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What? Only 26 min? Wasn't it suppose to be 40?


I'm going to assume (and not go too far out on a limb) that this was shortened, and not "live" streamed so they could pick out the best songs out of a bad situation.

Otherwise Agitated would never have made it if they were only showing 5 songs.


Unfortunately if Hysteria and Uprising made that cut, it was a truly bad night. :(

I would, again, assume KoC and Madness sounded worse than the ones they aired.


I've been bitching about Muse's "perfectionism" (overdubbing notes, not releasing things, etc) but in this case it was totally justified.

I would never, ever have wanted people to see this sort of performance of me.

It's not like casual viewers are going to know what's going on.

I'm a bit shocked they showed anything at all.


Also, was it just me, or did the guitar playing sound a bit shit, too? At least in the first bit, I thought he was fucking up all over the place.

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So basically the stream was pretty much exactly as I predicted yesterday :LOL:


No idea why people were expecting Madness or KoC...


Yeah just hearing clips from those I knew there was no way they'd show those live. I was actually more surprised Lithium was skipped.

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I don't dispute that. I was just making the case as to why someone would assume those songs would be a part of the stream, whether or not there were extenuating circumstances.

Quite obvious though. Yes, the popular singles are likely to be showcased. But pretty much everyone in this thread heard what it sounded like, which makes one wonder why they would think Muse would ever want to show that.

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Quite obvious though. Yes, the popular singles are likely to be showcased. But pretty much everyone in this thread heard what it sounded like, which makes one wonder why they would think Muse would ever want to show that.


I agree with you 100%. I'm just playing the devil's advocate here. If there was someone who wasn't looking at/listening to the Instagram and Twitter vids recorded with cellphones, it is only logical to assume that those songs would've been part of the stream.


Again, I don't disagree with you. I'm glad they didn't show those songs. Listening to Hysteria at the start was painful enough.

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