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lapsteel sides have been thinned down to size. but it doesnt look any different to the last pic so theres not much point in another


holly has binding (not trimmed yet), pickguard cut, neck pocket, neck (no pic yet) and control cavity cut.




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Call me a perfectionist (not a stab at your other work) but should the sweep of the pickguard match the line of the pickup?


I like the pickguard, it echoes the profile of the body.


Also stunning work Hooglebug, I really need to start putting money away for mine (plus it'll give me more time to contemplate making my own zr left-handed ibanez knockoff tremelo).

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yeah, to match the pickup it'd have to be a straight line. that wouldn't look right.

unless you mean the sweep of the pick guard continuing out the top corner of the bridge piece instead of 20mm down it, in which case i think that could be a nice touch.

actually scrap my idea. it wouldn't look right with the shape of the body.

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I really love the more "flowing" look to that compared to a standard tele shape! much like how the shape of a Jazz bass is more flowing and shapey than a P bass which is so squared up and ugly :p


I was also wondering what you would do with the headstock, more often than not, strats/teles just dont look right without a proper strat/tele headstock, but I really like that! it suits the sharper looking horn and curvey body :happy:




Thats made out of the sycamore is it not? what kinda tonal properties does it have?

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no its not. thats just some maple i had left over. iv had it for over a year.


and sycamore is called european maple. so you can imagine what its like


ohhh right :p


Yeah I just did a little search of alternative guitar woods and sycamore was on there, saying how english sycamore is actually a true maple apparently. also said it splits readily?

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does it mean split like develops cracks or splits easily as in its easy to split for boards. its just like maple.


Hmm im not sure just says it "splits readily" which in my mind means it splits in a bad way, as in cracks or splinters, but saying it splits easily for boards does seem to make more sense given that it is listed as a good alternative :LOL:

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i do have some of that red left over.....but im saving that for an aya (strat type)


no replica of JPJ's hangsteel then? :(






Nah that looks great - how do you suppose it'll sound with that wood combo?

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