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Kitten Tab Factor 2012: Sunburn Summer edition


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Just a thought, round 4 deadline 20th august, madness comes out 20th august, do people wanna move it back a little bit in case they wanna do Madness, or does no one care?


Well maybe but isn't it allegedly an electronic track?

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Does anyone think it might be better to have the amount of votes allowed increased to 2 or 3? Currently there's one guy that's gotten at least half, if not more, of the votes in these 2 rounds (which is fair enough, they're brilliant covers)... it's just ruining it slightly.


If we had the votes at 2 it'd at least mean that there was a more balanced result, you could see which covers were well recieved etc.


It's just that at the moment it looks like said person's gonna end up winning by an absolutely massive margin :LOL:



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Probably not worth doing for this contest as it's significantly different from the current system but if this takes place again in the future you could always have it so each person nominates their first, second and third favourite tracks. The favourite would be given 3 points, the second gets 2 points and the third gets 1 point. This way people can still acknowledge multiple songs that they've particularly liked whilst still committing to an overall favourite and could also make it a closer competition. Sort of similar to the Eurovision format but without the sequins and electric violins. The only difficulty compared to the current system is that somebody would have to go through the thread and keep track of all the votes as the polling function doesn't support this kind of voting (so far as I know).

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Probably not worth doing for this contest as it's significantly different from the current system but if this takes place again in the future you could always have it so each person nominates their first, second and third favourite tracks. The favourite would be given 3 points, the second gets 2 points and the third gets 1 point. This way people can still acknowledge multiple songs that they've particularly liked whilst still committing to an overall favourite and could also make it a closer competition. Sort of similar to the Eurovision format but without the sequins and electric violins. The only difficulty compared to the current system is that somebody would have to go through the thread and keep track of all the votes as the polling function doesn't support this kind of voting (so far as I know).


We had a points system in the first didn't we? I remember Dom had a huge spreadsheet :LOL:


But yeah, I like that idea, although it is complicated.


Multiple voting does seem fairer to me though (compared to single), for this comp. It'd be good to have that for the last two rounds

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We had a points system in the first didn't we? I remember Dom had a huge spreadsheet :LOL:


But yeah, I like that idea, although it is complicated.


Multiple voting does seem fairer to me though (compared to single), for this comp. It'd be good to have that for the last two rounds


I still have the spreadsheet! Last time, cos we were still trying it out we had two rounds of single voting and two rounds of multiple (max 3) voting.


Personally I found the multiple one best as it made it all seem more popular and gave a more balanced overview of what people thought were the best, rather than just highlighting the very best, but then there were quite a few people who preferred single votes


either way, this summer one is only a fun one, it's the winter one that's the board award isn't it?

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I'd love to have had been able to vote for more than 1 entry :(


However if the system was changed now wouldnt it mess up the comp at this stage?


Yeah there are a couple (bass one mainly) that I feel bad about not voting for, even though I don't think they're the very best. But yeah, too late in the competition, we'll just roll with it, no biggie

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