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I'm saying if people that aren't really fans go to a "pop-infested greatest hit gig" that is the music they will expect. They'll certainly be disappointed when Black Holes and Revelations sound nothing like Starlight. They'll be disappointed when Time is Running Out sounds very little like Absolution.

Yes, but what is your point? That this will make the not-so-hardcore-fans leave?

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How could they possibly be more bored of Citizen Erased, a song that appeared maybe 10-15 times throughout the past 3 years vs Plug in Baby or Starlight which was played at every single gig?


I suspect they're bored of all three, but feel more obliged to play the latter

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I wasn't up the front at Leeds or Reading :p Festival crowds are rough! I was a good way back at both. I'm not that hardcore either. I only go to one concert per tour, unlike other people :happy:


Pfft, weak. :phu:


Still though, R/L is hard to gauge anything on. Like someone in here has said, they travelled from Mexico and then we know every Muser from every corner of the UK went there too. I'd say in a crowd of let's say 40k at R/L, probably a good 40%+ were hardcore fans.

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How could they possibly be more bored of Citizen Erased, a song that appeared maybe 10-15 times throughout the past 3 years vs Plug in Baby or Starlight which was played at every single gig?

Citizen Erased has been played loads more than Starlight :erm:


And it was played 10 times in 2011 alone. And that was a slow year for Muse. It was played at least 30-40 times during the TR tour.

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Yes, but what is your point? That this will make the not-so-hardcore-fans leave?


I'm saying if they're trying to be a rock band, they shouldn't pretend to be Coldplay at their shows because when the "not so hardcore fans" buy some of their albums, they're not going to be happy. Better to cater to the people who will actually stick by them than some 12 year old girl that heard Starlight on the radio.

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How could they possibly be more bored of Citizen Erased, a song that appeared maybe 10-15 times throughout the past 3 years vs Plug in Baby or Starlight which was played at every single gig?
Because PiB or Starlight get the entire crowd jumping or singing or clapping and that's what keeps a performer going, no matter how many times they play the bloody song. Well, they're bound to get bored at some point I imagine, but the point still stands. Citizen Erased gets nowhere near that reaction.


Beating the dead hore here. Can't believe I got sucked in to a setlist discussion :vomit:

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Higher Ground is a song that gets played on the radio nowadays despite its oldness. Not the best comparison.


RHCP are radio-friendly in all sense of the word compared to Muse rly


also, old RHCP songs are a lot alike new ones, where as old Muse songs seem massively different than the new stuff. Lotso schisms.


But RHCP are American so they would have a stronger following in the states than in Ireland. I have never heard HG on the radio in 3 years of being a RHCP fan despite requesting it several times. And listen to Sir Psycho Sexy and get back to me on the whole old songs being like the new songs.

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How could they possibly be more bored of Citizen Erased, a song that appeared maybe 10-15 times throughout the past 3 years vs Plug in Baby or Starlight which was played at every single gig?


Like Simon said, it's been played live far more than other songs. PiB/Starlight also consistently get great reactions whereas Citizen Erased is a bit here and there. The quality of a song to us doesn't indicate the quality of a song to non-hardcores.


It's like Idioteque for Radiohead. I remember playing that to my friends once and they literally went "seriously, what the fuck is this". Idioteque was never a single but is like CE for the fact that it's the most famous non-single from the band. We may love it because we've given it time and admired it, but seeing it live, people don't have time to love and admire it.

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I'm saying if they're trying to be a rock band, they shouldn't pretend to be Coldplay at their shows because when the "not so hardcore fans" buy some of their albums, they're not going to be happy. Better to cater to the people who will actually stick by them than some 12 year old girl that heard Starlight on the radio.


What makes you think they're trying to be Coldplay? Coldplay nearly always play more than 20 songs at each gig, and usually play at least one old album track that lots of the audience probably don't know. If Muse were 'being like Coldplay' at their shows then I'm pretty sure there would be a lot less complaining around here.

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