In Baby (Park)

15) JFK (Arena)

16) Stockholm Syndrome (Academy)

17) Survival (Emirates)

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2 from each gig:

1. We Are The Universe + Uprising (London 2009)

2. Map of the Problematique + Township Rebellion riff (Brighton 2015)

3. Supermassive Black Hole (Shepherd's Bush Empire 2013)

4. MK Ultra (Wembley 2010)

5. Uno (Brighton 2015)

6. Citizen Erased (Reading 2011)

7. Space Dementia (Reading 2011)

8. Ruled by Secrecy (Wembley 2010)

9. Falling Down (London 2012)

10. Mercy (London 2016)

11. Reapers (London 2016)

12. Dead Star (Shepherd's Bush Empire 2013)

13. Survival (Emirates 2013)


14. Take a Bow (Wembley 2010)

15. Plug in Baby (London 2009)

16. Knights of Cydonia (London 2012)

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Can someone explain what people mean by Appregio? I have no clue


"An arpeggio is a group of notes which are played one after the other, added either going up or going down. Executing an arpeggio requires the player to play the sounds of a chord individually to differentiate the notes. The notes all belong to one chord. The chord may, for example, be a simple chord with the 1st, (major or minor) 3rd, and 5th notes of the scale in it (this is called a "tonic triad"). An arpeggio in the key of C major going up two octaves would be the notes (C, E, G, C, E, G, C)"


Basically, looks like this http://www.coniferguitar.com/Scales_for_guitar/page9/page11/files/CMajor_arpeggio_6th_1.png


and sounds like this:


or this:


or this;


Basically every Muse song has arpeggios.


EDIT: In Destroyas case, he has been to 4 gigs it seems. So his setlist begins with a song from gig 1, then one from gig 2, one from gig 3, one from gig 4, then he goes backwards. A song from gig 3, a song from gig 2, a song from gig 1, and then back up again.

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Right got it! That's a pretty cool idea actually


Apreggio: (9)


New Born


Map of the Problematique



Micro Cuts

The Handler

Citizen Erased

Feeling Good

Take a Bow



Dead Star

Hyper Music

Stockholm Syndrome


Butterflies & Hurricanes

Time is Running Out


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