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hey hooglebug, sorry for not getting back to you, i got let go from work as they want to give me freelance contracts instead as its cheaper.


Ill let you know when i have the cash and ill get you some drawings of something tasty i want :) still want a semi-hollow single-cut but the old lack of funds is severely depressing atm.

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Actually hoogle, I think I have changed my mind :LOL: Considering getting a can of base coat, black and matt clear coat nitro cans is gonna cost about £15 each, so £45, I may aswell have the headstock mirrored then just mirror the front of the body and tru-oil the back of the body of the guitar too. What do you think?

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Hmmm, what about if you just prep the headstock for being mirrored with the 3mm off the top, and, seeing as Im probably gonna get 3 or so A3 sheets of mirror, I might just have a bash at doing it myself. :p So would that still be £275 with nothing on the headstock?

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yes but you'd have to remember that it would be 3mm thinner than normal and you would have to put something on it. so if you get pissed off and dont want to do it the headstock will be too thin


Yeahh I know, But I will have plenty of mirror incase I fail dismally, and cutting it to size isn't a challenge. My mate's got a heat strip so I will probably just borrow that for a day or so and make sure to take my time! :LOL:

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well after many many paint problems its getting there again. still waiting for the body to cure a bit more but the headstocks done. no point having a full pic yet as the boards still taped up waiting for frets to be done.


as the paint was kinda doing it itself anyway, i thought id give it a checked old nitro look.




and this is the back - the other half of my £5 find. not a bad neck for £2.50


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Looks good hooglebug!


Can I ask you a question on the binding though.

When you scrape the paint of the binding, 1: How do you keep it even around the whole body and 2: When the paint is scraped off, there is a small 'ledge' left there from the paint on the body, how do you get it smooth?

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