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ffs, if you love TGP so much then go there instead of posting about it here!


Sorry, I'm sorry. It's just I didn't win the Muse raffle. Feeling angry.


I don't like TGP, I only go there because this forum has been overrun by twitter fiends and hipsters died. I think JT would fit in well with the sort of gear he's always talking about, so I wonder if he ever posts. Simple.


Also, check GG&T :ninja:

Edited by JimboMansonMB-1
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The new Rhodes Artemis. That's production model #1 but the software for the control board is not done yet. It's a new kind of concept for a multi-channel amp, I would need an hour or two to describe it. There will be three A1 has Clean, Crunch and Lead channels. A2 has two Crunches and a lead. A3 has a Crunch and Two Leads. It's a bit misleading because the circuit can rewire itself via relays and everything is switchable via both MIDI PC and CC messages. I love the Colossus but the Artemis suits me a bit better. Kyle and I are talking over some ideas like running KT-88's instead of 6L6's (140 watts).




That's pretty interesting. Do you mean it puts out 140 watts with the 6L6s? I'm guessing it would need six of those in order to do that. How does it sound?


Sounds a bit complicated though. Clean, crunch, and lead is plenty for me.

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A few pictures from the Chicago Gearfest this year. I had to leave really early for a gig so I missed some stuff and the bigger crowd later but it was a cool hang and eye and ear

opening experience.


I really like the Port City Pearl. It's a great amp, very much like my old Fender Bassman. The Rhodes stuff is killer too, as I've been preaching.












PS, One more, stolen from one of the other guys. This is the Rhodes Artemis and you're not cool enough to have one. Bwhaaa haaa haa!




Hey, where was this at?

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Jimbo, no I don't likeTGP much. I was a member of the original PRS forum that it grew out of and I joined TGP when they made the switch, but there are too many jack asses who barely play constantly talking about the gear they bought today and will sell tomorrow. because it doesn't make them sound like Robben Ford.

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tl/dr. If you want pics, they are in the spoiler.


Didn't have much time to take photos this morning (damn exams) but here is my new bass, an Aria SWB-Lite One. Kind of being thrown in the deep end with it, I need it for about 8 songs this weekend so I need to be pitch perfect on it and learn to bow properly. :LOL:


First impressions from band practice last night... I find it's extremely well set up, very tidy, nothing rattling. The finish isn't perfect mainly what appears to be cutting burns on the body and some paint bubbling on the headstock near the truss rod but the fretboard is spot on, no dead spots, flat and nice. Fortunately, this is the most negative thing I have to say about it.


Tonally, It kind of has a sound sitting between a fretless bass and an upright, probably leaning more towards the fretless. By no means is this a bad thing, it is versatile and fits in the mix much better than my other basses. I can get a dub bass sound going whenever I want. :D A plus is that the Fishman piezo pickup sounds amazing and when you dial in a bit of the magnetic pickup, it is heavenly and I actually expected to use the magnetic pickup more than I am. One of the knobs had to be re-orientated though since it was out of line with the others (I am that pedantic :LOL:)


The support bar works just like it should, I guess. No arguments there. I move around a bit anyway so it's not as if I want it firmly planted on my body. The bass does rotate slightly whilst playing but that'll settle down with time, probably just excitement.


Tuners work as they should, very well. The end pin is super easy to adjust and reaches well for all 6ft of me. The strings are okay, not great. Once I get a bow, new strings will be on my to buy list.


So am I happy? Oh god yes. Did it get me laid? Yes, but I think the alcohol helped last night.





Mysterious tent bag?



Nope, my upright bass. Thank god.



Controls and the support bar



Bridge and pickups



Back of the headstock



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New guitar :awesome: Not a clue what the make is, the body is jazzmaster-like but not actually, it's got a Seymour Duncan in the bridge and the other two I don't have a clue :awesome:


Needs some work, but it sounds awesome and all for £150 :awesome: It's got 25 pup combos :facepalm:


Gonna get some better pics at some point :LOL:


edit: Pickguard looks like it doesn't fit here... looks good irl though





Edited by bucket_
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What is it? Looks like it'll make a good partsmaster :D


Basically is! I think the neck's different from what it was originally. not certain though, it's a maple body and that's basically all I know for sure :LOL:


Sounds seriously cool though, and for £150 I'm well happy with it :awesome:


Same guy that brought this brought an Esquire with him tonight, mighty mite fender licensed parts, cost him £200 and it honestly sounds just as good as an actual Fender that'd cost a grand more :LOL:

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The neck, at least, is off a Stagg. Looks as though somebody's pried the nameplate off the headstock.


Edit: Looks like this might be what you have but an older model based on the headstock (seems like they don't use the metal nameplates anymore). The bad news is that Stagg are pretty awful in my experience and a brand new one apparently costs about 20 quid less than you paid (Probably best you don't see the amber version which is even cheaper). The good news I guess is that you got the Duncan pickup for a decent enough price.

Edited by Raurie
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haha good point. How are the effects on it? All I really hear about is the amp simulators


The effects are great, they just slip into the chain as a block, every type of brand and effect is on there.


The A/B blocks are great, 2 amp on one patch, 2 cabs, switch between them both, i have just finished my Recto patch, has a lonestar for the single coil stuff and then Recto red channel for the chuggz, 1980 tubescreamer in the over drive block for some solo boost, i love the thing.


you should really give one a go if you can, i have just started to get my head round mine now.


Edited by sherpa_man
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Jimbo, no I don't likeTGP much. I was a member of the original PRS forum that it grew out of and I joined TGP when they made the switch, but there are too many jack asses who barely play constantly talking about the gear they bought today and will sell tomorrow. because it doesn't make them sound like Robben Ford.


:LOL: Yeah, that's my problem with it as well. It's good for some info and researching things, but really not somewhere I enjoy hanging out...


New guitar :awesome: Not a clue what the make is, the body is jazzmaster-like but not actually, it's got a Seymour Duncan in the bridge and the other two I don't have a clue :awesome:


Needs some work, but it sounds awesome and all for £150 :awesome: It's got 25 pup combos :facepalm:


Gonna get some better pics at some point :LOL:


edit: Pickguard looks like it doesn't fit here... looks good irl though





That's nice...Jimbo Approved :thumbsup:

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The effects are great, they just slip into the chain as a block, every type of brand and effect is on there.


The A/B blocks are great, 2 amp on one patch, 2 cabs, switch between them both, i have just finished my Recto patch, has a lonestar for the single coil stuff and then Recto red channel for the chuggz, 1980 tubescreamer in the over drive block for some solo boost, i love the thing.


you should really give one a go if you can, i have just started to get my head round mine now.


Nice, it lets you customize the amp patches then? Would be interested in hearing that


It's good for some info and researching things


Like that you need to adjust action with the truss rod?

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The neck, at least, is off a Stagg. Looks as though somebody's pried the nameplate off the headstock.


Edit: Looks like this might be what you have but an older model based on the headstock (seems like they don't use the metal nameplates anymore). The bad news is that Stagg are pretty awful in my experience and a brand new one apparently costs about 20 quid less than you paid (Probably best you don't see the amber version which is even cheaper). The good news I guess is that you got the Duncan pickup for a decent enough price.


Ha! Bear in mind with the price that there's a new graphite nut, different pups, and the wiring is completely different.


You've got three switches: usual five way, one 3 way between vol and tone, then a push pull on the tone knob. The 5 switch is standard, but the 3 way gives the option to have parallel or in series in any of the 5 combos. So that's 15 variations already :LOL:


Then you get another 10 from the push pull, which makes the Seymour Duncan's two rails out of phase. Obviously though that only works when both rails are going hence only 10. It's ridiculous, first guitar I've had with a learning curve :LOL:

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Ha! Bear in mind with the price that there's a new graphite nut, different pups, and the wiring is completely different.


You've got three switches: usual five way, one 3 way between vol and tone, then a push pull on the tone knob. The 5 switch is standard, but the 3 way gives the option to have parallel or in series in any of the 5 combos. So that's 15 variations already :LOL:


Then you get another 10 from the push pull, which makes the Seymour Duncan's two rails out of phase. Obviously though that only works when both rails are going hence only 10. It's ridiculous, first guitar I've had with a learning curve :LOL:


So long as you have something you're happy with that's really the important thing. Figured it must've had a bit of work done to it because they really are awful when they're stock models. The Stagg I had when I first started out was a complete dog that only got worse as a result of my tinkering (rather embarrassing to admit but the first time I ever tried changing a set of strings I had no clue what to do and somehow managed to completely remove the tremolo bridge). Think I've still got the body and neck stashed somewhere and if there wasn't some sentimental attachment they'd be long gone. I also knew a guy who owned about 3 of the things including a really nasty BC Rich knockoff and a Les Paul copy that was so badly built that you could bend notes a quarter tone out just by fretting them slightly too hard. Just wanted to make it clear why I have a real dislike of their instruments rather than it just sounding like unfounded snobbery.


Pickup configuration sounds pretty interesting if a bit complicated for my taste. Thought about modding my tele to be able to switch the pickups out of phase before but that's about as much as I think I could get to grips with! :LOL:

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