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It was only a your mum joke :(


Don't worry about it.



Hooglebug, when I was a carpenter, Yeeeears ago, there was a wood that we would get delivered that looked like mahogany but was called something else.

Now don't laugh at my crappy spelling because I never saw the name written down, but it was called Iroka, pronounced Eye-Ro-Ka.

It was half the price of Mahogany, which was why we used to get it in.

Have you ever worked with it?

I used to prefer using that to pine because it was a lot stronger, didn't clog up the bandsaw with so much dust either. (The extractor fan at the workshop was shite.)

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Think you mean Iroko, I really wouldn't recommend using it as dust is known to be calcinogenic.

Ahh, Never knew how it was spelt, I wasn't in charge of orders.

yeah its pretty nasty stuff and too heavy really for guitars. and its a lot brighter than mahogany too, almost maple like so its not really comparable to mahogany. but yes, it is very cheap


Maybe that's why it was cheaper then. I don't remember it being heavy but then we only ever used it for small things like carved boxes and ornate table legs. Anything bigger and we were steered to use the pine.


Have you ever had any major disasters when making a guitar?

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iv still got all my fingers if thats what you mean hehe


no i cant think of anything major. there have been a few little mistakes or accidents that were fixable but iv never had anything massively bad happen.


worst thing thats happened to me is a few cuts and scrapes and wenge dust making my nose bleed. thats about it

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well i just got the purpleheart cos i wanted some - was gonna get some zebrano too but the only decent piece was really badly warped. and the massive sycamore top was cheap so i thought what the hell


the other bits are for something in particular tho



what can the purpleheart be used for? i'm fairly sure i've seen a body made of that.



did they pick the guitar up btw?


only thing thats set me back like that is when a finish has gone wrong. that damn red glittery one i had to refinish about three times. and james' had to be almost refinished


yeah, though it wasn't actually the color - just the clear coat?

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what can the purpleheart be used for? i'm fairly sure i've seen a body made of that.



did they pick the guitar up btw?




yeah, though it wasn't actually the color - just the clear coat?


i'll use it for tops, most likely a bass or two. im not too keen on it for guitars for some reason.


and no they bloody havent! iv been waiting in all day damn it!


and yes, just the clear coat

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i'll use it for tops, most likely a bass or two. im not too keen on it for guitars for some reason.


and no they bloody havent! iv been waiting in all day damn it!


and yes, just the clear coat


you're dealing with fedex directly right? I know certain resellers or whatever you call them can be like that with pickup. maybe give them a call.


i'd assume you'd go for a natural finish with that type of wood? unless it has some sort of tonal quality that isn't found in other woods?

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still haven't picked it up? tracking doesn't say they did anyway


what sort of tonality does purpleheart have? i suppose if you're using it for the top though it'll sound like ... well i'm not sure.



but then again, play an all mahogany LP and a mahogany/maple LP side by side and you could probably hear a difference.

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nope. im quite annoyed. stayed in all day waiting when i could have been getting things done. and now i'll have to wait all day tomorrow too. before getting very angry with them


still haven't picked it up? tracking doesn't say they did anyway


what sort of tonality does purpleheart have? i suppose if you're using it for the top though it'll sound like ... well i'm not sure.



but then again, play an all mahogany LP and a mahogany/maple LP side by side and you could probably hear a difference.

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