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You, sir, have no right to facepalm. I live that shit every day.


The scary part is that there are really people like that :eek:


Least you lot probably know how to handle a gun. A few months ago there was a police raid a few houses down because a man was threatening his wife with a shotgun. The police then raided his house and he got shot in the hand


We made BBC news and website :awesome: Almost as infamous as our hit and run. Copthorne is just a town full of badmen

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Yeah this is pretty much why I gave up on digital photography. The near infinite capacity of an SD card just leaves each picture with an air of disposability, whereas with film you pay attention to every little detail to make every shot something special. And the camera doesn't do it all for you like a DSLR, so every photograph has those little unique imperfections that makes them so great.


And I guess thats exactly how I like my music too, with imperfections :happy:


I don't like taking too many shots though, I really prefer my shot to be right first time. That's why I want to get a good prime too: having to move to take a frame rather than zoom is a good thing imho.

However, for band photography it's a real good thing we have digital cameras... it allows to compensate for nooby light techs.

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I was actually waiting for this, didn't think it would be you though. But you see, my camera doesn't do it all for me ;)




Lacks emotion :noey:


I cant stand the automatic modes... Only thing that's automatic is focus.


Yup, it lacks emotion.. wasn't meant to be that style :chuckle:

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I cant stand the automatic modes... Only thing that's automatic is focus.

There will be a switch on/beside the lens that is M/A, and ou can switch to manual with the M setting. Unless your camera isn't as cool as my mum's :phu:


if you close one eye, and hold a finger up a little bit away from the other eye, you can autofocus with your eye lol!


:eek: Where's the A/M switch?

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tis a clean(ish) boost. I made it as an alternative to an mxr microamp, but now i want both :p


wasn't there another version of that boost as well? issue 33, and issue something else i think


cannon and issue 33 in one pedal... :eek:


also, have you ever built a pedal similar to the tone wicker?

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wow, some bollocks being spoken over the weekend


Just because digital recording/photography lets you (attempt to) fix mistakes doesn't mean it's not "real" or un-natural or whatever the fuck you want to call it.


Have you seen the price of decent film and developing? What about the price of tapes for a studio? And buying a working multi-track tape machine?!?! You hipsters must be fucking loaded!

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wow, some bollocks being spoken over the weekend


Just because digital recording/photography lets you (attempt to) fix mistakes doesn't mean it's not "real" or un-natural or whatever the fuck you want to call it.


Have you seen the price of decent film and developing? What about the price of tapes for a studio? And buying a working multi-track tape machine?!?! You hipsters must be fucking loaded!


Oh yay Cheddas here.


I dont think anyones actually saying digital photography is actually shit at all, I'm certainly not. I started out in digital photography, and it wasnt until I actually had a film camera that I found I preferred it.


And the whole 'if you use film you're a hipster' bollocks, I think if any of you were to actually venture into the photography world you would find that film is still an incredibly popular medium used in general by photographers, not just college students who look like they've fallen out of the Topman window. The only reason I ever even wanted to try film photography in the first place was after finding a huge bag filled with my parents old photographs and being amazed by how much morei nteresting they were than the photos I was taking with my digital. But hey, if continuing to use the camera I prefer means I'm a hipster, I will happily start buying my clothes exclusively at Topman.


Oh and Chedda, the bit about being loaded. A decent DSLR, say a Canon 600D for arguments sake, is going to set you back getting on for £500, and that might not even include a lens. A Zenit EM SLR like mine can be picked up on eBay for about a tenner, and I get photographs developed for £8 + a free roll of film. So I appreciate your thoughts and diagnosis of bollocks, but I'll stick with film.


And now to go and listen to The Smiths, read poetry and browse charity shops for the latest trends. I love my life as a dickhead.

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